3 Bills Aimed At Establishing Trust In TN Elections To Be Considered In House

3 Bills Aimed At Establishing Trust In TN Elections To Be Considered In House

3 Bills Aimed At Establishing Trust In TN Elections To Be Considered In House

Image Credit:Thomas R Machnitzki / CC & Public Domain

The Tennessee Conservative [By Jason Vaughn] –

Three bills aimed at further ensuring election integrity in Tennessee are slated to be heard in subcommittee, committee and on the House floor next week.

If you support any or all of these bills, be sure to contact the Republican Representatives (who hold the supermajority vote) listed below to voice your support before their meetings next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

#1 Prohibiting Foreign Influence In Tennessee Elections

House Bill 2203 (HB2203), sponsored by Representative Chris Todd (R-Madison County-District 73) seeks to prohibit foreign nationals, corporations, and interest groups from interfering with state and local governmental affairs by financing certain political agendas, preferences, and activities that do not involve the election of an individual to a public office. 

The bill has been recommended for passage if amended by the House Elections and Campaign Finance Subcommittee and placed on the calendar for the House Local Government Committee for March 1st, 2022.  

No information available at this time for the amendments to be made to the bill.

If you support this bill, be sure to contact the Republican committee members (who hold the supermajority vote) listed below to voice your support before their meeting on Tuesday.

House Local Government Committee Republican Members:

John Crawford (chair) – rep.john.crawford@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-7623

Dave Wright (vice-chair) – rep.dave.wright@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-6879

Kent Calfee – rep.kent.calfee@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-7658

Dale Carr – rep.dale.carr@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-5981

Ron M. Gant – rep.ron.gant@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-6890

Esther Helton – rep.esther.helton@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-1934

John B. Holsclaw, Jr. – rep.john.holsclaw@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-7450

Tom Leatherwood – rep.tom.leatherwood@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-7084

Eddie Mannis – rep.eddie.mannis@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-2287

Debra Moody – rep.debra.moody@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-3774

Jerome Moon – rep.jerome.moon@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-5481

Jay D. Reedy – rep.jay.reedy@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-7098

Tim Rudd – rep.tim.rudd@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-2804

Ryan Williams – rep.ryan.williams@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-1875


#2 Paper Trail for Elections 

House Bill 2074 (HB2074) sponsored by Representative Bruce Griffey (R-Paris-District 75), in summary, requires county election commissions to use only ballot-marking devices or hand-marked ballots and tabulate the ballots using an electronic tabulator or by a hand count; specifies the distance from which a poll watcher may observe the counting and processing of ballots; requires certain security features on paper ballots.

Read our in-depth article about Griffey’s bill HERE.

HB2074 has been placed on the calendar for the House Elections and Campaign Finance Subcommittee for March 2nd, 2022.

If you support this bill, be sure to contact the Republican subcommittee members (who hold the supermajority vote) listed below to voice your support before their meeting on Wednesday.

House Elections and Campaign Finance Subcommittee Republican Members:

Tim Rudd (chair) – rep.tim.rudd@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-2804

John Crawford – rep.john.crawford@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-7623

John B. Holsclaw, Jr. – rep.john.holsclaw@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-7450

Eddie Mannis – rep.eddie.mannis@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-2287

Ryan Williams – rep.ryan.williams@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-1875

Dave Wright – rep.dave.wright@capitol.tn.gov – (615) 741-6879

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#3 Stopping Illegal Aliens From Voting In Tennessee

House Bill 2128 (HB2128), introduced by Representative John Crawford (R-Bristol/Kingsport-District 1), would prevent any person who is not a U.S. citizen from participating in any federal, state, or local election in Tennessee. It would also prohibit local governments in the state from allowing those who are not citizens to vote in any local election. 

The bill also “prescribes various other mechanisms for ensuring the integrity of elections in this state.”

In addition, the bill aims to disqualify those living in Tennessee illegally from participating in court juries.

The bill has been recommended for passage by the House Elections and Campaign Finance Subcommittee and the House Local Government Committee and is now scheduled to be heard on the House floor on March 3, 2022.

If you support this bill, contact your legislator and ask them to vote Yes on HB2128 prior to their meeting on Thursday.  You can find your Representative HERE.

About the Author: Jason Vaughn, Media Coordinator for The Tennessee Conservative  ~ Jason previously worked for a legacy publishing company based in Crossville, TN in a variety of roles through his career.  Most recently, he served as Deputy Director for their flagship publication. Prior, he was a freelance journalist writing articles that appeared in the Herald Citizen, the Crossville Chronicle and The Oracle among others.  He graduated from Tennessee Technological University with a Bachelor’s in English-Journalism, with minors in Broadcast Journalism and History.  Contact Jason at news@TennesseeConservativeNews.com

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