Williamson County GOP Will Hold Caucus Style Convention To Choose Candidate For District 10 County Commission Seat

Williamson County GOP Will Hold Caucus Style Convention To Choose Candidate For District 10 County Commission Seat

Williamson County GOP Will Hold Caucus Style Convention To Choose Candidate For District 10 County Commission Seat

Image Credit: Williamson County GOP & Republican Women of Williamson County / Facebook

The Tennessee Conservative [By Kelly M. Jackson] –

The Williamson County Republican Party has announced that they will be holding a convention on August 13th to select a candidate to represent the party on the November ballot. 

As stated from their open press release: 

FRANKLIN, Tenn. (August 5, 2024) – Franklin resident Bill Petty, known for informing citizens about Williamson County government meetings and activities, has announced he will be a Republican candidate for the vacant District 10 seat on the Williamson County Commission.

Williamson County’s District 10 generally stretches from I-65 west, Highway 96/Murfreesboro Rd. north, Del Rio Pike east and Cottonwood subdivision south.

A large group of conservative Republicans within District 10 and across the county have already stepped up to support Bill.  They recognize Bill’s caring attitude towards others, his concern for his community, his deep knowledge of county government, his business experience, his wisdom and his integrity.   They believe Bill will be the citizen servant the people of District 10 deserve.

In making the announcement, Petty stated: “Throughout my career as a veteran, teacher and small-business owner, I’ve learned how to be an effective problem-solver, collaborator and communicator. These skills are essential for finding solutions to Williamson County’s many issues, including an overwhelming $1.2 billion debt, uncontrolled growth, crowded roads, strained infrastructure and other challenges.”

The District 10 seat became vacant in June when Commissioner David Landrum resigned from the Commission.    There will be a special election on November 5 to fill the remainder of Mr. Landrum’s term.   Because of calendar constraints, Williamson County Elections Administrator Chad Gray requested that the Williamson County Democrat Party and Williamson County Republican Party select their nominees via conventions, which must be held prior to the filing deadline of August 15.  There was not enough time to conduct the traditional primary elections.

The Williamson County Republican Party (WCRP) will hold a party convention on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, to hear from Petty and other candidates and will vote on which candidate will be the party’s nominee for the November 5 election.  The convention is a simple meeting which gives Republicans in District 10 the opportunity to hear from candidates and to vote on who will be the Republican nominee.

Petty served in the US Army’s 82nd Airborne and followed that with a career as a high school teacher, a coach to a state champion girls’ track team and owner of a construction company, Petty & Associates.  He has been president of the Nebraska Kidney Foundation, a board member for Big Brothers-Big Sisters, and has served his churches in various capacities.  Currently, he volunteers regularly at GraceWorks Ministries, and serves as the Franklin chapter coordinator for Guitars for Vets.

Petty and his wife Mary have been married since 1969. They have a son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren in Green Hills and a daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren in Evanston, Ill.

“Having regularly attended BOMA, county commission, election commission and school board meetings for more than a year — and writing a weekly update for the community to keep them informed of developments — I’ve learned a great deal about the challenges our county faces and possible solutions.  It’s enabled me to keep my finger on the pulse of issues impacting Williamson County, such as how our $1.2 billion debt and uncontrolled growth is affecting our traffic levels, infrastructure and quality of life. 

“If elected county commissioner for District 10, I am committed to operating with transparency, integrity and accountability. I will respectfully listen to input from all my constituents and seek to identify ways to solve our county’s challenges. I also will have a keen focus on fiscal restraint so that the county does not add to its enormous debt by spending money on ‘wants’ verses ‘needs.’”

There are two requirements to vote for Bill in the party convention.  Voters must be a resident of District 10 and a “bona fide” Republican (having voted Republican three of the last four statewide primaries).  Those able to participate are encouraged to immediately register here. The convention will be held at the Cool Springs Mariott Hotel at 6 pm on August 13th.  Doors open at 4:45 pm. Doors close by 5:45 pm.  People arriving after 5:45 pm will not be allowed in.   Participants are encouraged to arrive as early as possible to reduce last-minute congestion at the doors.

For more information about Petty, his principles and platform: https://votebillpetty.com

The Tennessee Conservative reported last month on the appointment of a replacement for the open seat, vacated by David Landrum, who moved out of the district earlier in the year. 

At last month’s Williamson County Commissioners meeting, former GOP chair Cheryl Brown was appointed despite several appeals from county residents that the commission defer the vote until a nominee of the people’s choosing could be established and submitted.

Now with the submission of Petty, there are two candidates vying for the D10 County Commission seat, and at the convention residents of that district will have the ability to make their preference known through a democratic process rather than an appointment that circumvented the voters. 

Once the candidate is determined, the name of that person will appear on the November ballot and finish out the final 2 years of Landrum’s term. 

About the Author: Kelly Jackson is an escapee from corporate America, and a California refugee to Tennessee. Christ follower, Wife and Mom of three amazing teenagers, she has a BA in Comm from Point Loma Nazarene University, and has a background in law enforcement and human resources. Since the summer of 2020, she has spent any and all free time in the trenches with local grassroots orgs, including Mom’s for Liberty Williamson County and Tennessee Stands as a core member.  An outspoken advocate for parents rights, medical freedom, and individual liberty, Kelly also has a YouTube channel @Tennessee_Truth_Teller and is planning on expanding out to other channels soon. Kelly can be reached at kelly@tennesseeconservativenews.com.

