Sometimes We Have To Say NO

Word Learning And Basic Values Begin With Babies. Incessantly Being Tutored By Parents, Siblings, Neighbors, Relatives And Sometimes Even Strangers They Soon Parrot Common Expressions. The Word NO Is Repeated So Many Times That It Becomes Ingrained In Their Psyche Or Should, About The Primary Difference Between What Is Right And What Is Wrong.
Unfortunately, Some Adults Feel That NO Is A Dirty Word And Destructive.

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Hamilton County Public Schools Are Not Safe

Parents Across Hamilton County Send Their Children To Public School With The Expectation That Their Children Will Learn To Read, Write, And Do Math In A Safe Environment. It Is Shocking And Infuriating To Know That This Is Not The Reality In Hamilton County Schools.

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Slavery And Racism Blamed For “Climate Change” In The South, Tennessee To Create Inventory Of Climate “Offenders”

Slavery And Racism Are Being Blamed For Climate Change In The South, According To The Fifth National Climate Assessment And Tennessee Will Create An Inventory Of Its Biggest Climate “Offenders” After Having Been Allocated $3 Million In Grants From The EPA. TDEC Has Until November 30th To Submit An Initial Inventory Of Sources Of Climate Pollution And The Public Has Until Tomorrow, Wednesday 29th, 2023 To Provide Feedback In A Survey.

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Potpourri – “It’s Not About Left And Right, But Right And Wrong.”(Op-Ed By James V. Ferguson, MD)

Americans Certainly Didn’t Need Another Point Of Disagreement. However, This Overt Racism And Bigotry May Be The Wake-Up Call We Needed. Leftists, Across The Country And Around The World, Have Linked Arms With Hamas, BLM And Antifa Types To Rail Against Americanism, Jews And Anyone Who Opposes Their Neo-Marxist Ideology. And Progressive Democrats Just Exploit Any Controversy That Furthers Their Power.

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Senators Introduce Bill To Block Taxpayer Dollars For CRT At Department Of Education

U.S. Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., And Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., Reintroduced The Protect Equality And Civics Education (PEACE) Act, A Bill That Would Block Tax Dollars From Promoting Critical Race Theory Within The Department Of Education’s American History Guidelines.

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Research Indicates New Tennessee Education Commissioner Is Product Of Woke Organizations, Soros/Gates Funding Initiatives

Research Reveals That The New Tennessee Education Commissioner Appointee Has Ties To The Bush And Haslam Families, And Additional Ties To Organizations That Are Funded By George Soros, Bill And Melinda Gates, Mark Zuckerburg And Jeff Bezos.

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Johnson City’s Strategic Plan Is Lipstick On A Pig (Op-Ed)

Have You Read Over Your City’s Strategic Plan? I’m Guessing It Is Similar To Other Strategic Plans Across The State. I Just Read Johnson City’s. And It Is A Problem For Conservatives. It Claims To Have Gathered Insight From Constituents. But Does It Actually Represent The Voter Base? Does It Represent The 20k Transplants Commissioner Brock Claimed We Are Projected To Receive? Does It Represent The Reason People Are Hemorrhaging From Democrat Led States Like California And New York, To A Republican Led State Like Tennessee? Or Is It A Misguided Strategy Unaware That The Outcome Of Its Goals Will Be The Opposite Of The Goals It Claims, And The Opposite Of What Johnson City Residents Want?

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