Exposing The Enemies Of Sovereignty

Exposing The Enemies Of Sovereignty

Exposing The Enemies Of Sovereignty

Image Credit: Canva

Submitted by Danielle Goodrich [East Tennessee Freedom] –

Most people have heard about the World Health Organization’s proposed unconstitutional treaty to usurp our nation’s sovereignty. Most people have heard about the World Economic Forum and “you will own nothing and be happy.” But few have heard the United Nations say they have a global plan implemented locally. To understand the origins of this global plan we must look back to 1946. 

In 1946, Julian Huxley wrote the Purpose and Philosophy of the United Nations Education Science and Culture

Julian Huxley is the brother of Alduous Huxley who penned, “Brave New World.” 

Alduous wrote the dystopian version of the envisioned utopia his brother was attempting to author into reality through UN policy. 

Julian believed in order to have world peace there couldn’t be competing traditions or religions. How do you get rid of competing traditions and religions peacefully? He said there must be one belief system which he described as scientific humanism, specifically evolutionary humanism. 

The idea that as technology improves so will human understanding, to the point that man can control the world around him like a god. 

Julian wrote in order to accomplish one world belief system of evolutionary humanism, it would require political unity. He said, “specifically in its (UNESCO) education programme it can stress the need for world political unity and familiarize all people with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organization.”

He explained that the United Nations, World Health Organization and other UN agencies like the FAO (food and agriculture) can help to achieve this political unity en route to one world government.

Julian Huxley, John Dewey, Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann and Charles Francis Potter were members of the First Humanist Society of New York. Together with Dewey, Potter was one of the original 34 signers of the first Humanist Manifesto. And unfortunately, they were also the authors of our current American education system.

Potter the author of “Humanism: the religion” said, “Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic Sunday school, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teachings?”

Potter was an adviser in defense of John Thomas Scopes, a Tennessee schoolteacher who was charged with teaching evolution in his classes.

When humanists advocated to remove the Bible out of schools in the 1960s, we let them have their way of government over God instead of God over government. God over government is what the founding fathers understood offered liberty.  The separation of Church and State is not a Biblical concept. Jesus is Lord of all: that includes government and, even politics which is defined as the governance of man. What is the ultimate guide book on how man should be governed? The Bible. What is the most referenced document in the creation of the Constitution? The Bible.  In fact, the Kingdom of God is a government, and how better to bring it to earth than by impacting civil government. 

Who is telling you God has to stay out of government? The government. Are they a higher authority than God? Throughout the Bible we see God’s people influencing government and becoming leaders. 

Writing out God as the highest authority and replacing Him with government happens to be one of the first steps to communism. Communism and globalism look a lot alike. Despite Julian Huxley acknowledging the flaws of communism and Marxism and Nazism, he still thought that his form of collectivist government devoid of individual liberty would be a utopia. 

Our form of government was built on God-given rights. The founding fathers had escaped the rule of a King. They realized that if rights are given by men or government they can be taken by men or government. They realized all men are created equal endowed with certain inalienable rights from their Creator. 

Men are not equal in ability or work ethic, but in that they all have the same inalienable rights. Nontransferrable rights. How can we have a country built on God-given rights, when God has been removed from society? And that was the point. Julian didn’t want one nation under God. He wanted one world government under evolutionary humanism. 

Look at our schools today, look at who took over the education system, look at what has been taught for decades. The humanist belief system is winning because they took over the education system with little fight from God’s people.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely and centralized power is absolute power. Globalism is the ultimate consolidation of power. Who would you trust to sit on a world-sized throne? Julian thought we should trust the United Nations and ignore how absolute and corrupting that power would be. 

Huxley acknowledged the issue that all men are not created equal in talents as “biological inequality” which he looked to address through eugenics and technology. He said, “Biological inequality is of course the bedrock fact which all of eugenics is predicated…. But the inequality of level or standard is undesirable, and the other primary aim of eugenics should be the raising of the mean level of all desirable qualities. While there may be dispute over certain qualities, there can be none over a number of the most important, such as a healthy constitution, a high innate general intelligence, or a special aptitude such as that for mathematics or music.” 

