Tennessee Information Protection Act Moves Forward In Both Chambers Of Legislature

Tennessee Information Protection Act Moves Forward In Both Chambers Of Legislature

Tennessee Information Protection Act Moves Forward In Both Chambers Of Legislature

Image Credit: capitol.tn.gov

The Tennessee Conservative [By Jason Vaughn] –

The Tennessee Information Protection Act, which aims to protect Tennessean’s privacy and security by guarding them from Big Tech’s private data collection efforts, has progressed in both chambers of the Tennessee legislature.

Senate Bill 0073 (SB0073) is sponsored by Sen. Bo Watson (R-Hixson-District 11) and the corresponding House Bill, HB1181, is sponsored by Rep. Johnny Garrett (R-Goodlettsville-District 45). 

According to the bill summary, this Act would be applied to persons that conduct business within the state or target the state’s consumer base and that either “During a calendar year, control or process personal information of at least 100,000 consumers,” or “Control or process personal information of at least 25,000 consumers and derive more than 50 percent of gross revenue from the sale of personal information.”

Currently, there is no state law prohibiting these Big Tech corporations from selling personal data to third parties, nor is there any action that Tennessee residents can take to get such companies like Amazon, Facebook, TikTok, etc. to delete or return their personal information. 

This legislation would not only change that but would also give the Tennessee Attorney General authority to sue on behalf of state residents if companies do not adhere to the new law. 

On March 21st, SB0073 passed out of the committee process in the Senate.

The Senate Commerce and Labor Committee voted unanimously in favor of the bill and it now moves forward to the Calendar Committee for scheduling to be heard on the Senate floor.

On the same day, HB1181 passed the House Banking and Consumer Affairs subcommittee by voice vote with Aye votes prevailing.  The bill has been assigned to the full House Commerce Committee for hearing and a vote on March 28th.

When this legislation was re-introduced this session, Rep. Garrett – the architect of the bill, summed up the bill by saying it is the “protection of the virtual you.”

Garrett told us that the legislation is meant to specifically target large companies who can afford to be in compliance with the law and not smaller Tennessee-based companies.

However, he states that the cost for companies to comply was greatly exaggerated when the legislation was killed last year in the Senate Commerce Committee.

Garrett stated that he is personally lobbying his legislation to other lawmakers to garner votes for passage and that with his bill, “The consumer wins in the end.”

The fiscal note tied to the bill lists the fiscal impact on the implementation of the legislation to not be significant.  Therefore, the bill is not at risk of being placed “behind the budget.”

Further, the fiscal note states that the legislation authorizes the Attorney General to impose a civil penalty up to $15,000 per violation as well as other relief the court determines appropriate for companies found not to be in compliance. 

If you support passage of this bill, you can find the contact info for your Senators HERE. The contact information for the House Commerce Committee members can be found below if you wish to contact them prior to their meeting on March 28th to voice your support.

Rep. Kevin Vaughan – Chair – (R) – rep.kevin.vaughan@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-1866

Rep. Rush Bricken – Vice-Chair – (R) – rep.rush.bricken@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-7448

Rep. Rebecca K. Alexander – (R) – rep.rebecca.alexander@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-2251

Rep. Jody Barrett – (R) – rep.jody.barrett@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-3513

Rep. Clark Boyd – (R) – rep.clark.boyd@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-7086

Rep. Jeff Burkhart – (R) – rep.jeff.burkhart@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-6804

Rep. Karen D. Camper – (D) – rep.karen.camper@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-1898

Rep. John Ray Clemmons – (D) – rep.john.ray.clemmons@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-4410

Rep. Jeremy Faison – (R) – rep.jeremy.faison@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-6871

Rep. Bob Freeman – (D) – rep.bob.freeman@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-0709

Rep. Johnny Garrett – (R) – rep.johnny.garrett@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-3893

Rep. Michael Hale – (R) – rep.michael.hale@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-2192

Rep. G.A. Hardaway – (D) – rep.ga.hardaway@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-5625

Rep. Kirk Haston – (R) – rep.kirk.haston@capitol.tn.gov – 615-741-0750

Rep. Patsy Hazlewood – (R) – rep.patsy.hazlewood@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-2746

Rep. John B. Holsclaw – (R) –rep.john.holsclaw@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-7450

Rep. Curtis Johnson – (R) – rep.curtis.johnson@capitol.tn.gov -(615) 741-4341

Rep. Susan M. Lynn – (R) – rep.susan.lynn@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-7462

Rep. Pat Marsh – (R) – rep.pat.marsh@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-6824

Rep. Jerome Moon – (R) – rep.jerome.moon@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-5481

Rep. Dennis Powers – (R) – rep.dennis.powers@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-3335

Rep. Mike Sparks – (R) – rep.mike.sparks@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-6829

Rep. Dwayne Thompson – (D) – rep.dwayne.thompson@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-1920

Rep. Joe Towns, Jr. – (D) – rep.joe.towns@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-2189

Rep. Greg Vital – (R) – rep.greg.vital@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-3025

Rep. Ryan Williams – (R) – rep.ryan.williams@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-1875

Rep. Jason Zachary – (R) – rep.jason.zachary@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-2264

About the Author: Jason Vaughn, Media Coordinator for The Tennessee Conservative  ~ Jason previously worked for a legacy publishing company based in Crossville, TN in a variety of roles through his career.  Most recently, he served as Deputy Director for their flagship publication. Prior, he was a freelance journalist writing articles that appeared in the Herald Citizen, the Crossville Chronicle and The Oracle among others.  He graduated from Tennessee Technological University with a Bachelor’s in English-Journalism, with minors in Broadcast Journalism and History.  Contact Jason at news@TennesseeConservativeNews.com

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