Is The August 1st Election Secure In Tennessee?

Op-Ed: Right Now, Our Research Says That Secure Execution Of Our Elections Is Not Happening And Silence From Our Election Commission Appears To Confirm This. We Think Citizens Should Be Aware And Be Very Concerned.

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Leftist Organization Selected To Conduct Williamson County Election Study At Double The Original Cost (Op-Ed)

On February 1st , The Williamson County Election Commission Approved A Firm To Perform The Hand-Marked Paper Ballot Feasibility Study For Williamson County. It Was The Only Firm That Applied. A Look Into This Group Is Deeply Troubling.

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Citizens Ask State Election Commission And Williamson County Board Of Commissioners To Replace Biased Election Commissioners

On The Heels Of Taking Their Concerns Last Month To The Tennessee State Election Commission, A Group Of Williamson County Citizens Last Night Asked The Williamson County Board Of Commissioners To Appoint New, More Ethical, Unbiased Commissioners To The Williamson County Election Commission.

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The Vote Center Dilemma: Here’s Hoping County And State Leaders Can Now Give Us Safer, More Secure Elections

Given The Fact That We Vote In Vote Centers, One Truth Is Abundant. If We Don’t Return To Precinct Voting, We Will Never Be Able To Bring In Hand-Marked Paper Ballots To Give Voters Greater Trust Into How Their Votes Are Cast And Counted… Without Adding An Entirely New Machine System At A Cost Of Approximately One-Half Million Dollars. Yes, Another Machine Needed To Correct Process Problems Created By The Original Machines.
So, What Are Some Indisputable Truths We’ve Learned?

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Resolution Introduced To Limit Williamson County Commissioner Rights After Town Hall Meeting (Op-Ed)

County Legal Counsel Robert Cook Introduced A Resolution Amending The Rules, Regulations And Procedures For Williamson County Board Of Commissioners Concerning Calling Town Hall Meetings. The Resolution Appeared To Be Primarily In Response To County Commissioner Christopher Richards’ Town Hall Meeting Last March, Where Many In Attendance Expressed Concerns About Election Integrity In Williamson County.

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Williamson County To Purchase Voting Machines Despite Public Outcry

The Williamson County Commission Voted Monday Night To Fund The Purchase Of ES&S Electronic Voting Machines, A Purchase They Previously Voted Down After Public Outcry.

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Despite Concerns From Voter Integrity Groups, Williamson Election Commission To Meet With County To Approve Funds For Voting Machines

Next Week, The Williamson County Election Commission Will Attend The Monthly Meeting Of The Williamson County Commission And Request The Necessary Funds For The Purchase Of Voting Machines That Voter Integrity Grassroots Groups Describe As “Vulnerable” To Corruption And Mechanical Mishap, Sacrificing The Integrity Of Election Outcomes.

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Already In Debt For Over A Billion, Williamson County Officials Propose New Voting Equipment Purchase, Voter Integrity Advocates Say There Is Better Alternative (Update 1/31/23)

Williamson County Election Officials Are Considering A Purchase Of Voter Tabulating Machines At A Cost Of $2.2 Million Taxpayer Dollars. However, Voter Integrity Advocates Say There Is A Cheaper And Safer Alternative.

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Election Integrity Group Tries To Halt Purchasing Rush For Williamson County Voting System, Machines Without First Studying All Options

While The Williamson County Election Commission Is Rushing To Sign A Contract To Purchase New Election Voting Equipment For County Elections, A Citizen-Driven Group Is Trying To Slow Down The Process So That Greater Due Diligence, Fiduciary Cost Studies And A Comprehensive Appraisal Of Current Voting Machine-Heavy Systems And Other Voting Systems Involving Hand-Marked Paper Ballots And People Can Be Studied.

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Election Integrity Patriot “Doxxed And Castigated” In Public By Williamson County Election Commissioner

During The Williamson County Election Commission Meeting On October 18th, Former Chair And Recently Reinstated Commissioner Robert D. “Bob” Brown Conducted A Mock Trial To Dispute Election Integrity Concerns Raised By Kathleen Harms In A Recent Interview With The Tennessee Conservative.

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