Democrat-Sponsored PRO Act Would Invalidate Right-To-Work Laws In 27 States

House & Senate Democrats Have Introduced A Sweeping Pro-Union Bill They Argue Will Create Safer Workplaces & Increase Employee Benefits By Expanding Union Organizing. Those Opposed Argue It Will Force Small Businesses To Close, Cost Untold Number Of Jobs & Worsen The Economy.

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Court Rules Unions Can’t Force Non-Member Workers To Fund Lobbying

First Circuit Court Of Appeals Handed Victory To A Longtime Non-Union Nurse Who Objected To Being Forced To Pay For Union Lobbying Expenses.

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Government Waste Thrives In Darkness

In the last 20 years, our country’s national debt has exploded. Today, the national debt is around $27 trillion, a four-fold increase in the last two decades. That doesn’t count unfunded mandates. And there is no end in sight. Obviously, our elected officials are unwilling to address this explosive, increasingly crucial national debt problem. Fortunately, we the taxpaying voters today have a weapon at our fingertips to successfully wage a War on Waste. Successful because our political leaders will quickly recognize that if they want to be reelected, they will have to respond accordingly.

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Education Unions Demand More Money While Layoffs Escalate

Despite the record level of funding, by June, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that 469,000 K-12 personnel, state-run colleges and universities laid off 176,000 professors and other employees. Private schools, including well-known colleges and universities and K-12 private schools, reported 457,000 layoffs.

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