The Problems With Today’s Youth! And How We Can Help Them!

The Problems With Today’s Youth! And How We Can Help Them!

The Problems With Today’s Youth! And How We Can Help Them!

Image Credit: Canva

Submitted by Carol Smith –

I remember when I was growing up I would hear this from my father; “When I was your age…” Now our youth are in trouble, here are some facts.

When I was growing up, if someone wanted to access porn, they had to go to a sleazy part of town to a boarded-up building. Now a 5-year-old can easily access it.

In the age groups of 10-24 nearly 100% of males have been exposed. The porn today is not my father’s Playboy with pictures of nude women. No, the porn today is brutal where women are brutally slapped, choked, gang raped, urinated and defecated on, verbally abused all while the victims are depicted as enjoying this treatment!

When I was growing up, we as young people were not leaving the church in droves because of how the church was treating sexual minorities!

When I was growing up, sexual predators did not have easy access to children. Now due to the availability of porn, child sexual abuse is epidemic with 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 5 boys victimized and between 60 and 80% of victims not reporting the abuse.

When I was growing up, we did not have graphic porn in our school libraries, we did not have LGBT lifestyle in our school curriculum.

When I was growing up, we did not have an education system that kept situations from parents. If there was a problem, parents were notified. We did not have teachers or school administrators trying to separate children from their parents, telling children that their parents are a bad influence!

When I was growing up, suicide amongst children was rare, now it is the second leading cause of death for 10–24-year-olds.

When I was growing up, we didn’t have cartoon characters changing their genders or pre-school children being told they could be born in the wrong body!

When I was growing up, we did not have counselors and doctors trying to put us on puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and removing healthy body parts!

When I was growing up, we knew nothing about sexting and sextortion and children being blackmailed by sexual predators.

When I was growing up, about 2/3rds of the men in church and about 50% of pastors were not using pornography! A woman did not have to be concerned about meeting alone with male leadership.

When I went to college, I did not have to fear walking alone on campus, even though my school was in an inner-city. I did not have to be concerned about being raped or killed. 

Now, porn use is universal among college males. 

1 in 4 females in college will either be raped or experience attempted rape. 1 in 5 adult women will be raped in their lifetime.

When I was growing up, the UN was not trying to decriminalize adults having sex with children! 

Those in the psychology profession, changing pedophilia to “minor attracted persons.” and saying it is a “sexual orientation” and people are “born this way” and making pedophiles a “protected class.”

When I was growing up, states were not trying to decrease the “age of consent” where adults can legally have sex with children.

When I was growing up, in my state between 500-600 children would not go missing every month, many to become victims of sex trafficking.

When I was growing up, we could go to malls without worrying about being abducted by sex traffickers. 

The problems are immense and can seem overwhelming but we all can help! 

The number one protective factor for kids is coming from a strong family. If you are having struggles in your marriage, get help, call Focus on the Family for a counseling referral 800-A-Family (232-6459)

Get involved in protecting children from sexual exploitation. Join NCOSE The National Center on Sexual Exploitation 202-393-7245. 

Join your local Moms for Liberty. They protect children in the school settings.

Sit down with your children and watch “In His Image.” A compassionate documentary for those dealing with LGBTQ issues and those who love them. Show it in your church and youth group!

Contact Covenant Eyes, help for porn addiction 989-720-8000.

We can and must make a difference!

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One Response

  1. When America was great. When preachers still preached. 2 Timothy 4:3
    For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

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