Disabled Tennessee Veteran Killed By FBI – Crickets From Bill Lee

Disabled Tennessee Veteran Killed By FBI -Crickets From Bill Lee

Disabled Tennessee Veteran Killed By FBI – Crickets From Bill Lee

(This Isn’t just about Tennessee…)

Image Credit: Gov. Bill Lee / Facebook

Submitted by Kat Stansell (Independent Journalist, Earnest Patriot, TN Citizen and host of Mill Creek View Florida Podcast) –

On the early morning of August 16, a 100% disabled veteran, Theodore Deschler, was murdered in his own home by the  Federal Bureau of Investigation agents.

From reports, he was unarmed, and had made no threats to anyone. He was battling depression and PTSD. Was that his crime?? The USS (United States Stasi, formerly FBI) has told everyone including the man’s family that “it’s none of your business”. REALLY?

This incident occurred one week after the FBI murdered another disabled man, in his home in Utah, with the use of the same Stasi tactics. This time it was while supposedly serving a  warrant. 

The most appalling and frightening thing of this, for all of America, is the utter LACK OF RESPONSE BY STATE GOVERNMENT.

Only one elected official, all of whom have taken an oath of office to “protect and defend the Constitution” of the United States and their own state, has made any statements at all, about the very UNCONSTITUTIONAL raids. Republican State Senator Page Wally, Savannah, has learned that neither the local sheriff’s office nor the family was informed before the killing took place.  

Where is the Henderson County Sheriff?? He obviously cannot be considered “constitutional”.

Where is Bill Lee, our Governor, whose state was raided by the feds and a citizen, murdered?? 

Don’t even try to shovel it, elected officials. There is no excuse for not standing against this kind of federal incursion IF you stand for us, and our rights and freedom. This is one very clear case of, “if you’re not with us, you’re agin’ us”. Guess our high and mighty pols missed this lesson on their fathers’ knee when they were young.  

Even RINO/Globalist tool, Ron DeSantis, broke his silence on the Aug., 2022, raid on Trump’s home, Mar-a-Lago, with a weak statement three days after the fact. For Gov. Bill Lee et. al., it’s  been two weeks since Mr. Deschler was murdered.  

Even if the victim had been accused of a crime which we don’t know about, this is STILL the USA, or so we pretend. Once we  had a right to a fair and speedy trial by a jury of our peers. Or so it says in that beautiful document and its body of law, under which this country was founded.

Oh, snap…that’s the same Constitution our officials swore to defend, but are blatantly failing to protect. Silly me. We’ve had a coup, and are living in a lawless banana republic, complete with an on going purge known as “J6”.  

Until we see some Constitutional actions and defense of our freedoms by our elected officials, we must group them ALL in the same category, “unable to be trusted”. Says to me that – IF we get to have an honest, hand-counted vote in 2024 – we must  take that opportunity to clean our political house. Let’s let some  REAL Americans have a try at leadership. For a BIG change. 

I’m talking to YOU, America, in all 50 states and of every political persuasion. Whether you’re a Constitutionalist or a Communist (the only two valid choices we have today) we all are losing our freedom.

Wake up.

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12 Responses

  1. Not much info in this article…What was the victims name??? What were the circumstances behind this killing by the FBI ??? We viewers would like to know more about this situation please…

    1. I do believe we are losing our freedoms but by bit. But few if any take action to even contact their Representatives. I into too.

  2. Communist??? Hell, they’re the reason this country is in shambles right now!!! I don’t believe that they even value their freedom!!! Communism is what’s driving the identity politics and the massive DIVISION in this country!!!

  3. This country has become an absolute cesspool of corruption and lies……the politicians all seem to be in their own special “we hate patriots” club, that applies to both sides of “the UNIPARTY.” You can’t trust any of them to have the citizens best interest at heart when you see this kind of behavior among so-called “law enforcement” and the silence from the politicians. Disgraceful. I have been awake for a long time trying to warn anyone who would listen that this hell was coming.

  4. This is a government usurpation by unelected ‘officials’….how can our elected officials stand by?

  5. These unelected ‘officials’ need to be monitored by our own ‘elected’ officials….expose now! Evil is real.

  6. The Biden/Garland Gestapo unit (FBI) have been rogue traitors to our constitution and openly criminal that have colluded in civil rights violations, attacks on the constitutions protections, genocide, treason and organized crime. That is disregarding their current illegal election interferences and the stolen 2020 presidential election. On top of all of that they have weaponized the justice system and the FBI as their agents to terrorize the political opposition to their now, fully criminal and traitorous party. Insurrection in full swing by the Marxist criminals of the Democrat party and their RINO moles(like Bill Lee). This is the second insurrection attack by the democrats and treason committed by them, the first was the civil war of 1860’s. The Gestapo tactics the government is using is enabled by the illegitimate President Biden and Garland. The cold blooded murder of citizens does not bother them at all. We must come together as a cohesive team to defeat these heinous criminals. Eat more meat, buy more USA clothes and etc., homeschool, stand up for life, be proud of loving God, stockpile ammo, food and medical supplies and do everything you can to counter their attempts at enslaving us. Keep your Assault rifles and ammo ready to go at a moment to protect your family and neighbors from criminals/ terrorist attacks. They need to pay a heavy price for their attacks on the constitutions protections and other heinous crimes. Governor Bill Lee is a disgrace to the republican party and to all Tennesseans. He is a faker, deceiver, charlatan, a wimp and not a true conservative or republican. WE need to start a registry of known government police agents, including the FBI rank and file to distribute to all Americans, that includes their personal data , photos, addresses, phone numbers, family details, and all known past details. They are employees of ours, working for the taxpayers and swore an oath to protect and defend. We need to know everything about them. Trials for crimes against the people and the republic will be coming someday, for the democrat traitors, I hope it is before another 600,000 people are killed in civil war.

  7. Most “elected” officials in TN aren’t elected. TN elections are fake. Pretty much all are traitors and against the people.

  8. All the BS that is stretching across the land may have roots from two of the evilest POS’s to land in America. They would be Allen Dulles and Col. Robert Helvey.

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