Huxley acknowledged the problem of Nazi Germany and saw diversity and human variety as necessary but only as long as they possessed the “desirable qualities.”

Huxley talks about population control saying, “medical science may increase the number of human beings in a given area but lower their quality or their opportunities for enjoyment of life and if so, in that light of our basic criteria of evolutionary direction, it is wrong.”

He is saying, there is a negative to making medicine too successful because it could lead to overpopulation and that would limit their ability to progress. 

Humanism believes that man is supreme and man just needs more information to be god-like, to control the world. Where they believe in population control and situational ethics or the end justifies the means, Biblical worldview believes Christ is supreme, God is supreme and that humanity flourishes in obedience to God’s laws like “thou shalt not kill” and “love thy neighbor as thyself.”

Biblical worldview believes “be fruitful and multiply.” Humanism stands contrary to biblical worldview. A Christian would not look to cull people and believe killing to be more ethical because it is better for humanity, but a humanist would. 

For the same reason communists look to re-educate Christians, so would globalists like Huxley in order to accomplish his humanist belief system.

Julian fails to see that his belief system is no better than Nazism. What happens when a Christian stands in the way of a humanist practicing eugenics on a population in order to get the population to what the humanist believes to be optimal? Situational ethics would tell you, you kill him. The end justifies the means. 

If you can accomplish utopia by getting rid of 1/3 of the population and killing those who stand in your way then in the name of progress, the humanist believes it is justified. This is the exact belief system perpetuated by communists with horrifying, in-humane results. How can inhumanity be progressive?

Recently the news reported that vasectomy and abortion trucks were outside the Democratic National Convention. I thought, how sad. The UN has found their target market. The Pareto principle tells you 20% of your target audience provides 80% of your profit. Who better to participate in eugenics programs than those who voluntarily participate in eugenics programs? Would you say someone with a high innate intelligence would voluntarily end their bloodline by chemically castrating their children?

We recently kicked UNICEF out of our community. They were running what they called a Child Friendly City initiative. But the initiative was not friendly to children. UNICEF, which originally stood for United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, was established by the United Nations in 1947 during the aftermath of World War II. Funded by voluntary contributions from governments and the public, its original purpose was to provide emergency food, water, shelter and medical care to children throughout the world.”

What started out to be about emergency food, water and shelter, over time became what the organizations were truly about per the philosophy and purpose; humanism and population control. This article talks about the whole nefarious timeline but here are a few of their efforts. 

“UNICEF In 1965 Pakistan started an “all out family planning program” which included IUDs that rendered many women sterile. In 1985: UNICEF received $700,000 from the World Bank for a population project in Kenya that included sterilization facilities in district hospitals and family planning clinics. In 1995, “The Catholic Women’s League of the Philippines won a restraining order against a two- year-old WHO and UNICEF anti-tetanus program. Two labs had found “B-hCG” sterilizing agent in the vaccine. The Filipino program had already “vaccinated” 3.4 million people – all women, mainly between the ages of twelve and 45. The hormone-laced vaccine was also discovered in Mexico, Nicaragua, Tanzania, India and Nigeria. The anti-hCG hormone cause not only sterilizations but also incurable autoimmune disorders, miscarriages and birth defects.”

By 2002, UNICEF was introducing books that many parents in Tennessee are now fighting to get out of their school and public libraries. Explicit, LGBTQ promoting, sexualizing of children, books. It seems UNICEF set the precedent and was 20 years ahead of the curve. They started the trend.

“July 2002: Another UNICEF-funded sex education book distributed to Latin American countries was circulated at the UN Child Summit in New York. The book encouraged children to engage in sexual activities with other minors, with homosexuals and with animals. The Spanish language book, entitled “Theoretic Elements for Working with Mothers and Pregnant Teens” included a workshop book, also produced by UNICEF, which suggested that lesbian sex was an acceptable alternative for girls.”

Gay people aren’t having children, sterilized people aren’t having children, people who abort their children aren’t having children. Contrary to “be fruitful and multiply” but in-line with eugenics and population control.

Lord Tytler pointed to phases of society. 

