Tennessee State Representative Rusty Grills Running For Reelection: A Look At His Voting Record

Representative Rusty Grills (R- Newbern-District 77) Is Running For Reelection This Year And Faces A GOP Challenger In The Upcoming Primary Election. Here Is A Non-Exhaustive But Detailed Look At Rep. Grills’ Voting Record Over The Last Several Years.

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Hamilton Co. District 2 School Board Candidate, Crystal Boehm, Supports Boys Playing In Girls’ Sports

The Candidates Were Essentially Asked “How Do You Feel About The New Rules To Title IX?” Ben Daugherty’s Response Resonated With The Crowd And Was Followed By An Applause. Crystal Boehm’s Response To The Questions Was Followed By Silence – Perhaps Because It Shocked The Crowd.

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Texas Wins First Round In Battle Over Title IX Lawsuit

A Federal Court On Tuesday Handed Texas Its First Win In A Lawsuit Filed Against The Biden Administration Over A Mandate Issued By Two Federal Agencies Before The Administration Amended Title IX To Redefine Biological Sex To Include “Sexual Orientation” And “Gender Identity.”

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Law Protecting Religious Rights Of Foster, Adoptive Parents Signed By Governor Lee

On Thursday, Governor Bill Lee Signed A Measure That Will Enact The “Tennessee Foster And Adoptive Parent Protection Act,” Designed To Protect The Religious Freedoms Of Families Within The State.

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Tennessee House Passes Bill To Protect Religious Rights Of Prospective Foster And Adoptive Parents

A Bill That Protects Tennessee Foster And Adoptive Families From Being Required To Adhere To Policies Regarding Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity That Violate The Moral Or Religious Beliefs Of The Family Was Passed By The House Of Representatives On Monday.

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Tennessee Senate Passes Bill Protecting Foster And Adoptive Families

A Bill Protecting Tennessee Foster And Adoptive Families From Being Forced To Support Policies Regarding Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity That Violate The Family’s Moral Or Religious Beliefs Has Now Passed In The Senate.

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House And Senate Committees Pass Tennessee Bill Protecting Religious Rights For Foster, Adoptive Families

Both The House And The Senate Are Moving Forward With A Bill That Would Protect Tennessee Foster And Adoptive Families From Being Forced To Support Policies Regarding Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity That Violate The Family’s Moral Or Religious Beliefs.

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Bill Would Prohibit Tennessee Dept. of Children’s Services From Forcing Gender Identity Beliefs On Foster & Adoptive Families (Update 2.16.24)

New Tennessee Legislation Would Protect Foster And Adoptive Families From Being Forced To Support Policies That Go Against The Family’s Religious Beliefs Regarding Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity.

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2 New Tennessee Bills Advocating For Foster, Adoptive Parents Are Heading To Committee

Among The Stream Of New Legislation Filed For Consideration In The Tennessee General Assembly, Are Two New Bills With The Intended Purpose Of Fortifying The Individual Rights Of Those Who Wish To, Or Currently Participate In The Foster Care System As Either Foster Parents Or Even Those Who Are Looking To Adopt.

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What If I Told You There’s Only 2 Genders? (Op-Ed)

The LGBTQ Agenda Was On Full Display Last Week When The Knox County Board Of Education Discussed Removing The Specific Reference To Perceived Gender And Sexual Orientation From The Harassment Of Students Policy And Replacing It With The Word Sex. If Parents In Knox County Are Under The Impression Their Children Are Immune To The LGBTQ Agenda, Let This Be A Wake-Up Call.

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