CDC Pushing For DEI & Gender Transitioning In Schools

WSCC What Is It? How Does It Affect Our Lives? How Does It Affect Our Children’s Lives? Who Runs It? Who Funds It? All Questions I Asked Myself At The Onset Of This Story And The Answers Are Unfortunately Not Good For The Future Of Tennesseans Or Public (Government) Schools, But The Ending Has Not Yet Been Set.

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How Tennessee Schools Are Spending Federal Funds & Why There Is Opposition To Rejecting Federal Money

Democrat Lawmakers And Many Of Tennessee’s School Districts Are Not In Favor Of Sexton And McNally’s Task Force That Aims To Study The Impact That Rejecting Federal Funding Might Have On The State’s Education System. Why The Opposition? Get Ready To Follow The Money.

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Tennessee Opioid Dispense Rates Exceed National Averages

In Most Of Tennessee, The Dispensing Rate Of Opioids Was Significantly Higher Than The National Average. Tennessee’s Average Dispense Rate Was 68.5 Per 100 People, Compared To 43.3 Nationally.

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Discrimination Against Unvaccinated Individuals In Tennessee: Transitional Care Centers, Non-Profit Organizations & More

It Has Been Almost Three Years Since The mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines Were First Authorized For Emergency Use By The Centers For Disease Control (CDC) And Tennesseans Are Still Sharing Their Stories Of Medical Discrimination In Hopes That They Will Actually Be Heard.

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Social Media Censorship Case May Go To Supreme Court

The White House Has Less Than One Week To Decide Whether It Will Appeal To The U.S. Supreme Court A Recent Ruling That The Biden Administration Overstepped Its Bounds In Working To Censor Americans’ Social Media Posts.

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Tennessee Taxpayers To Pay Legal Fees For Plaintiffs Who Attempted To Force All Students Into Masks

Shortly After A Lawsuit Was Filed By 8 Families Saying That Parents Being Able To Make The Choice Whether To Send Their Children To School Without Masks Was A Violation Of Their Rights, A New Tennessee Law Was Passed That Effectively Made Their Case Moot. However, The Legal Fees Associated With Their Case Didn’t Disappear And A Court Has Ruled That Taxpayers Are Now Responsible For Covering Them.

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