From bondage to great faith

Great faith to great courage

Great courage to great liberty

Great liberty to great prosperity

Great prosperity to abundance

Abundance to apathy

Apathy back to bondage

Our society is in apathy right now. They forgot what it takes to be free. They think freedom is the ability to sin freely. But sin is chains. And the chains of sin lead to the chains of man. Why else would the government give “clean” needles and crack pipes to people? Because they care? Or because it makes them slaves and easier to rule over?

The eight steps to communism look a lot like the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals the UN is walking the world into, in order to achieve one world belief system and one world government. It is only theory to people who don’t read. It says it right on the website in this document

Take control of healthcare control the people

Drive up poverty levels, poor people are easier to control

Make the debt level unsustainable

Offer a welfare state, give them just enough they won’t fight back

Take over education what people read and listen to 

Take guns

Write out God so government becomes the highest authority

Create class warfare, or gender or race, make one group think they are oppressed and the other is the oppression, Marxism 

If this is the steps to bondage, then the steps to liberty are the opposite and what people who wish to be free should do.

The Tennessee Constitution says the doctrine of nonresistance to arbitrary authority is slavish and absurd.

Benjamin Franklin said those who trade liberty for a little bit of safety deserve neither.

They are the same principles.

If you let someone promise you safety and you surrender your liberty, you are slavish and absurd. It is your duty to stand up against this real oppression and if you don’t, then you deserve the prison you chose through willful ignorance and disobedience to your Creator. 

The opposite steps would be to take back your health, fight for fiscal responsibility, take back education, write God back in, keep your guns and replace Marxism and assigned opportunities due to factors you can’t control, with factors you can. Like work hard and you will achieve. Teach the American Dream again and ditch the Marxism that leads to communism. Instead of math is racist you shouldn’t learn it. We teach through effort and hard work you can achieve anything.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are sneaking into our state through federal, state and local policy and grants. If you look up the UN SDGs you see how pervasive they are in all the events they have, actions they have taken, books they have written. They have infiltrated society at all facets. 

The 17 Goals they are using to accomplish this are; 

No poverty

No hunger

Good Health and Well Being

Quality Education

Gender Equality

Clean Water 

Affordable Clean Energy

Decent work and economic growth

Industry, innovation, infrastructure

Reduced inequalities

Sustainable cities and communities

Responsible consumption and production

Climate action

Life below water

Life on land

Peace, justice and strong institutions

Partnership for the goals

When we know that the governing ideology is situational ethics, eugenics and population control in order to progress, do we believe them when they say good health? Do we really want to give them authority over our health or any aspect of our lives?

Good health during the pandemic meant lock grandma up to die alone, mask your children creating a world devoid of smiles and happiness, and take a liability free pharmaceutical product that could result in death. Their health advice makes more sense when you understand the real goals. 

My organization’s mission is to uphold God-given rights through education and advocacy and our motto is John 8:32 and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. We follow infringing policy coming into the state of Tennessee. A lot of the policy coming in through our federal government is aligned with and funding these 17 Sustainable Development Goals. And it looks to usurp national, state and individual sovereignty with the ultimate goal being what they said in the purpose and philosophy; a one world belief system and a one world government. 

Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act will not reduce inflation. It will, like a lot of federal acts, do the opposite. The focus of the act is “clean energy and climate action” with the goal of reducing emissions and limiting fossil fuels which will actually increase inflation. And this plan has made its way to Tennessee via the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and TDEC (Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation), despite parts of this plan now being unlawful in the state in Public Chapter 479. 

In a Congressional document titled, “Building A Clean Energy Economy; A Guidebook to the Inflation Reduction Act’s Investments in Clean Energy and Climate Action” the White House details where the Inflation Act funding will be distributed.

It reads, “The Inflation Reduction Act also provides billions of dollars in grant and loan programs and other investments for clean energy and climate action.” The plan details tax provisions which will be given to, “accelerate the deployment of clean energy, clean vehicles, clean buildings, and clean manufacturing.”

We find this funding in the Tennessee Volunteer Emission Reduction Strategy Priority Climate Action Plan a TDEC plan from March 2024.  

