Citizens Gather In Protest Of After School Satan Club At Tennessee Elementary School

Image Credit: The Satanic Temple / Facebook &

The Tennessee Conservative [By Adelia Kirchner] –

This month, community members gathered outside of Chimneyrock Elementary School in Cordova, Tennessee, to protest during a meeting of the Satanic Temple’s After School Satan Club (ASSC). 


The Satanic Temple currently maintains active after school clubs in California, Ohio, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and now Tennessee.

Campaign director for the Satanic Temple’s ASSC, June Everett, previously told The Tennessee Conservative that the club “only goes where it has been invited” and that the ASSC was actually requested by a Chimneyrock parent.

According to Everett, the ASSC received over 14 permission slips from parents and many of those students plan to attend future meetings.

This ASSC meeting on Wednesday, January 10th, was the first of its kind to occur in the State of Tennessee.


“Our very first After School Satan Club meeting in Tennessee was a huge success!” the Satanic Temple wrote on social media. “Students had fun playing with Legos and coloring books and constructing marble tracks to learn about kinetic and potential energy. Parents and families were thrilled to meet other like-minded people in their community, and everyone is excited for their next meeting!”

The organization’s social media post featured a collage of photos from the meeting, which was likely edited to protect the identity of children in attendance. However, this was done by covering up the children’s faces with images of cartoon goat faces.

Image Credit: The Satanic Temple / Facebook

After the meeting, the Satanic Temple told Action News 5 that “the kiddos had a great time.”

The initial flyer for the ASSC stated that the Satanic Temple “is a non-theistic religion that views Satan as a literary figure who represents a metaphorical construct of rejecting tyranny and championing the human mind and spirit.”

The flyer also claimed that the club is not an attempt to convert children but is instead meant to help children think for themselves through a “scientific, rationalist, non-superstitious world view.”

Image Credit: The Satanic Temple

These clarifications did little to quell the concerns of community members and parents though, as protestors showed up outside of the school building with signs reading “There is power in the blood of Jesus,” “Schools in the name of Jesus,” “There is room at the cross,” and more.

“There is no reason that Memphis should have ever allowed an after-school Satan club to come in,” said Samantha Harmon, one of the protestors. “It’s time to revise policy and it’s time for parents to get on their post and pray and protect their kids.”

“They need to go ahead and have this Satanic Temple somewhere else. Not near my children. Not after school. Not before school…Not on our grounds.” said another protestor and parent. “I’m not going to allow it and I’m going to keep speaking out until something is done.”

“It is a gradual indoctrination,” an online commenter noted.


The protest’s organizer, Charlottee Bergmann, also spoke with the news media.

“What I want the school district to do is to obey the law…and allow God to take care of this because this fight is not between the school and the satanic club,” said Bergmann. “This fight is between God and the satanic club, and God’s going to bring it down.”

About the Author: Adelia Kirchner is a Tennessee resident and reporter for the Tennessee Conservative. Currently the host of Subtle Rampage Podcast, she has also worked for the South Dakota State Legislature and interned for Senator Bill Hagerty’s Office in Nashville, Tennessee. 

You can reach Adelia at

6 thoughts on “Citizens Gather In Protest Of After School Satan Club At Tennessee Elementary School

  • January 23, 2024 at 5:09 pm

    I’ve got mixed feelings about this — all of them bad. My main anger is that there are parents requesting this and sending their kids to the club. That is the thing that bothers me the most. I am less concerned about a group of loonies starting an after-school club. It is the fact that people showed up that bothers me. Instead of protesting, the parents should start an alternative choice based on the values of Jesus and hopefully making the kids of Satan worshipers want to learn about Jesus. The Satan worshipers are showing their true colors – they are creating a deception and making it look fun when the goal is the destruction of souls. And there are parents that support it.

  • January 23, 2024 at 5:13 pm

    This is how evil leaks into society; it is insidious. Frankly, I’m surprised they use the name Satan Club; however, further thought admits that this sort of SUBTLE INDOCTRINATION is happening all across the country and globe….the IN YOUR FACE EMBOLDENED teachings to our children to do and think OUTSIDE our creator’s realm. If we have to cancel ALL after-school Club meetings. So be it because the compromised cowardly court judges will not take a stand against evil. They, like our so called conservatives representing us in Washington, are cowards, unprincipled pawns being controlled by leftists and cultists. Where are REAL men and women of GOOD? Take a stand against this before it takes root in TN like evil has overtaken our country.

  • January 23, 2024 at 6:19 pm

    Money talks!
    Why not pull out the students from this public school and place them in private schools, i.e., Christian / Church Schools?
    When the public school board loses funding for each student that effects their paychecks, perhaps they will see the light!

  • January 23, 2024 at 6:21 pm

    Satanic Temple “is a non-theistic religion that views Satan as a literary figure who represents a metaphorical construct of rejecting tyranny and championing the human mind and spirit.”

    There is so much evil/lies packed into this sentence. If they are a non-theistic religion, then why do they even mention Satan? Why do they consider themselves a religious organization at all? I believe that is so they can “legally” have access to the children. And they believe Satan is a metaphorical construct. Again deceitful practice to get people more accepting of him. And they say “rejecting tyranny and championing the human mind and spirt”. All deceptive terminology to make Satan seem fun, harmless and enjoyable!!!

  • January 24, 2024 at 1:59 pm

    All 3-4 of these children should be interviewed for possible SRA as this is normal in these homes.

  • January 31, 2024 at 5:28 pm

    This is the fault of the Prayer in School people who are simply not smart enough to know what Seperation of Church and State means.
    You can’t have religious indoctrination in Elementary and now you know why. This is America and that fact come first. Your religious preference, second. If Christians want religion in public schools they can have it. So can Satanists, Muslims, Jews etc.
    If you can’t comprehend this very simple fact, or worse, reject it, you enabled this Satan Group of idiots to exercise their foul views. It’s on you.
    Church and home are the places for religion. Not the public school system. Religious Fundamentalists are some of the goofiest people on earth. Your religions will not be permitted to circumvent the US Constitution.

    No religious activity on school property, ever, is the only way the keep youth from being subjected to crap like Satanists and such.
    Take your kids to church. Let them learn educational essentials at school. Dummies.


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