Jefferson County, Tennessee GOP Chairman Calls For State And National Response To Trump Assassination Attempt

David Seal, Chairman Of The Jefferson County TN Republican Party, Challenges Fellow Republican Chairs And State Republican Organizations Across The Country To Act In Getting The Vote Out In Response To The Attempted Assassination. “Do Not Believe For A Minute That You Can Not Make A Difference In The Aftermath Of The Recent Assassination Attempt On Former President Donald Trump.”

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Tennessee Legislature Reforms Eminent Domain Code To Protect Property Rights

Two Bills That Significantly Limit The Power Of Government In Tennessee To Forcefully Take Property By Eminent Domain Have Been Signed Into Law By Governor Lee. Jefferson County’s State Legislative Delegation Was Key To The Process.

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Boys Pitted Against Girls At East Tennessee Elementary School Track And Field Event

Parents Noticed Something A Little Different At The Recent Track And Field Event At New Market Elementary School In Jefferson County. For Decades The Annual Event Has Been A Favorite Of Parents, Students, And Teachers To End The School Year On A Positive Note. However, In At Least Two Of The Sports, Namely Softball Throw And 50-Yard Sprint, Parents Report That Boys Were Pitted Against Girls.

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Adverse Student Behavior, Unpunished Bullying, School Inaction Forging Path For School Vouchers / Public School Exodus (4th In A Series)

Some Of The Reported Reasons For Tennessee School Vouchers Receiving Support And Moving Forward And The Exodus Of Children From Public Schools Include Adverse Student Behavior On School Buses, Unpunished Bullies And Lack Of Action By School Administrators.

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Consequences Of Unchecked And Unlawful Immigration, Rally Scheduled At Tennessee Capitol

It Is Past Time That We Face The Reality That Millions Of Unlawful Immigrants Flooding Into The United States Are Dramatically Increasing The Cost Of Doing Business For Government, Individuals, And Private Industry, Namely Increased Costs In Health Care, Education, And Law Enforcement.
Certain Unvetted Immigrants Pose A Safety Threat To Americans With Behavioral Risk Factors Ranging From Terrorism To Fentanyl Distribution.
We Must Call Attention To The Immigration Issue For The Nation And Our State And Create Solutions.

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Fear Of Retribution, Teacher Discontent, And Liberal Practices Paving Way For Education Savings Accounts And Public School Exodus

Parents Want Their Children To Have A Safe Learning Environment And School System Employees Need Administrative Support To Create Such An Environment. With Seemingly Ineffective Globalist Ideologies Being Employed In Government Schools, Many Parents Are Pulling Their Children Out To Seek Other Educational Opportunities.

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Free Tennessee Legislative Training Coming Up In Jefferson City On January 8th

Do You Want To Learn How To Look Up And Follow Proposed Bills In The Tennessee State Legislature? Empowered Jefferson County Is Hosting A Free Training, Taught By David Seal, On How Tennessee Voters Can Track Proposed Legislation That The General Assembly Will Be Considering This Session.

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Jefferson County Commission Stands Up For Property Rights With Stinging Resolution Against Eminent Domain Action

Republican Commissioner Terry Dockery Spearheaded A Resolution, Along With 15 Commission Co-Sponsors, To Condemn Jefferson City’s Action To Forcefully Take 95 Acres Of Real Estate From The Parent Company Of Tennova Jefferson Memorial Hospital For A Recreation Park Using Eminent Domain.

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Jefferson County Commission Makes Resolution Supporting State Sovereignty Legislation, Other Counties Urged to Follow

The Jefferson County Commission Has Set A Standard For Other County Legislative Bodies To Follow In Their Making Of A Resolution To Support State Sovereignty.

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