Conservative Tennessee Lawmaker Introduces Resolution Calling For Tennesseans To Fast And Pray

Conservative Tennessee Lawmaker Introduces Resolution Calling For Tennesseans To Fast And Pray

Conservative Tennessee Lawmaker Introduces Resolution Calling For Tennesseans To Fast And Pray

Image: Rep. Monty Fritts at reading of HJR803 in Nashville, July 2024. Image Credit: Sheldon Livesay / YouTube

The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –

A Conservative lawmaker has introduced a resolution to designate the upcoming month of July as a time of prayer and fasting in Tennessee with the intention of seeking “God’s hand of mercy and healing on Tennessee.”

Representative Monty Fritts (R-Kingston-District 32) is sponsoring House Joint Resolution 0051 (HJR0051) along with fellow Representatives Jody Barrett (R-Dickson-District 69), Scott Cepicky (R-Culleoka-District 64), and Todd Warner (R-Chapel Hill-District 92).

Modeled after national and state founders who trusted in “the omnipotent hand of Providence to bless our land and to guide their actions” the resolution is similar to House Joint Resolution 803 that Fritts introduced last year at the 113th General Assembly which called the state into a time of prayer and fasting for the entire month of July.

HJR803 had 29 sponsors in the House, and 12 in the Senate. It passed both chambers with 82 state representatives voting for it in the House, and 27 senators voting in the affirmative a month later. It was signed by Governor Bill Lee on April 16th, 2024.

Fritts, who traveled to all 95 counties within the state last July to meet with Tennesseans as they prayed, spoke to The Tennessee Conservative yesterday about this year’s resolution.

“This should be for those physically able and spiritually inclined, an every year thing. Collectively and sincerely asking for His blessing is the right thing to do,” explained Fritts who personally found last year’s effort to be “a tremendous experience.”

“I am convinced we cannot legislate nor budget ourselves out of the hole we are in. We need His hand of blessing,” said Fritts. “Our resolution is in alignment with the Founders and Framers seeking Almighty God’s hand upon our nation.”

Recognizing that the nation, and the state of Tennessee, was established by founders whose Judeo-Christian values are outlined in the Bible, the resolution affirms the concept that “governments are established by God to protect the rights of the individual and the teachings to ‘do unto others as we would have them do unto us’ and to love our neighbors as ourselves.” From this, comes the Tennessee Volunteer spirit.

The resolution then states that “only a continued commitment and adherence to these values and the laws of Nature and Nature’s God, coupled with a dedication to our Constitution, can thwart the forthcoming attacks against our Tennessee way of life.”

Several areas of focus for prayer are listed including:

• Exposing, resisting, and removing corruption from all levels of government.

• The unacceptable evil of human trafficking (slavery).

• Acts of criminal violence in Tennessee communities.

• Drug and alcohol addiction.

• The restoration and strengthening of families within the state.

• The sanctity of life.

The resolution asks for the period of July 1st through July 31st be set aside as a time of prayer and fasting annually in Tennessee.

Acknowledging “our sins and shortcomings” both individually, and as a state, the document asks for God’s forgiveness, and for “the Holy Spirit to move within the halls of government, our classrooms, our businesses, our places of worship, and our homes, bringing peace, hope, love, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, temperance, forbearance, and joy.”

About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at

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