Why Does The Williamson County Political Machine Want To Build The Most Expensive Jail In Tennessee In A Blasting Zone?

Why Does The Williamson County Political Machine Want To Build The Most Expensive Jail In Tennessee In A Blasting Zone?

Why Does The Williamson County Political Machine Want To Build The Most Expensive Jail In Tennessee In A Blasting Zone?

Image Credit: Gresham Smith / Pulitzer Bogard & Associates LLC via williamsoncounty-tn.gov

Submitted by David Huddleston –

If you’re in Williamson County, you should be very interested in this. But even if you aren’t, this can help you determine if there’s a Political Machine in your county.

A political machine is about power and “back-scratching”, and decisions are based on self-interests, not what’s best for the public interest. They can be very devious, smile at you, and pretend to be “nice guys”.

Unless you’re an Insider, they’ll never admit there’s a Machine. They will mislead you and lie to you. If you have to deal with them, demand proof of what they say – if they can’t provide proof, assume they’re lying.

I’m convinced there’s a Political Machine in Williamson County and I believe everything I’ve written here is true. What they are planning to do is so foolish, wasteful, and indefensible that it’s a great campaign issue that I hope can be used to defeat them. Below is an example of what can happen if a Political Machine runs your county.

In my county the Political Machine are RINO’s. For a while they controlled the Williamson County Republican Party.

In April 2023, there was a revolt and new GOP officers were elected. I’ve heard the Machine is upset because the new officers are honest conservatives who are trying to do the right thing and don’t take orders from the Political Machine. I’ve heard the Machine is going to try to re-take control of the County GOP.

One of the first things everyone should do is try to figure out if your local government is controlled by a Political Machine, and if it is, who’s in it, and who’s benefiting.

If you meet a politician or wannabe politician, ask them “Are you part of the Political Machine” and watch their face carefully. You’ll be able to tell from their reaction if they’re in it.

If they say “There isn’t a Political Machine”, be suspicious. Watch where the money goes and who gets contracts – the Machine rewards their friends and hires people who will do as they are told. They can be very smart and sneaky. When they do something, think about what their motivation might be.

In my county I found out about the Political Machine by accident. In hindsight, I was naive but it was unexpected and they cover their tracks well.

I have a degree in Public Policy Analysis and in October 2023 I was asked to study a proposed $325 million project (now up to $340 million). I studied it for months and it didn’t make sense.

Finally, I realized that the “weird”, illogical things made sense if there was a secret motivation. The $340 million project is summarized below. I don’t have any political ambitions.

Tip # 1 > Don’t trust anyone who’s part of a Political Machine. If they can’t provide proof that what they say is true, assume they’re lying.

Tip # 2 > Pay your commissioners enough to make it worth their while. In Williamson they’re only paid $600 per month. I think that’s intentional to discourage most people from wanting to be a Commissioner.

Tip # 3 > If the Machine hires “experts”, ask who they’re friends with and who hired them. That can be a clever tactic.

They now say the proposed Williamson County Adult Jail and Juvenile Justice Center (“JJC”) will cost $340 million. I think adequate facilities can be built for $140 million, but the Mayor and most of the Commissioners seem determined to waste $200 million and to build in a Double Blasting Zone.

Here are some things all Williamson taxpayers need to know.

# 1 – There’s NO Factual Justification for building larger facilities – the proposed Adult Jail is 3 times larger and the proposed JJC is 8 times larger – that’s ridiculous. A June 2024 Report said since 2014 the Adult Jail Average Population has decreased from 400 to 300, and that’s in spite of them having Regional Stings to lure Criminals and Child Predators from other counties to Williamson County (I have proof) and renting beds to other Counties. The JJC “population” is only 7 and is only projected to increase to 9, and the Case Filings haven’t increased since 2019. They estimate those Oversized, Luxury Facilities will cost $340 million. The point is that adequate Facilities that meet the current need can be built for $140 Million AND can be built so they can be expanded (see # 11 below for details). That will save $200 million. NO ONE builds for “30 year Projections” – that’s dumb.

# 2 – They want to build the most expensive Jail ever built in TN. Even more than Memphis and Nashville. Weird since Williamson County has an A+ Crime Rating. And the County debt will then be over $1.5 Billion, the second highest in TN.