The EPA, much like the CDC, the DOE and most of the federal agencies are unconstitutional as they give the Federal government authority it was not Constitutionally delegated. Article 1 Section 8 was to limit the federal government to having authority over 18 things known as the 18 enumerated powers. Things like the military, post office, coining money. Health, environment, and education are not delegated to the Federal government, yet they are claiming these authorities and growing their power and reach using our tax dollars to incentivize the state to implement their schemes.

The Congressional climate documents say “shared prosperity” and Biden’s Justice 40 initiative where 40% of climate funding will be distributed to marginalized communities, it also says “global welfare” and that it would cost 27B USD to fund electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa. If you don’t like funding wars in other countries just wait and see how unsustainable that debt level becomes when we start funding electricity in other countries. Plus shared prosperity is the opposite of private property rights which is what our nation was founded on. Individual liberty where if you worked for something you get to keep it. Shared prosperity is collectivism instead of individual liberty. It is reparations. It is communism because climate change. 

“Since this is an era when many people are concerned about ‘fairness’ and ‘social justice,’ what is your ‘fair share’ of what someone else has worked for?” ― Thomas Sowell

Ayn Rand said, “The right to life is the source of all rights—and the right to property is their only implementation. Without property rights, no other rights are possible. Since man has to sustain his life by his own effort, the man who has no right to the product of his effort has no means to sustain his life.”

With COVID, they lifted a moratorium on experimenting on viruses, they said there would be a pandemic, they released a virus, blamed us for breathing and looked to infringe on our rights. With this supposed “climate crisis” they are experimenting on weather, saying there will be severe weather, as they blame us for breathing and infringe on our rights. Same strategy, same goal. More control, less liberty. Where we went from being dirty germ-emitters to dirty carbon-emitters.

It reads, “The Inflation Reduction Act also provides billions of dollars in grant and loan programs and other investments for clean energy and climate action.” The plan details tax provisions which will be given to, “accelerate the deployment of clean energy, clean vehicles, clean buildings, and clean manufacturing.”

We find this funding in the Tennessee Volunteer Emission Reduction Strategy Priority Climate Action Plan a TDEC plan from March 2024.  

The EPA, much like the CDC, the DOE and most of the federal agencies are unconstitutional as they give the Federal government authority it was not Constitutionally delegated. Article 1 Section 8 was to limit the federal government to having authority over 18 things known as the 18 enumerated powers. Things like the military, post office, coining money. Health, environment, and education are not delegated to the Federal government, yet they are claiming these authorities and growing their power and reach using our tax dollars to incentivize the state to implement their schemes.

The Congressional climate documents say “shared prosperity” and Biden’s Justice 40 initiative where 40% of climate funding will be distributed to marginalized communities, it also says “global welfare” and that it would cost 27B USD to fund electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa. If you don’t like funding wars in other countries just wait and see how unsustainable that debt level becomes when we start funding electricity in other countries. Plus shared prosperity is the opposite of private property rights which is what our nation was founded on. Individual liberty where if you worked for something you get to keep it. Shared prosperity is collectivism instead of individual liberty. It is reparations. It is communism because climate change. 

“Since this is an era when many people are concerned about ‘fairness’ and ‘social justice,’ what is your ‘fair share’ of what someone else has worked for?” ― Thomas Sowell

Ayn Rand said, “The right to life is the source of all rights—and the right to property is their only implementation. Without property rights, no other rights are possible. Since man has to sustain his life by his own effort, the man who has no right to the product of his effort has no means to sustain his life.”

With COVID, they lifted a moratorium on experimenting on viruses, they said there would be a pandemic, they released a virus, blamed us for breathing and looked to infringe on our rights. With this supposed “climate crisis” they are experimenting on weather, saying there will be severe weather, as they blame us for breathing and infringe on our rights. Same strategy, same goal. More control, less liberty. Where we went from being dirty germ-emitters to dirty carbon-emitters.

This is part of the Hegelian Dialect where they say there is severe weather because of climate change yet they are experimenting with weather causing severe weather. Instead of the experiments that are taking place in our skies and inadvertently on us which we haven’t consented to, they blame us and say the solution is we can’t have gas powered cars or lawnmowers or be able to move about freely. Interesting how the solutions to a virus crisis and a supposed climate crisis is you must surrender your God-given rights in the name of science. 

