Voters In Multiple Tennessee Counties Report Being Turned Away From Voting Until They Hide Their Conservative Attire

Voters In Multiple Tennessee Counties Report Being Turned Away From Voting Until They Hide Their Conservative Attire

Voters In Multiple Tennessee Counties Report Being Turned Away From Voting Until They Hide Their Conservative Attire

Image Credit: Canva

The Tennessee Conservative [By Kelly M. Jackson] –

The Tennessee Conservative recently reported that voters in Williamson County were initially turned away when attempting to vote due to the messaging on their shirts.

Randy Tate and Emma Holmes, both of Franklin, went to the designated voting center of their choice, Pearre Creek Elementary School, to cast their votes for their chosen candidates. 

As Holmes explains, when she entered the polling location she noticed Tate, who had already been sequestered by polling location managers and told to flip his t-shirt inside out, which was a nostalgic nod to campaigns of years past, featuring the message, Reagan/ Bush 88’.

Holmes attempted to enter the location and vote but was told that her t-shirt, emblazoned with one line from the lyrics of Tom Petty’s classic hit “Free-Falling”, “Loves Jesus, And America Too”, was inappropriate and illegal attire because it was considered “campaigning” and needed to be turned inside out if she wanted to be able to vote. 

An unnamed poll supervisor insisted on adherence to the “that’s political campaigning you can’t wear that” policy, and Holmes and Tate were both forced to turn their shirts inside out in order to cast their votes that day. 

After The Tennessee Conservative released the story via website, newsletter and social media, some comments and emails were received from citizens from other parts of the state that indicated the incidents were not just relegated to Williamson County. 

From the TTC Facebook page where the article and interviews are posted, we received this comment from a Patti Mayfield who said, “This happened to me , I had a trump shirt on, the worker told me I couldn’t wear my shirt, even tho it was not an election for Trump., I told them poll worker he needed to check the rules, and I was sure he was wrong … he was angry but let me vote” 

An email from Amber Spiller in Jefferson County stated that: “I saw the video where Tennesseans had issues at the polls August 1st. We did as well, over shirts we had on. I pushed back, just so you know”. 

Amber sent an email of her account, and we are publishing it in full, in her words. 

Amber writes: 

“On August 1, my daughter and I arrived at the polling place held at White Pine School. There was no one in line and one person at a voting booth voting. We approached the first table to fill out the paper so we could proceed to the next table and then vote. 

The lady behind that table did not greet us. As we began to fill out the paper, that lady told us that our shirts were not allowed inside and that we would need to turn them inside out. I questioned why, as it was only a silhouette(of Trump) with American Flag with Ray Ban sunglasses on with the words “You missed” at the bottom. She stated again that it was not allowed. I pushed back and said, “Are you refusing us the right to vote?” She looked surprised and I repeated myself. I said, “What part of our shirts is not allowed?” She looked stunned. I said, “Are..YOU…refusing US…the right…to vote?” She said, you can go change in your car. I was not happy at that moment. I said, “ARE YOU SERIOUS?” She just stared at us. I said, “YOU WANT US TO CHANGE IN OUR CAR WHERE EVERYONE OUTSIDE CAN SEE US? ARE YOU SERIOUS? DO YOU HAVE A BATHROOM HERE WE CAN CHANGE OUR SHIRTS INSIDE OUT?” Stunned, she said, “hold on, let me make sure they aren’t allowed.” At this point, not one poll worker came over to us. She walked over to one of the poll workers by a voting machine. The older gentleman came over and said that for some reason, they changed the rules that morning. Although he agreed that before that morning, it would’ve been fine and allowed. There was no candidate nor writing on our shirts that was on the ballot that day.  We got the feeling that he too had to change his shirt. He was very nice but seemed frustrated with the decision made that morning. He walked us PAST the machines to the bathroom. We changed them inside out, voted and then changed them right side out and walked BACK PAST the voting machines to the exit. At that time, there were about 3 others signing in to vote. The older gentleman was by the exit, apologized again and we told him have a blessed night and he replied the same. 

I did contact Marsha Blackburn’s office….we had just voted for her again, and her office never called back, but I did speak to someone when I called back a few days later. That lady stated that they had nothing to do with that and to call my Election Commissioner. I told her that I think Marsha should be aware of election interference and that this was not the last they’d hear about this. 

That about sums it up. Attached is a pic of the shirts. 


Amber Spiller”

Birds of Freedom

These comments seem to directly reflect the response from elections officials at the county and state levels, who communicated that the issue will be addressed with better training of those who work at the polls, and assured Tennesseans the issue would not reoccur. 

TTC did receive one report from Hamilton county that said they were able to go into their polling place and vote wearing their MAGA hat. 

From the TTC post of the article on X we received this comment from Cimone, “It’s not only infringing on free speech and our rights, but what is happening here is they are trying to take our free speech little by little until it’s gone. Desensitizing us..can’t have it here..gone there..until it’s ALL gone. America! We cannot allow this to happen to us!” 

In what is deep red Tennessee, based on these accounts, there seem to be many elections employees who don’t understand the rules, despite what is likely years of experience. 

The Tennessee Conservative will continue to follow this story, and will recount any further occurrences reported by Tennesseans. 

About the Author: Kelly Jackson is an escapee from corporate America, and a California refugee to Tennessee. Christ follower, Wife and Mom of three amazing teenagers, she has a BA in Comm from Point Loma Nazarene University, and has a background in law enforcement and human resources. Since the summer of 2020, she has spent any and all free time in the trenches with local grassroots orgs, including Mom’s for Liberty Williamson County and Tennessee Stands as a core member.  An outspoken advocate for parents rights, medical freedom, and individual liberty, Kelly also has a YouTube channel @Tennessee_Truth_Teller and is planning on expanding out to other channels soon. Kelly can be reached at

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