Danielle Goodrich of East Tennessee Freedom recently sent a letter to Governor Lee and Attorney General Skrmetti regarding efforts to support Tennessee’s ban on transgender medical procedures for children and how that effort relates to the need to strongly support state sovereignty.
Image Credit: @GovBillLee/ X
by Danielle Goodrich [East Tennessee Freedom] –
Dear Governor Lee and Attorney General Skrmetti,
Thank you for looking to protect children from being sterilized.
What was on trial, was that and more. It was also about protecting state sovereignty. It was about who gets to create policy for Tennesseans; the elected Representatives of Tennesseans, or appointed Federal judges?
During COVID, Justice Sotomayor compared people to machines that spew fire and metal as a reason for the federal government to regulate people, as if we are property. Sotomayor dehumanized Americans, forgetting we are individuals with rights, and that she doesn’t have Constitutionally delegated authority, neither does the federal government.
Today’s hearing showed there is still a lack of understanding.
SCOTUS ruled correctly in the OSHA mandate decision and incorrectly in the CMS decision. The rulings should have been identical. With OSHA, SCOTUS looked to the Constitution and ruled that the Federal government doesn’t have the authority to mandate medicine on the masses. Yet in CMS, they looked to precedent and ruled the federal government does have the authority to mandate medicine on healthcare workers.
I guess healthcare workers don’t have the same rights as the rest of us. Somehow they are subject to the whims of an all powerful federal government? In the TN COVID Omnibus, the legislature refused to stand up against the federal government and against unconstitutional mandates because hospitals needed Medicare funding. Federal funding with state sovereignty eroding strings. This wouldn’t be the last time we see Tennessee not flexing the tenth amendment because they like federal funding.
Today the prosecutors used equal protection of the law as their main argument, neglecting to see they didn’t give healthcare workers equal protection of the law. I guess that argument is only valid when the pharmaceutical and medical industry is on the profiting end, as they are with vaccines and sterilizing children.
Your opinion of nullification stated you believed nullification to be “constitutionally infirm” and instead you asserted judicial supremacy.
After the hearings today it should be glaringly obvious that judicial supremacy is actually “constitutionally infirm” not nullification. That judicial supremacy is a threat to liberty and a tool of tyranny.
As John Birch Society constitutional scholar Joe Wolverton said in the nullification summer study, “nullification is the scalpel to cut out the tumor of tyranny.” Leftist judges and a federal government which steals authority it wasn’t delegated are rapidly mutating cells.
The supremacy clause does not say all federal laws are supreme, but that constitutional federal laws are supreme. “In pursuance thereof” to what? The Constitution.
If it wasn’t an authority delegated to the federal government in article 1 section 8 it defers to the 9th and the 10th. The people and states.
We’ve seen SCOTUS repeatedly get this wrong, proving the importance of the Constitution being the highest law of the land under God, not federal judges and not the federal government.
Every elected office holds an oath to uphold the Constitution. That would be rendered useless with judicial supremacy.
Additionally, the 2016 Republican platform acknowledged the judiciary is the weakest branch. It said, “We believe in the constitutional checks and balances and that the Founders intended the judiciary to be the weakest branch.”
Another misconception is that judges are appointed for life when it’s actually for good behavior as they can be removed by Congress.
Our Tennessee Constitution says the “doctrine of nonresistance to arbitrary authority is slavish and absurd.” Allowing the federal government to operate outside of their jurisdiction without contest isn’t upholding the oath to uphold the constitution, it is the doctrine of non resistance.
So in the opinion of many constitutional experts your opinion is flawed with state sovereignty being the cost. With liberty the cost.
We need a way to be able to flex the tenth amendment when the federal government steps outside their delegated jurisdiction and nullification would be a way to do this which the constitution does not say we can’t. We need a way to cut out the tumor of tyranny.
The people’s representatives get to make policy and if people don’t like the policy they vote out the representatives or they go to a different state. If we allow the federal government to decide state policy, that is allowing centralized decision making which is absolute power which corrupts absolutely. It’s a King. It’s exactly what the founding fathers were trying to avoid as it’s what they had just escaped.
The states created the Fed. The created is not more powerful than the Creator in this case, or in any. But it makes sense that people taught humanism may think so.
Solicitor General Prelogar said we should “shift the burden to the state to show.”
