After School Satan Club Will Meet At Tennessee Elementary School In January

After School Satan Club Will Meet At Tennessee Elementary School In January

After School Satan Club Will Meet At Tennessee Elementary School In January

Image Credit: The Satanic Temple / Facebook

The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –

The Satanic Temple’s After School Satan Club will meet at a Tennessee Elementary School in January.

June Everett, Campaign Director for After School Satan Club (ASSC) and Hellion Academy of Independent Learning (HAIL), and ordained minister of The Satanic Temple, confirmed yesterday that the new club is scheduled to have its first meeting at Chimneyrock Elementary School in Cordova.

The club will be the first meeting of its kind in the state.

In her reply to our press inquiry, Everett said that ASSC was requested by a Chimneyrock Elementary parent and that the club “only goes where it has been invited to give an alternative club to the other religious clubs already operating on school campus.”

Everett said that the school has declined to send out permission slips for the club due to a “flyer policy” despite previously sending out similar documents for the Child Evangelism Fellowship’s Good News Club that operates at Chimneyrock before school hours.

The Satanic Temple was recognized as a church by the IRS in 2019 even though they do not hold supernatural beliefs and view Satan as a “literary figure.” 

When The Tennessee Conservative asked Everett who she worships in her role as an ordained minister she said, “As non-theistic Satanists, we don’t necessarily “worship” anything. We do however believe in ourselves, and the communities that we belong to that include congregations across the world.”

According the Temple’s website, The Satanic Temple believes that religion “can, and should, be divorced from superstition.” They do not promote “belief in a personal Satan” and instead believe that to “embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions.”

In a graphic shared to the Temple’s Facebook page advertising the club, the Temple states that Satan represents “a metaphorical construct of rejecting tyranny and championing the human mind and spirit” while stating that children will not be persuaded to believe in any “religious ideology” and instead will be supported in thinking for themselves.

More information about ASSC can be found in this handbook.

Media Relations for Memphis-Shelby County School District sent us the following statement regarding the club’s planned operation on school grounds:


Thank you for your email. Several organizations rent out our facilities, such as the Good News Club that meets at Chimneyrock Elementary weekly. Here is a statement that we recently sent to families below:

Dear Chimneyrock Family,

We understand that some of you have questions regarding the recent approval of a facility rental to The Satanic Temple, a federally recognized non-profit organization.

As a public school district, we’re committed to upholding the principles of the First Amendment, which guarantees equal access to all non-profit organizations seeking to use our facilities after school hours. This means we cannot approve or deny an organization’s request based solely on its viewpoints or beliefs.

Board Policy 7002 outlines this commitment, allowing community groups and government entities to rent school property outside of school hours. These gatherings are not school-sponsored and are not endorsed or promoted by Memphis-Shelby County Schools.

The Satanic Temple, recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) public charity, falls under this policy and has the same legal rights to use our facilities after school hours as any other non-profit organization. It will be renting the facility in January, after school. You may read more about the organization in an online news story from the Washington Post.

We understand that this topic may raise questions. Thank you for your understanding and continued partnership.

Thank you,

MSCS Media Relations

The Tennessee Conservative reached out to the MSCS school board for comment.

Michelle McKissack, School Board Commissioner for District 1 of Memphis-Shelby County Schools said, “As a Christian, I do not support organizations like this…at all. It’s unfortunate that a group that has no connection to Memphis or even Tennessee is choosing to come in and attempt to take the focus away from educating children. As a mom of four kids, that will continue to be my focus, being a positive influence on children.” 

MSCS Chair Althea Greene sent us the following statement:

The Shelby County Board of Education is aware of the facility rental approval for an after-school event hosted by The Satanic Temple. This organization is a 501(c)(3) federally recognized non-profit organization. Therefore, by law the school district and board of education cannot approve or deny a request based on an organization’s beliefs.

Board Policy 7002 outlines the commitment, allowing community groups and government entities to rent school property outside school hours. These events are not school-sponsored and are not endorsed or promoted by Memphis-Shelby County Schools or the Shelby County Board of Education.

Some board members are hearing from constituents about this event, and we want to make sure the public understands our position.

The Satanic Temple which does have a presence in Tennessee  takes the side of LGBTQ groups and promotes the nationwide Temple’s “Expert Witness Services Initiative” which focuses on helping gender-confused Temple members involved in legal proceedings argue that they have a religious right to do what they want with their bodies.

The Tennessee Temple also promotes The Satanic Temple’s “Religious Abortion Clinic” which offers free access to healthcare providers and discounted abortion medications so that female members may perform a “Religious Abortion Ritual.”

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Joseph R. Murray, II, Esq., a civil rights attorney turned Tennessee educator and author of Take Back Education, is not surprised by the development, but is surprised by the cowardice of local leaders.

Murray asserted, “In a world in which violence and pervasion are glorified, should we be surprised that Satan is trying to set up shop in our elementary schools? Hell no. But we should be surprised that so many of our elected officials, who take their oath on a Bible, have willingly assumed the role of Judas.”

“If an after-school Satan’s club knocks on the door of any school district in the MidSouth, they need to release the Dobermans and tighten the deadbolt,” Murray argues, “No school board in this county, state, or country should allow this club on campus. This is not a time to be afraid of lawsuits or hide behind a devilish diversity; it is a time to stand up for righteousness. If a school board member cannot do that, they need to get the hell out of the way and make room for someone who can.”

