Red States See Higher Illegal Immigrant Populations, Tennessee Tops The Charts

Red States See Higher Illegal Immigrant Populations, Tennessee Tops The Charts

Red States See Higher Illegal Immigrant Populations, Tennessee Tops The Charts

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The Tennessee Conservative [By Olivia Lupia] –

According to data analysis by The Telegraph, the number of migrants has increased in Republican-led states by 33% from 11.1 million to 14.8 million since 2010, while Democrat state statistics have only risen 11.5%. The report claims that more than one in ten people living in red states are foreign-born.

Tennessee, South Carolina, and North Dakota were noted as the three states seeing the most notable changes. Tennessee has recorded a roughly 50% increase in the influx of migrants over the last 14 years while North & South Carolina report growth at 40 and 45%, respectively.

Census data shows migrant growth particularly in swing states, with many seeing their foreign-born populations skyrocket by almost 30%. Some states, like North & South Dakota, claim an almost 80% increase, elevating migrants from a small fraction of the population to carrying significant weight. 

Ohio has also witnessed this surge, a notable example being the population of Springfield, once approximately 60,000, which was then increased by almost 33% with the addition of nearly 20,000 Haitian migrants due to the Biden administration’s border and refugee policies. 

In other states with higher immigration rates, like Texas and Georgia, certain counties have seen growth at disproportionate rates, with some Texas counties reporting migrant growth at over four times the national average.

By contrast, large Democrat states like California and New York, though still hosting large numbers of migrants, are experiencing more moderated growth, seeing only approximately 5% migrant population increases, which seems almost miniscule in comparison to the other Republican regions.

Reportedly, Democrat states continue to be home to higher proportions of immigrants overall, but Republican-controlled areas of those states are experiencing the most growth. The report purports that these statistics can be directly linked to notably lax border security resulting in historically high illegal crossings.

In 2022 alone, the largest increase of illegal migrants in 20 years was seen with 1.6 million additional crossings. The statistics for 2023 and 2024 are estimated to be equivalent or higher.

Illegal immigration has been a hot button topic in Tennessee, with public cries for action from the state legislature gaining traction.

Representative Gino Bulso (R- Brentwood- District 61) is the only lawmaker at this juncture who has publicly announced plans to present legislation combatting illegal immigration at the state level during the upcoming legislative session.

Olivia Lupia is a political refugee from Colorado who now calls Tennessee home. A proud follower of Christ, she views all political happenings through a Biblical lens and aims to utilize her knowledge and experience to educate and equip others. Olivia is an outspoken conservative who has run for local office, managed campaigns, and been highly involved with state & local GOPs, state legislatures, and other grassroots organizations and movements. Olivia can be reached at

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