The Fed thinks they have that power? The state who created the Fed has to prove to the Fed, the created?
I ask that you reconsider your opinion in light of the dangers of judicial supremacy highlighted in the hearings.
Additionally, Governor Lee, you look to protect children today while having entered legislation that will endanger them.
Chapter 1 DO NO HARM
E.Ray Moore, Lt. Col., USAR(ret) VOUCHERS, ESAs and SCHOOL CHOICE SHEKELS WITH SHACKLES Frontline Ministries, Inc. Christian Education Initiative (https://ChristEdu.org)
Reads, “The voucher idea is not new at all, having been tried since World War II in England and Western Europe. In all cases, while it has taken a decade or two, the private and religious schools lost their religious distinctions.
Government money erodes the theological and spiritual essence of religious institutions so that their “Gospel light” is put out. Several research studies studying the effect of vouchers upon religious and private institutions confirm this analysis.
In a Freedom Project Media article written by Alex Newman Nov. 15, 2018, he reported that “authorities in Canada’s Alberta province gave Christian schools a choice: Quit being Christian and teaching the truth of God’s Word or be suspended and potentially even shut down. And because the Canadian schools all take government funding at this point, odds are good that the totalitarian gender ideologues running the education bureaucracy will get their wish, absent a massive public outcry.” This is exactly where “public education” is heading in America, too.”
Your voucher legislation will be the worst thing to happen to Tennessee education since a country built on principles in the Bible, removed Bibles from schools in the 1960s. And it will have the same outcome but worse. The private schools which are barely keeping us from tipping into an abyss of humanism will eventually fall to the same regulatory burden and godless culture.
In 1946, Julian Huxley wrote the Purpose and Philosophy of the United Nations Education Science and Culture.
Julian believed in order to have world peace there couldn’t be competing traditions or religions. Therefore, he said there must be one belief system which he described as scientific humanism, specifically evolutionary humanism.
The idea that as technology improves so will human understanding, to the point that man can control the environment around him.
Julian wrote in order to accomplish one world belief system of evolutionary humanism, it would require political unity. He said, “specifically in its (UNESCO) education programme it can stress the need for world political unity and familiarize all people with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organization.”
He explained that the United Nations, World Health Organization and other UN agencies like the FAO over food and agriculture can help to achieve this political unity en route to one world government.
Julian Huxley is the brother of Alduous Huxley who penned, “Brave New World.” Alduous wrote the dystopian version of the envisioned utopia his brother was authoring into reality through UN policy.
Julian Huxley, John Dewey, Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann and Charles Francis Potter were on the First Humanist Society of New York. Together with Dewey, Potter was one of the original 34 signers of the first Humanist Manifesto. And they were also the authors of our modern education system.
Potter the author of “Humanism: the religion” said “Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic Sunday school, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teachings?”
Potter was an adviser in defense of John Thomas Scopes, a Tennessee schoolteacher who was charged with teaching evolution in his classes.
When humanists advocated to remove the Bible out of schools in the 1960s, we let them have their way of government over God instead of God over government.
We didn’t get religion out, we replaced it with a godless one which has led to the downward spiral we see today.
The Tennessee Constitution says you have an “indefeasible right to worship Almighty God.” God of the Bible. That’s an argument against Tennessee schools teaching any other.
You should be reforming education and getting humanism out and getting Biblical worldview back in.
Republicans like to say common sense policies. But saying that the government who is over public education can’t turn out a good product so they need to send kids to private schools which can, and then claim government should be able to test or regulate private schools to ensure a quality product, is just as insane as liberals arguing sterilizing children is empowerment.
Fix the product you are over Governor Lee, otherwise you can’t claim you won’t break the product you seek to meddle in.
I couldn’t imagine leaving the legacy of getting God out of education. Of eroding “the theological and spiritual essence of religious institutions so that their “Gospel light” is put out.”
You were given the Monument to the forefathers. Make TN Education Great Again by bringing back the principles that made it great.
• Faith
• Morality
• Education
• Law
• Liberty
That would be the better legacy Governor Lee.
AG Skrmetti, redrafting an opinion of nullification so state sovereignty is no longer eroded would also be the better legacy.
Thank you,
Danielle Goodrich
2 Responses
GOOD article, Danielle.
The only realistic answer is to reduce the size of the federal government. Stop taking there money.