Study Claims Chattanooga Crime Is Down But Citizens Feel Differently

Study Claims Chattanooga Crime Is Down But Citizens Feel Differently

Study Claims Chattanooga Crime Is Down But Citizens Feel Differently

Image Credit: Canva

The Tennessee Conservative [By Olivia Lupia] –

A recently released study purports that violent crime is down in Chattanooga but citizens seem to disagree, asserting they see more disorder in the city. 

The study, conducted by the Manhattan Institute, claims that though violent crime has “largely receded,” data indicates that homelessness, trash, and certain kinds of petty crime remain elevated above pre-2020 levels. 

It is suggested that this ratio could be justified by a decline in police resources causing a concentration on serious crime at the expense of the more “minor” issues.

However, violent crime continues to be a hot topic amongst Chattanooga residents, many expressing concerns that the city is no longer a safe place to live.

Last October, the city experienced a rash of car break-ins, leading one resident who had moved from Arizona the week prior to leave town. “We left where we left for a reason. To come here and immediately get the same thing… it’s really disappointing,” she said.

Another report from January, 2024 details an incident where a man was shot in the head point-blank while walking down the street.

And a review on the website Best Places, a source that tracks various metrics for a large majority of cities in the nation, highlights the frustration citizens feel.

One user wrote in 2021, “I feel like the crime in Chattanooga gets glossed over in most reviews. Lived here virtually my entire life… but my family is planning on relocating in part due to crime. I don’t like gunshots outside my window. You might want to seriously think about living here because of the crime. Shootings are constant and not just in a particular area. We get a big fat ‘F’ when it comes to both violent and property crimes.”

It is reiterated several times throughout the study that rising crime continues to be a major concern for those in Chattanooga, and Americans in general, particularly elevating since 2020, the same year many cities saw mass riots and destruction sparked by Covid-19 mayhem, the death of George Floyd, and other civil upheavals.

Though the study seems to be thorough and accounts for many factors and data sets, including the steady decline in police presence in Chattanooga, there remains an element of cautious skepticism as many law enforcement agencies are not reporting crime statistics to the federal agencies and national databases, particularly with the FBI reporting standards and methods constantly changing.

“People will use crime data to say whatever they want,” said Jeff Asher, a criminologist and co-founder of AH Datalytics.

So, while this study’s data advocates that violent crime has receded, it appears the citizens of Chattanooga may have a better feel for the goings-on in their city.

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Olivia Lupia is a political refugee from Colorado who now calls Tennessee home. A proud follower of Christ, she views all political happenings through a Biblical lens and aims to utilize her knowledge and experience to educate and equip others. Olivia is an outspoken conservative who has run for local office, managed campaigns, and been highly involved with state & local GOPs, state legislatures, and other grassroots organizations and movements. Olivia can be reached at

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One Response

  1. I thank God every night I’m not in a dimmercrap city or state and ask Him to keep it that way.
    RINOs are our problem.

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