Weather modification is not new. In Chapter 192 of a 1965 Maryland Law it says, “Whereas a number of studies of weather control are being undertaken by the United States Congress, by the other public groups and by private groups, and it is desirable to prevent further conflict until solutions can be found.” This came about because as the bill says “farmers in parts of the State have suffered through drought conditions which have been most severe during the growing seasons.” 

It was farmers who sounded the alarm about this issue in 1965!

There were 1960 laws banning weather modification in Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Yet Democrats in the legislature tried to pretend it didn’t exist. The Tennessee law does not currently have an enforcement mechanism and as we’ve seen from other state legislation without teeth, the activity continues in absence of an enforcement mechanism. Representative Monty Fritts who carried this legislation looks to add enforcement this next session.

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) who is currently over weather modification says it can’t do anything because it is the jurisdiction of the FAA and EPA, neglecting that it is Federal agencies who have been perpetuating these experiments dating back to the 1960s. It was state law that stopped them then, and it is state law that must stop them now. If the state does not flex the tenth amendment and assert sovereignty of its state and people over federal experiments taking place on Tennesseans, then Tennesseeans are not sovereign people and Tennessee is not a sovereign state. 

The Federal government was never given delegated authority over weather modification therefore it defers to the 9th and 10th amendment the people and the states and it is up to the state to claim governance and put the Federal government back in their Article 1 Section 8 box. 

In a time where we have globalists and communists trying to usurp our national, state and individual sovereignty, it is now more important than ever to understand the principles of liberty our founding fathers sought to preserve. 

Jeff Cobble, who teaches our Constitution class says, “Republicans and Democrats are on the same road to socialism. Just Democrats are in the fast lane.” We should vote Republican to buy us time, knowing the ultimate goal is to put the Federal government back in their limited box and put these globalists back in their unelected box. We see the slide to the middle evident in the recently watered down Republican platform which took out the section about state sovereignty and the Constitution which I wrote about here. Meanwhile, the left has gone off the cliff into communism by way of Marxism.

Article VI the Supremacy Clause does not mean all federal laws are Supreme. It means all constitutional federal laws and treaties are supreme. If the federal government wasn’t delegated the authority, it isn’t constitutional and therefore not supreme. 

The Supremacy Clause reads, “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”

In Pursuance thereof to the Constitution…. To the contrary notwithstanding.

Representative Bud Hulsey (District 2- Sullivan) and Senator Janice Bowling (District 16- Tullahoma) entered legislation to address the federal overreach we have seen. Jeff Cobble, drafted a process for the state of Tennessee to nullify unconstitutional federal laws or mandates. The bill known as the “Restoring State Sovereignty through nullification act” has been submitted to our legislature twice, and twice the legislature has pushed it aside to be dealt with at a later time. When would they prefer to consider nullification? When we no longer have state or individual sovereignty?

Tennessee Attorney General Jonathon Skrimetti, issued an opinion on nullification. Skrimitti’s opinion was that nullification was constitutionally infirm or injurious to the Constitution. 

I wrote the Attorney General asking if he would reconsider his opinion as he is incorrect. Judicial Supremacy is incorrect. We’ve seen SCOTUS rule incorrectly with Roe v. Wade, until recently, as it was overturned, and we saw it with the unconstitutional vaccine mandates. Healthcare isn’t in Article 1 Section 8 and is not a delegated authority to the federal government. The incorrect rulings show the importance of the Constitution being the highest law of the land under God, not SCOTUS. 

Every elected office holds an oath to uphold the Constitution. That would be rendered useless with judicial supremacy. Additionally, the 2016 Republican platform acknowledged the judiciary is the weakest branch.  It said, “We believe in constitutional checks and balances and that the Founders intended the judiciary to be the weakest branch.” 

What happens when everyone understands the principles that uphold liberty again? General Macarthur said, “History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual reawakening to overcome the moral lapse or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.”

What happens to the UN globalist plan and one world belief system of evolutionary humanism when people start pulling their children out of public schools where they are getting Potter’s humanist indoctrination? 

Voddie Baucham said we, “We cannot continue to send our children to Caesar for their education and be surprised when they come home as Romans.” 