About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at

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19 Responses

  1. If Satan and his doctrine has “Legal authority” to enter the schools, so does the Islamic Religion.

    Will the teaching of “Honor Killing”, “Wife Beating” become “Legal”???

    How do you incorporate the doctrines of other religions into a “Constitution of Laws” based on the “Doctrine of Christianity” that is contrary to other doctrines????

    Le 26:3 If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them;
    4 Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.
    5 And your threshing shall reach unto the vintage, and the vintage shall reach unto the sowing time: and ye shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely.
    6 And I will give peace in the land, and ye shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid: and I will rid evil beasts out of the land, neither shall the sword go through your land.

    Le 26:14 But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments;
    15 And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant:
    16 I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.
    17 And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies:

    “they that hate you shall reign over you;” and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.

    These Judges/Courts/school Admin: will become partakers with the evil in supporting this.

    2Jo 1:10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:

    11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

  2. These Board Members who took their oath of office on the Holy Bible need to be REMOVED for NOT UPHOLDING THEIR OATH.

    America was founded by God-loving Christians fleeing religious tyranny. That is why America has been blessed by God Almighty.

    We need to restore the Christian principles our nation was founded on.

  3. Anyone who has ever read or studied anything about the occult and/or spirit world knows that they can ONLY present their “beliefs” to others if they are invited knowingly or unknowingly into an area or building. The demonic entity can and will create it as a portal for other demonic spirits to enter. Because of this, I would NEVER set foot into that school again.

  4. ” Everett said that ASSC was requested by a Chimneyrock Elementary parent and that the club “only goes where it has been invited to give an alternative club to the other religious clubs already operating on school campus.”

    Since they admit they are a religious club, will Hedy Weinberg and the ACLU be filing the typical suit with their imaginary “separation of church and state” belief?

    1. Of course not. The only thing the ACLU supports with their frivolous antics is the destruction of western civilization…

  5. Dr Tennessee going to hell in a hand basket. How very sad we have NO leaders with a spine. Another group that use our children as Guinea pigs for sexual mutilation and to encourage the killing of babies via abortion.

  6. What does the IRS’s validation or recognition via a 501c designation have to do with whether the organization is a charity or religious? Last I checked the Supreme Court recognized in 1979 that the IRS is not even a departmental agency of the US government as it was not created by an act of Congress, so where does the IRS get the power to make a determination whether it “must be allowed” to rent space at an elementary school. The federal government has no authority over our schools when the free speech is as inappropriate for young children as inciting hate or promoting birth control. What should matter is what are they promoting and whether the parents of the children are protesting enough to get the administration of the school canned.

  7. Digital currency. In technology we trust.? I’m with you, ready to fight. By the way, when you buy a Tennessee auto license plate you can opt out of one that says “In God We Trust” for one that does not say that. Things are going south fast..

    1. It’s time to reexamine the use of the term “going south”. More accurately, we should be saying it’s all “going North”. That’s where all this anti Christian shit is coming from, for God’s sake…

  8. The devil and his followers are evil and have no rights in our Judeo-Christian nation. Not now or ever. CHRISTUS DOMINUS!!

  9. THis is TOTAL Garbage. If they want a Satan club meet in the Landfill with the rest of the Trash not in Tax payer funded buildings.

  10. God was removed from our schools decades ago. Christians can no longer be fench riders

  11. Here Is a different perspective. Do you believe God is sovereign? Do you think that the whole purpose of this is so School Boards will stop allowing ALL “religious clubs”?
    We need to follow the law and if the law is bad we need to change it. I believe any club that teaches the love of God will beat out any offering of a Satan Club, or any other ungodly organization.

    If no children participate, the club will not exist. We need to be bold, and get on our knees. God promises He will heal our land if we confess our sins.

    God has NEVER lost a fight against evil!

    1. Thank you for sharing this perspective, Lavigne! If public school districts end up saying no to allowing these ASSCs then they will be legally obligated to say no to other outside organizations, Christian churches and legitimate faith-based groups that actually have a very positive influence on the children who participate in their programs. That would be a shame. If that happens, then the people behind the ASSC movement will have accomplished their true objective. That is to shut down the other clubs that they are opposed to. I agree that God is sovereign! Christians who are concerned about this matter need to: 1) Stay calm, 2) Understand the laws a bit more pertaining to school districts allowing equal access to outside groups using their facilities, and 3) Pray and watch God bring good from this! Romans 8:28.

    2. Thank you for sharing this perspective, Lavigne. I agree that God is Sovereign! If these school officials say no to these disturbing small groups of people who supposedly want to start an ASSC in a public school then they would, by law, be obligated to say no to allowing other legitimate outside/faith-based groups & churches that may actually be conducting programs that have a very positive influence on the children who participate in their programs. If the school districts close their doors and deny access to any faith-based group, they are obligated to deny access to all. That would be a shame. If that happens, then the people behind the ASSC programs would have accomplished their goal, which is to shut down the other faith-based programs that they are opposed too. Christians who are concerned about this matter need to: 1) Stay calm, 2) Know the laws that the school districts must abide by, and 3) Pray that God will work all of this for good as in Romans 8:28. He is Sovereign!

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