# 3 – And it will require a big property tax increase.

# 4 – Don’t be surprised if the cost increases. These are the same geniuses who want to build in a Double Blasting Zone but didn’t even get a Seismic Study (they just ordered one). I’ll bet the cost of making the buildings Blast Proof isn’t included in the estimate.

# 5 – They’re using 30 year “Projections”. That’s ridiculous. No one does that because 30 years is a very long time. Build for the current need or 5 years and design the buildings so they can be expanded.

# 6 – Mental Health Beds > The June report says the Adult Jail wants 102 “Mental Health Beds”. I’ve been told they can get big payments from the State and other counties for “Mental Health Beds”. What other reason can there be? That would be a Regional Facility.

# 7 – They use the Scare Tactic that “delaying any longer will increase costs even more”. But I’ve read that commercial construction costs are dropping and that makes sense because office building construction has declined by 80%. The costs are so high because they want to build buildings that are MUCH larger than are justified (see # 1 above). Properly sized buildings can be built for $140 million (see # 1 above and # 11 below), saving $200 million. They want an Oversized, Luxury Jail and JJC.

# 8 – There’s no doubt that the existing building has been damaged by blasting and at the August 21 meeting, 2 homeowners testified that their nearby homes have been damaged. Apparently, the Mayor knew the Jail building has been damaged by blasting from the Rock Quarry but wants to build $340 million of new buildings in the same location, and wanted to go ahead without a Seismic Study? And in 2023, the Mayor signed a Lease to allow blasting on County-owned land that is immediately adjacent to the Jail. How does that make any sense? Now there are Blasting Zones on 2 sides – it’s in a “Double Blasting Zone”. This is either incredibly stupid or fishy.

# 9 – They Claim “It can’t be built anywhere else” except in the Double Blasting Zone, but that isn’t true.

# 10 – The Mayor says his “expert” says the buildings can be safely built in the Double Blasting Zone. Will his “expert” guarantee there won’t be damage? If there’s damage, will his “expert” pay for it? How much extra will it cost to make the buildings Blast Proof? 

# 11 – I’m convinced that properly-sized Facilities can be built for $140 million. Here’s how >  The Adult Jail can be 10% larger (120,000 SF), the Sheriff’s Office can be twice as large (40,000 SF), the Juvenile Justice Center (“JJC”) can be twice as large (28,000 SF), and the Alternative Learning Center (“ALC”) can be 4 times larger (20,000 SF) = a Total of 208,000 SF.

In the June 2024 Report they proposed a 335,600 SF Adult Jail, a 70,600 SF Sheriff’s Office, a 117,400 SF JJC, and a 32,500 SF ALC  = 556,100 SF.

208,000 SF is 37.4% of 556,100 SF and 37.4% of $340 million is $127 million, even in the Double Blasting Zone and for Luxury Buildings.

# 12 – People move to Williamson County for the schools, not for the Jail.

# 13 – About $200 million of the County’s debt is “Hospital Debt”. It’s supposed to be paid back by Hospital Revenues, but those revenues will be greatly reduced by a 300,000 SF “Clinic” and a new hospital that are being built near the Williamson Hospital. Will the Hospital still be able to pay the Debt Service?  That risk needs to be considered before spending $340 million.

# 14 – I’m part of a group named Williamson County Citizens for Good Government that’s going to try to defeat any Commissioner who votes to spend a total of more than $140 million on these buildings.

# 15 – This is a perfect Campaign Issue because it’s outrageous, is going to cause a big Property Tax Increase, and is indefensible. I think the Rubber Stamps on the Commission are going to approve spending $340 million, so let’s encourage people to run for the County Commission.

A poll shows that only 14% of Voters are in favor of spending $325 million and a Property Tax increase.

# 16 – I think this proposed project is Fishy. What do you think? Any tips for fighting the Political Machine are appreciated. I wonder if Term Limits would prevent this?

# 17 – Warning to the Political Machine > I know a lot more than is written here. If you come after me, I’ll publish things you don’t want people to know. I encourage everyone to read the articles linked below about Connie Reguli’s $520 million lawsuit – they explain a lot.

Links to 3 articles that are relevant > 

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One Response

  1. Update > I’ve been told the Budget Committee voted last night to recommend spending $343 million on the Jail and Juvenile Center in the Double Blasting Zone. Voting “Yes” were David O’Neil, Judy Herbert, Meghan Guffee (related to the Judge), and the Mayor.

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