Joe Williams Invokes Ghost of Chicago Mayor Daley In Race For Williamson County Commissioner; Bill Petty Focuses On Issues

Joe Williams Invokes Ghost of Chicago Mayor Daley In Race For Williamson County Commissioner; Bill Petty Focuses On Issues

Joe Williams Invokes Ghost of Chicago Mayor Daley In Race For Williamson County Commissioner; Bill Petty Focuses On Issues

Image Credit: Joe T. Williams / Facebook &

By Don Beehler [contributor to The Tennessee Conservative] –

On August 19, a few days after then-Republican Joe T. Williams announced his candidacy as an Independent for Williamson County Commissioner in District 10, I released a statement on behalf of Republican nominee Bill Petty’s campaign indicating that we were looking forward to learning more about Mr. Williams’ qualifications for this position, his knowledge of the issues and his approach to solving the many challenges our county faces. We’re still waiting. 

Mr. Williams’ website focuses on vague attacks and feel-good language not unlike Kamala Harris’ “Joy” campaign. He touts “civil debate,” “common sense for common ground,” and “decisions that work for everyone,” while at the same time demeaning those who express a perspective that differs from his as “the fanatical fringes” who spew “fanatical rantings.” 


How does such pejorative language create a path for civil discourse and unity in our community?

One of the reasons I joined Bill Petty’s campaign as a volunteer is because early on I saw that he not only is extremely well informed and knowledgable about local issues, but he also is a man of tremendous integrity who respectfully listens to other points of view, communicates well and has the relational skills to collaborate effectively with citizens and public officials alike in finding workable solutions.

We believe Mr. Williams is a good man, which is why some of his statements are so disappointing — if not downright amusing. Take, for example, the assertion on his website that his campaign “will face the best organized, well-oiled machine with unlimited financial resources since Mayor Daly [sic] in Chicago.” 

Unlimited financial resources? We wish. A well-oiled machine? Hardly.

While as the Republican nominee Mr. Petty is supported by the Williamson County GOP, the core of his team is simply a highly motivated group of local volunteers. The ghost of Chicago’s Mayor Daley operating behind the scenes in District 10? Please. 

We can only imagine what other preposterous claims may come out of the Joe Williams’ campaign in the weeks ahead. Perhaps that’s why he wrote, “Got your popcorn ready?” on Facebook when announcing his candidacy. While Mr. Williams entertains us, Bill Petty will continue to focus on the issues.

Those of us who volunteer our time for Mr. Petty’s grassroots campaign care deeply about our community and its quality of life. We are concerned about the county’s $1.5 billion debt and the hidden costs that untamed growth has on our quality of life. 

We believe in supporting parental rights, protecting children from harmful influences and being respectful toward people with other points of view. We want to ensure our public schools are responsibly funded to achieve the best outcome for students. And we seek to protect our liberties and hold government accountable. 

District 10 Republicans nominated Bill Petty by a 2-1 margin over a well-established and well-connected candidate. As a county commissioner, Mr. Petty will bring workable solutions to real-life challenges. He will be a careful and responsible steward of taxpayer dollars; he’ll treat others fairly and respectfully; and he’ll always be mindful of how today’s decisions will impact Williamson County’s future. 

Common sense says he’s the best candidate for county commissioner in District 10. 

About the Author: Don Beehler is a spokesman for Bill Petty’s D10 Williamson County Commissioner Campaign.

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3 Responses

  1. Right on, Mr. Beehler….Mr. Petty IS the right man for the job. And, I concur that Joe Williams is a good guy, and one that has been very successful, in fact one of the best on his chosen career. I’ve known Joe most of my life, and I too am disappointed that he is using DIVISIVE DIATRIBE and political rhetoric in his campaign. Can you imagine what would happen if Joe were to use this kind of disrespect when referring to fans of a competing race car driver or football team? Really Joe? Your political rhetoric exposes those to whom you’ve been listening to – the elite ruling class of Williamson County (you know who you are and so do we!). He certainly has NOT been listening to the ‘everyday’ citizens of Williamson County, most of whom just want the truth. In his sports casting career Joe would NOT have been anywhere near as successful, if he were to make a habit of ‘disrespectful’ rhetoric for the fans of racing or football! Why does he think he’ll be successful using this horrible rhetoric in the political arena? Because he is listening to the powerful, elite ruling class, power hungry politicians and bureaucrats, who very much like the ‘status quo’, not the truth! And, they do NOT want to face ‘accountability’ from the likes of Bill Petty. The voters of the 10th District would do well to reject Joe Williams’ politician rhetoric and vote for accountability that Bill Petty will bring.

  2. This is an excellent comparison of the two candidates that affirms how strong Bill Petty will be as our District 10 County Commissioner on the Williamson County Commission. There’s no doubt, Bill is engaged, qualified and trustworthy. He has been following the county commission, the election commission, the county school board and Franklin Board of Mayor and Aldermen for well over a year and sharing his observations and recommendations with the commissions and constituents throughout the county. (Williamson Countians can subscribe to his weekly “Friday Recap” at his website: [].) Almost as if he’s been preparing for this very job. I don’t know Joe, but there’s no question in my mind Bill would be a perfect selection for the District 10 job.

  3. Bill Petty is NOT part of the Williamson County Political Machine, but I think his opponent is. The Machine has said they are mad at the Williamson GOP for “interfering”. The Machine will coordinate with the Dems and is in favor of Dems voting in Republican primaries. They are true RINO’s.
    They are clever and devious – that’s why they try to claim Bill Petty is part of a Political Machine – that is a lie.
    Petty is a Good Guy. The Political Machine is run by Bad Guys.
    The Machine has doubled the County Debt in 5 years and it will be $1.5 Billion – the 2nd highest in TN. They spend money like Drunken Sailors.
    There’s an article with more about the Williamson County Political Machine at >

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