Tennessee Republican Assembly Endorses 11 Middle TN Candidates

Tennessee Republican Assembly Endorses 11 Middle TN Candidates

Tennessee Republican Assembly Endorses 11 Middle TN Candidates

Image Credit: Tennessee Republican Assembly

Press Release –

The Tennessee Republican Assembly (TRA), a chapter of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA), has endorsed 11 candidates who are running for office in three middle Tennessee counties. 

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Candidates for Federal Office

Andy Ogles – US House of Representatives District 5

Mark Green – US House of Representative District 7

Candidates for General Assembly

Mike Sparks – State House of Representatives District 49 (Rutherford Co.)

Michelle Foreman – State House of Representatives District 59 (Davidson Co.)

Gary Humble – State Senate District 27 (Williamson Co.)

Candidate for the Judiciary

Mike Jones – Circuit Court Judge 16th Judicial District Division #1 (Rutherford Co.)

Candidates for Tennessee Republican State Executive Committee

Myra Simons – District 13 (Rutherford Co.)

Jim Sandman – District 13 (Rutherford Co.)

Lulu Elam – District 20 (Davidson Co.)

Beverly Knight – District 21 (Davidson Co.)

Larry Hillis – District 23 (Williamson Co.)

NFRA /TRA is a grassroots organization committed to small government, lower taxes, free market capitalism, a strong defense, the right to life, and Constitutional values.  Ronald Reagan said, “This organization is the Republican wing of the Republican Party, the home of the Frederick Douglass Republicans, and the conscience of the Republican Party.”

TRA supports true Republican candidates, endorses in primaries, and works to restore the Republican Party to the values and principles of the party of Reagan.

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5 Responses

  1. So the Chairman of the TRA Michelle Foreman is endorsed by the TRA ? Wonder if the bylaws have changed and Chairmen/Presidents are no longer required to step down from their position if they are running for office? I guess it’s safe to say the former chapter from Sumner County would not agree with that endorsement or would other many long term members. I wonder if the rules for the endorsing committee were followed?

    1. Consider her opponent if you will. Look at his SEC filings and then see if you would still choose not to vote for Michelle.

  2. My friends were in TRA for years and I distinctly recall their NFRA president having to step down as soon as she collected a petition to run for office, so sounds like this person isn’t even following her own bylaws. Not a good recommendation for an elected official.

  3. Any person who ignores her organization’s bylaws requiring her resignation upon candidacy for public office; and ignores bylaws by creating a new “chapter” out of thin air for all TRA members (for the purpose of maintaining her presidency and control); AND ignores bylaws by closing bank accounts, opening new ones and moving money at will without board knowledge or approval, does not impress me as a person who needs to be anywhere around legislation at any level of government.

  4. Like other groups endorsing candidates, TRA is a mixed bag. Foreman, Humble and Elam are strong conservatives and my best guess is that if elected to the legislature, neither Foreman nor Humble would support giving illegal aliens access to state issued professional and commercial licenses which Rep. Mike Sparks supported and who TRA has also endorsed. Apparently Sparks has also had issues with what he considers fines too high for employers who violate the state law and employ illegal aliens.

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