Tennessee State Representative Rusty Grills Running For Reelection: A Look At His Voting Record

Representative Rusty Grills (R- Newbern-District 77) Is Running For Reelection This Year And Faces A GOP Challenger In The Upcoming Primary Election. Here Is A Non-Exhaustive But Detailed Look At Rep. Grills’ Voting Record Over The Last Several Years.

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Conservative State Representative John Ragan Running For Reelection: A Look At His Voting Record

Representative John Ragan (R-Oak Ridge-District 33) Is Running For Reelection In The Republican Primary Slated For August 1st, 2024. Ragan Faces A Republican Challenger In The Primary. Here, We Offer A Deeper Look At Ragan’s Record While Serving In The Tennessee State House.

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Conservative State Representative Todd Warner Running For Reelection: A Look At His Voting Record

Representative Todd Warner (R-Chapel Hill-District 92) Is Running For Reelection This Year. Throughout His Tenure, Warner Has Been A Major Proponent Of Legislation That Protects Children And Parental Rights, As Well As Legislation That Aims To Deter Illegal Immigrants From Setting Up Shop In Tennessee. Here Is A Detailed Look At Rep. Warner’s Voting Record From The Last Several Years.

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Ron Travis Running For Reelection: A Look At His Voting Record

Rep. Ron Travis (R-Dayton-District 31) Has Been In Office Since 2012 And Is Facing A GOP Challenger As He Runs For Reelection In 2024. While Rep. Travis Has Voted In A Conservative Manner On Many Bills, He Also Seems To Have A Tendency Of “Going Along To Get Along” When It Comes To The Majority Of GOP Bills That Make It To The House Floor, Voting In Favor Of Them Whether They Are Conservative Pieces Of Legislation Or Not.

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Haile Ignored By 2nd Amendment Groups – “Saying You Support Egg Freedom Doesn’t Make You A Chicken”

Republican Candidates For Statewide Office Often Boast Of Their Allegiance To The 2nd Amendment And Pledge To Support It With Everything They’ve Got. Senator Haile’s Republican Challenger, Chris Spencer Remarked “Unfortunately For Ferrell Haile, He Has Refused To Lift A Finger In The Past Decade To Do Anything Of Substance To Secure These Rights For Tennesseans.”

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Governor Lee Signs Law Preventing Red Flag Gun Laws In Tennessee

Governor Bill Lee Signed A New Law On Tuesday That Prevents Cities And Municipalities In Tennessee From Creating Or Enforcing Red Flag Gun Laws.

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John Gillespie Running For Reelection: A Look At His Voting Record

Representative John Gillespie (R-Memphis-District 97) Is Running For Re-Election And Is On The Ballot In The Republican Primary. Has Gillespie Been A Fighter For Conservative Values During The Last Four Years? Read The Tennessee Conservative’s Analysis Of Gillespie’s Voting Record And Decide If He Deserves A Second Term In Office.

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Patsy Hazlewood Running For Reelection: A Look At Her Voting Record

Representative Patsy Hazlewood (R-Signal Mountain-District 27) Is Running For Reelection In 2024. A Look At Her Recent Voting Record Shows That While She Is A Republican, She Is Far From Being A True Conservative.

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