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by Thomas Antkow [Special to The Tennessee Conservative] –
After WWII Americans experienced a period of euphoria. We were invincible!
Having been fortunate enough to be born and raised during the innocence of the early 50’s and graduating from high school in 1970. Today I stand witness to the birth of a dramatic transformation of our Country.
America has evolved from relative peace and democracy to widespread and certain tyranny. Sandwiched in-between the fifties and the seventies was the infamous decade of the 1960’s. An absolute nightmare. Fears of atomic annihilation gave way to, three major assassinations, including a beloved President. War, racial strife and unrest became commonplace. Riots on our college campuses, sit-in occupations of administration buildings, fire bombings, looting, murder, disrespect for both the police and military members. Attacks and violence against both draftees and volunteers occurred daily. The Watts riots created racial fear and nightmare scenarios.
Marches on Washington were marketed as social events. Still are. Unfettered and unprotected sex, drugs, and rock and roll birthed all forms of acronyms. STD, AIDS, LSD, SDS, IRA, DNC, SLA, and the FALN. I wonder in retrospect, if it was the will of GOD, just happenstance or by design.
Unfortunately, events of today in the twenty-first century sound eerily familiar. The legacy of the nineteen sixties not only formed the foundation and baseline memories for future generations, but also foretold of what was to come. Governmental tyranny.
The Kennedy assassination lit a fuse that detonated a planned explosion and solidified progressive action that was established in the early nineteenth century. That moment of tragedy marked the beginning of the end for Democracy. The day that America stood still and bookmarked the beginning of the end of our Constitutional Republic. God and the Bill of Rights were about to suffer their eventual demise. They thought. I’m not quite so sure.
For those of us who are old enough to have lived through the chaos, it’s uncanny how the decade of the 2020’s is a confirmation of how history really does repeat and recycle itself.
Furthermore, the foundation for learning American history, civics, appropriate behavior, basic respect, pride in our country and simple patriotism laid down before the 1960’s has made a dramatic shift. Indoctrination via the new world order education plan began. Target the young and rule the world. Change their foundation through re-establishing the real history. Disparage the old. Replace it with the new.
A foundation of learning and beliefs that has guided the education of our youth for two hundred years are being erased. American and World history, accuracy is in question, U.S. victories over fascism, long held ideals of patriotism, pride in Country and God disparaged. Basic skills for reading, writing, communication, language, math skills, grammar and respect for family are being swept aside for “progressivism” and “woke-ism”. Marx, Stalin, Alinsky, and Mao, civil unrest protest, crime and radicalism have become the accepted heroic standards for the “new generation”. Baby Boomers be damned.
Progressives believe that the vast majority of the Boomers are now old fuddy-duddies. They believe that ALL history prior to FDR was a historically inaccurate mirage. That the Constitution is miserably outdated and irrelevant.
The “New Enlightened Progressives” have “progress” confused with “progressive”. On purpose. Progressives have their new user’s manuals. New bill of rights. New religion. New agenda. An agenda based on The Little Red Book, The Communist Manifesto and Rules for Radicals. That agenda won’t fly with Conservatives. Conservatives who happen to be the majority of God-fearing, Patriotic, Constitutional minded Americans. For now.
I believe that we can stop the bleeding. Stem the flow. Honor the times and history and pride recorded prior to the day that America stood still. I believe in diversity. I believe in America as a “melting pot”. I still support legal immigration. The entire words inscribed on the Statue of Liberty inspired millions of eventual American “citizens” to our shore. That included my ancestors. I also believe “In God we Trust” and “E Pluribus Unum” from many one. That 1776 and 1865 were not a dream and still relevant.
THOMAS ANTKOW is currently a freelance writer and produced and hosted his own daily radio show on KCSF AM 1300 and co-hosted talk shows for KVOR AM 740 for Cumulus Broadcasting in Colorado Springs. He can be reached at You can subscribe to Tom’s FREE newsletter at:
One Response
Interesting , you should see one of my signs I have been working now for about 3 years , it includes in large letters J F K , but of course also had signs with M L K .
Williamfdraper at skiff dot com
Born in 1960 , rioting was indeed in our MIDDLE SCHOOLS. , and HIGH SCHOOLS ….. Gainesville , Florida