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18 Responses

  1. There really isn’t any true debate on who’s the better candidate. Cheryl has been a conservative warrior for years. I know everybody’s got their chapped butt disease Because she doesn’t bow to childish pressure has been thrown at her for years, but she’s led this County to one of the most successful republican parties on record.

    Not taking anything away from Bill because I have no idea who he is and appreciate his service to this country. But Cheryl has been an engaged conservative activist for years and is known in all four corners of this county.

    1. This is laughable. Cheryl has been the most divisive and incompetent leader of the WCRP we have ever had. Example: She could not organize and run a convention … something we have been doing for decades. Issues: 1) She appointed a chair from outside of the county. Could she not find someone from within our own county? The person she appointed has been extremely controversial. 2) She would not announce the members of the C&C committee. 3) The C&C meetings were not published. 4) The original site had a room that was too small. 5). Because of the many issues, she changed the date (there are many who believe there were other reasons for changing the date –to help her win.). 6). she should have totally recused herself from the process since she was a candidate, but remained deeply involved in all of the decisions (and mistakes). And on and on. It was a secretive process designed to help her and her cronies win. After months of errors, flubs and sordid issues, the state finally had to take over the reorganization . But despite her efforts to try to rig the process in her own favor, her fellow Republicans selected another person — by a 2-to-1 margin. Why was it the largest county convention ever held it TN history? Because so many people came out to vote against her.

    2. So by “warrior”, you mean doing basically nothing?
      No offense, but we need someone who is action oriented in this seat. The time for sitting on our laurels is over.

    3. I’ll tell you who Bill is. He’s a vet, a high integrity man, and goes regularly to all the Commission meetings. I haven’t seen Cheryl at any of them until she was installed. Most importantly, Bill is a fiscal conservative. The spending during Cheryl’s tenure at the head of the WCGOP suggests she is anything but. With $1.2B in debt, we need Bill.

    1. So disrespectful. To a veteran of all people. You should be ashamed. Bill runs rings around people much younger than him. Do you know of anyone else who attends virtually ALL county commission meetings, all school board meetings, all election commission meetings, Franklin BOMA meetings and then also reports on those meetings to hundreds of constituents on a weekly basis? Bill is a tireless servant of the people. Being retired also means he will be to dedicate most of his time to the duties.

    2. First, it’s not a caucus, it’s a convention. So you have just established that you’re either not familiar with this process or not attentive to detail.

      Second, your comment is ageist and disgusting. Since you’re so fond of judging people by their physical appearance, why not join the Democrat party? They love that garbage.

    3. First, it’s not a caucus, it’s a convention. So you have just established that you’re either not familiar with this process or not attentive to detail.

      Second, your comment is ageist and disgusting. Since you’re fond of judging people by their physical appearance, why not join the Democrat party? They love that garbage.

  2. With a $1.2 billion deficit in Williamson County, we just can’t afford to have Cheryl Brown as a county commissioner. I know Bill and have received his weekly reports on what the county commission, the election commission, BOMA, and Williamson County schools are discussing and acting on. He is an experienced problem-solver with the courage and discipline to make the tough fiscal calls so that our county does not add to its enormous debt through more reckless spending.

  3. Bill Petty has attended nearly every county commission and school board meeting for the past couple of years and publishes a weekly update for people interested in learning what’s really going on in our government. Bill is a problem solver, a bridge builder, a fiscal conservative, and a fighter. We need Bill Petty on the county commission in Williamson County.

    Bill Petty won’t back down!

  4. To the person who made the “Father time” comment (besides it being just tacky) –
    Most people would rather have an older, wiser, person of integrity, who fought for the freedom you seem to take for granted than a RINO who is really only in any position she has held for her own purposes. Her mismanagement of the WCRP on many levels is why she is now having to seek another avenue for her need for power and position.
    Those who want a responsible person to help get our county out of the mess it’s in will vote for Bill Petty.

  5. My belief is that Cheryl will be a Rubber Stamp for the Mayor, and that Bill won’t – that’s why Bill will be better. The County Debt is now over $1.2 Billion and if the Rubber Stamps approve the Mayor’s $325 Million Jails in a Blasting Zone, Williamson will have the 2nd highest debt in TN!!! I think the majority of Commissioners are Rubber Stamps and do whatever the Mayor tells them.

    We need Commissioners who aren’t Rubber Stamps for the Mayor and who don’t waste huge amounts of money.

    Indicators the County is Overspending > Since 2012, the Williamson County population has grown by 35% to approximately 265,000. But during the same period, the County debt has increased by 153% (4 times more than the population growth), while our revenues have only risen by 97%. And Williamson County is one of only 4 counties in TN whose debt exceeds their revenue. And if they approve spending $325 million on Jails and the County Debt is then over $1.5 Billion, the County will have the 2nd highest Debt in TN. Those are Red Flags of bad financial management and excessive spending.

  6. Hey everyone,

    The person posing as Ahni is none other than Jonathan Wells. Hater extraordinaire. He’s a coward so he hides behind fake names. Just wanted everyone to know!

    1. Thanks for exposing the truth Kelly. Commonly the people who make tacky accusations/comments with no facts or substance are those supporting the establishment here in Tennessee. Business as usual.

  7. Re: Bill’s age

    Ann Petersen (Franklin Alderman) was 81 when she ran and won another term last fall
    Bert Chalfant (D7 County Commissioner) was 86 when he ran and won another term in 2022

    I don’t remember anyone raising an issue with their age when they ran. Sounds like selective outrage…

    1. Just ignore Jonathan Wells. He doesn’t care about truth or principle. He’s here to harass and using another person’s name to do so. And somehow he still thinks he’s on the high road.

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