Tennessee Illegal Aliens Arrested For Assault, Joyriding & Vandalism

Tennessee Illegal Aliens Arrested For Assault, Joyriding & Vandalism

Tennessee Illegal Aliens Arrested For Assault, Joyriding & Vandalism

Image Credit: Canva

The Tennessee Conservative Staff –

Two illegal aliens were recently arrested by Davidson County law enforcement officials. 

18-year-old Joel Nixon Ventura was arrested on January 22 and charged with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle/joyriding. He was booked on misdemeanor charges with a $1000 bond and scheduled to appear in court on January 31.

Initial inmate records showed that Ventura was being held in the Downtown Detention Center on an immigrant detainer, but he is no longer listed as a current inmate and records indicate that the case was dismissed.

45-year-old Margarito Samano Perez was arrested on January 26. He was charged with felony vandalism and misdemeanor assault with bodily injury, as well as assault with fear of bodily injury. His bond was set at a total of $3500 for the two assault charges, with no bond being given for the vandalism.

Perez is scheduled to appear in court on February 6. Records show that he is currently being held on an immigrant detainer. He will remain is jail until he is released to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

This is not the first time Perez has been in trouble with the law. A records check shows that he was arrested and plead guilty back in 1998 for patronizing prostitution.  

An immigrant detainer hold most likely means these individuals are in this country illegally.

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