Conservative State Representative Todd Warner Running For Reelection: A Look At His Voting Record

Representative Todd Warner (R-Chapel Hill-District 92) Is Running For Reelection This Year. Throughout His Tenure, Warner Has Been A Major Proponent Of Legislation That Protects Children And Parental Rights, As Well As Legislation That Aims To Deter Illegal Immigrants From Setting Up Shop In Tennessee. Here Is A Detailed Look At Rep. Warner’s Voting Record From The Last Several Years.

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State Sovereignty Topic Of Warren County Republican Meeting

Tennessee State Senator Janice Bowling (R-Tullahoma) Wants The Legislature To Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is By Passing A Bill Aimed At Creating A Set Of Legal Pathways For The Citizens Of Tennessee, Or Legislators, To Exercise Their Constitutional Authority To Nullify Certain Federal Overreach.

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Governor Lee Signs Law Preventing Red Flag Gun Laws In Tennessee

Governor Bill Lee Signed A New Law On Tuesday That Prevents Cities And Municipalities In Tennessee From Creating Or Enforcing Red Flag Gun Laws.

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John Stevens Running For Reelection: A Look At His Voting Record

Sen. John Stevens (R- Huntingdon-District 24) Has Been In Office Since 2012 And Is Running For Reelection In 2024, Defining Himself As “Conservative Leadership For Northwest Tennessee,” But His Voting Record May Not Win Him Very Many Points Amongst Conservative Voters This Time Around.

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TN Drug Runners Die In Texas Shootout, Violent Threats From Pro-Hamas, TWRA Overstepping Constitutional Bounds & 4 More Big 7 Stories!

• Threats From “Pro-Hamas Thugs”
• Tennessee Drug Runners Die In Texas Shootout
• TWRA Overstepping Constitutional Bounds
• TN Governor Stalked By “Trans Man”
• Challenge To Tennessee’s Anti-CRT Law
• Protecting Kids From Cyber Crimes

& More in the Big 7 Weekend Update!

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Tennessee Joins 21-State Coalition Opposing ATF Rule That Prevents Law-Abiding Citizens From Privately Selling Firearms

Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti Has Joined A Coalition Of 21 States In A Lawsuit Opposing An Unconstitutional New Rule From The Bureau Of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms And Explosives That Would Prevent Law-Abiding Americans From Privately Selling Firearms.

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Tennessee AG Leads 18 States In Lawsuit Against Federal Agency’s Unlawful Attempt To Control Private Businesses

Leading A Coalition Of 18 States, Tennessee Attorney General Skrmetti Has Filed A Lawsuit Fighting Federal Agency Overreach By The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Under The EEOC’s Guidance, An Employer May Be Liable If They Or Another Employee Use A Name Or Pronoun Inconsistent With An Employee’s Preferred Gender Identity Or If They Limit Access To A Bathroom Or Other Sex-Segregated Facility Based On Biological Sex And Not On Gender Identity.

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Appeals Court Rules Tennessee Wildlife Officers’ Warrantless Searches Of Private Property Are Unconstitutional

In A Blistering And Unanimous Opinion, Judges Called TWRA’s Legal Defense Of Its Warrantless Forays Onto Private Property A “Disturbing Assertion Of Power On Behalf Of Government.”

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🔴 YOU Can STOP Illegal Immigration In TN! – RINOs Kill State Sovereignty Bill For 3rd Year – Locking Up Illegal Alien Criminals in TN + Fighting Mass Transportation & Mo’ in The BIG 7!

🔴 YOU Can STOP Illegal Immigration in TN!

📢 Join us THIS Wednesday at the “Protect TN Borders Rally!”

– RINOs Kill TN State Sovereignty Bill for 3rd Year

– Locking Up Illegal Alien Criminals in TN

+ Fighting Mass Transportation & Mo’

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