Jefferson County Republican Party Makes Resolution Against “Red Flag” Gun Laws

Jefferson County Republican Party Makes Resolution Against “Red Flag” Gun Laws

Jefferson County Republican Party Makes Resolution Against “Red Flag” Gun Laws

Other Boards Urged to Follow Suit

Image Credit: Jefferson County Republicans (TN) / Facebook

By David Seal [Special to The Tennessee Conservative] –

With storm clouds brewing in Nashville for additional gun control laws, the Jefferson County Republican Party Executive Committee made a resolution strongly urging the Tennessee legislature to reject so-called “red flag” gun laws that would deprive a law-abiding citizen of their God-given right of self-defense and gun ownership.

The resolution begins with the text of Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, citations of Supreme Court cases that demonstrate incorporation of the Second Amendment against the states and another case that guarantees the right of an “individual citizen” to keep and bear arms, ending with a set of specific recommendations to state legislators. One section asserts that depriving a person of their property based on “presumptions, accusations, or a prediction of future behavior” violates the due process doctrine while another section suggests that existing gun laws should be utilized to deprive violent criminals of their ability to do harm.

We hope our resolution will be carefully considered by state legislators as they face pressure from liberals to infringe on the God-given rights of law-abiding citizens to self-defense. Our local Jefferson County Republican Party encourages other CEC’s and governing boards across the state to use our resolution as a template for their own communication with lawmakers.” – Said Shonda Griffin, 1st Vice-Chair, Jefferson County Republican Party

In 2019, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of Dandridge declared the town to be a sanctuary city for gun ownership. Jefferson County Commission made the same declaration for the county. Gun Sanctuary Town Declared By Dandridge Board Of Mayor and Aldermen | The Jefferson County Post

A signed copy of the Jefferson County Republican Party Resolution is pictured below.

*Note: This article first appeared in The Jefferson County Post. Submitted for publication on The Tennessee Conservative by the author.

About the Author: David Seal is a retired Jefferson County educator, recognized artist, local businessman,
917 Society Volunteer, and current Chairman of the Jefferson County Republican Party. He has also served Jefferson County as a County Commissioner and is a lobbyist for the people on issues such as eminent domain, property rights, education, and broadband accessibility on the state level.

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4 Responses

  1. The laws passed already were supposed to protect us from the wrong people buying firearms, if the government and law enforcement would do their jobs and thoroughly screen potential buyers many crimes could be avoided. These Red Flag laws are like laws in passed in Nazi Germany and are unconstitutional. There should be established enough waiting time for buyers to be checked out toughly as the law was intended. In almost every case of a mass shooting we find the suspect to have been in trouble with the law before but are ignored by law enforcement or slapped on the hand by judges who could at that time restrict their right to buy permanently, or until they are shown to be mature respectable citizens, this would be constitutional. We were sold a bill of goods about what background checks would do to stop criminals and mentally ill people from buying firearms. When the politicians wanted these laws voted in, they were sold to us as the answer to preventing the wrong people from buying guns. That is one of the problems with laws they are frequently changed or watered down by politicians running for office and not used for the intended purpose. Being real though government is not good at spending tax money for what they claim it will be used for. Instead of telling us they are not willing to spend our tax dollars to hire enough good law enforcement officers to do the job given them, they had rather take away more of our freedoms to keep the money for pet projects, extravagant expenditures and trips. All of the money captured in drug operations, we never see an accounting of where that money goes though laws allow authorities to keep part if not all of it. This money in my opinion should be used to hire more law enforcement not to buy seldom used toys. Government has admitted they hardly enforce traffic laws anymore due to not enough police officers. The Tennessee roads were not long ago something to be proud of, now they are terrible, our gas tax has been increased so the money is there. But these politicians we have voted into office are too busy buying donations to their reelection campaigns by building walking tracks and bike paths in the more well to do neighborhoods, and don’t care what the money was actually for. They hire companies to build and repair some roads, but there is no quality control, so it become another job for later. Our young are now known for their excuses instead on accomplishments. They are paying attention and have learned it from our politicians. Government no longer cares about right or wrong they make allowances for every group crying discrimination while law abiding citizens pay the price. We need to find leaders that care about our country, state, and citizens, that keep their campaign promises instead of caving in to screaming organized groups paid for by people who wish to ruin our country and change America to just a small part in a one world government. When we elect a man who says he follows God, we voted for him because we expect him to follow that claim and do what is right not what is popular with the squeaking wheel.

  2. Relying on mental health professionals to prevent anything is a mistake. Look at how many of their theories are based on quackery and look at the mistakes that result. For example, look at their support for GLBTQ agendas that harm young people. The only real solution is to arm school teachers and staff in addition to School Resource Officers. The Nashville shooter chose a school with no armed security and bypassed a school with armed security. There has not been a successful terrorist attack on a school in Israel since 1974 because teachers and staff are armed. School shootings in America are possible because of Democrat social engineering in the form of gun-free zones that attract evil people. Legislation can’t fix evil, but it can remove some of the factors that make evil succeed.

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