Published January 28, 2021
Hamilton County, TN – New feedback from medical professionals has led the Hamilton County School District to update their reopening plan to include the addition of grades 4 and 5 to the K-3 Phase 2 schedule.
Beginning February 1st, Hamilton County Schools will shift to the Phase 2 schedule due to the current five-day average presented on the Phase Tracker.
As of January 26th, the Phase Tracker data shows that Active COVID-19 cases have trended downward to 2,684 active cases or 0.73%.
With the new inclusion of grades 4 and 5 in the K-3 bracket, the Phase 2 Schedule is updated as follows:
• K-5 Students are on Campus Four Days Per Week, Wednesday will be the remote learning day.
• 6-12 Students are to follow a A/B Hybrid Learning Schedule and attend school in-person two days a week.
According to HCS, if the district remains in Phase 2 for the week of February 8th, grades 6-8 will be added to the four days per week in-person Phase 2 schedule going forward, based on the guidance of medical professionals.
Grades 9-12 will remain on the A/B hybrid schedule during Phase 2.
The district will officially announce the phase for the week of February 8th next Tuesday, February 2nd.
HCS states that the School Reopening Task Force will be actively reviewing the situation in the coming weeks, and will consider additional adjustments to their reopening plan as needed, potentially including in-person learning five-days per week for K-5 during Phase 2.