Gov. Lee Vows to Bring School Choice Legislation Back In 2025, Calls Opposition “Entrenched Thinking”

Gov. Bill Lee’s School Voucher Proposal Failed To Come To Fruition In The Tennessee General Assembly This Year, But The Governor Intends To Bring The School Choice Legislation Back In 2025.

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School Choice & Homeschooling: What’s Happened In Other States?

Two Streams Of Educational Choice Are Converging: The Growing Number Of Homeschool Students And The Expansion Of Educational Choice Programs Like Gov. Lee’s Proposed Education Freedom Scholarship Accounts.

Homeschooling Often Receives Little Attention, But Homeschooling Is Increasingly The Choice For Parents Of All Demographics.

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Competing Tennessee ESA Proposals Set For Wednesday Committee Discussions

The Tennessee Legislature’s Debate On Education Savings Accounts Will Continue Wednesday When Competing Versions Of The Bill Are Heard By The Senate Education Committee And House Education Administration.

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Tennessee Republicans Secretive About Plans For School Choice Vouchers

Republican Tennessee Lawmakers Are Seemingly Being Secretive About Their Plans For School Choice Vouchers. So Far, Majority Leaders For The House And Senate Have Filed “Caption Bills” Which Give Only A General Description That Is Related To The Intent Of The Legislation.

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Many Factors Paving Way For Education Savings Accounts, School Choice, And Public School Exodus

A Tidal Wave Is Under Way. Students And Teachers Are Leaving Public Education For A Variety Of Reasons, A Symptom Of Widespread Discontent That Is Fueling The Demand For Public Education Money To Follow The Student To A Non-Public School. The Education Establishment Has Created This Problem By Being Out Of Touch With Parents, Teachers, Students, And The Taxpaying Public.

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Statewide ESAs, Budget Priorities In Tennessee Legislative Session

Tennessee’s 2024 Legislative Session Will Begin Tuesday. January 9th With The Republican Party Looking To Pass A Budget, Statewide K-12 Education Savings Accounts, Business Tax Cuts, Enhanced School Safety Measures, Certificate-Of-Need Reform And Health Care Funding.

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