 Many of us realized this during COVID and we pulled our children out. If the government was going to answer the free market, they would have already. Instead their solution is to publicly fund private schools. 

They have the ability to fix public schools now. The Tennessee legislature could do what Oklahoma is doing and reform public education back to pre-1960s when the humanists took it over. They could put Bibles in, get communism out, TODAY. They have the authority. And yet they want us to trust them to get involved in private schools?

Caesar is dangling a carrot saying there isn’t a string attached. But we have seen the string. They’ve discussed the string. The string is that in order to retain vouchers, voucher students must pass government tests. That means teaching to government tests. That means government curriculum. That means getting God out of public schools and putting evolutionary humanism in. And this is happening at the hand of Republicans. 

Our area has the largest healthcare monopoly in the country which happened at the hand of Republicans. A monopoly which allowed the government to be involved in healthcare. Can you say step one, take control of healthcare, control the people? Now Republicans are being used to get the government’s foot in the door to private education which is barely holding us from tipping into the abyss of communism. Can you say take control of education?

 Using the duopoly system, pretending Democrats are against school choice and therefore Republicans should be for it. And many are falling for it. But those of us who read the legislation and who watch the hearings are not falling for it. 

Governor Lee could have selected a conservative education commissioner, but instead he selected a DEI woke leaning education commissioner who said, “the public schools are fine.” and “We will have ample communications with private schools.” 

We just escaped Caesar and you think we want Caesar having ample communications with private schools? 

Additionally, it is not fiscally conservative. This is an entirely separate budget, so it isn’t free market competition that will influence public schools. It contributes to making the debt level unsustainable and creating a welfare state. They will keep on teaching evolutionary humanism. And they’ll just bring kids into private school and start teaching evolutionary humanism there. Don’t take my word for it. Just look at UNESCO. The ones who said they want one world belief system of evolutionary humanism. 

School vouchers is an equity program and helps accomplish this goal as now there will be no choices outside of government regulated. Just like the healthcare monopoly.  I use the post office as an example. It is those who are over the post office saying everyone deserves equitable delivery services and so they publicly fund Fedex and before long Fedex looks just like the post office with the same regulatory burden and culture.

What the UN Says, “ By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development”

What they mean is quality indoctrination into their humanist ideology where man is the problem and the solution is fewer of us which is the opposite to a biblical worldview that says “be fruitful and multiply.” They say there are many genders. Biblical worldview says there are men and women. They say people are the plague. God says we are made in His image. God says we are to have dominion over the Earth. They say we are the problem on Earth. When they say “sustainable lifestyles” they mean family planning, abortion, sterilizations, promoting trans gender surgeries that render children sterile, and promoting non-traditional lifestyles that won’t be having children. What they mean by global citizenship is rejecting state sovereignty and decentralized government in favor of centralized global power.

A document compiled arguments against the school voucher scam mentions UNESCO’S goals.

“Hitler, Lenin, Mao and other totalitarians took control of education to mold the minds of the next adult generation. The United Nations has codified this type of mind control in their Agenda 2030 as Sustainable Development Goal #4, which the United States has signed onto. Part of SDG #4 states:Our vision is to transform lives through education, recognizing the important role of education as a main driver of development and in achieving the other proposed SDGs. We commit with a sense of urgency to a single, renewed education agenda that is holistic, ambitious and aspirational, leaving no one behind. This new vision is fully captured by the proposed SDG 4 ‘Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’ and its corresponding targets. It is transformative and universal, attends to the ‘unfinished business’ of the EFA [Education For All] agenda and the education-related MDGs [Millennium Development Goals], and addresses global and national education challenges. It is inspired by a humanistic vision of education and development based on human rights and dignity; social justice; inclusion; protection; cultural, linguistic and ethnic diversity; and shared responsibility and accountability.”

The document also looks at what happened in other countries. The outcome was God was taken out and replaced with evolutionary humanism. At this point we shouldn’t be surprised. 

It says, “The voucher idea is not new at all, having been tried since World War II in England and Western Europe. In all cases, while it has taken a decade or two, the private and religious schools lost their religious distinctions. Government money erodes the theological and spiritual essence of religious institutions so that their “Gospel light” is put out. Several research studies studying the effect of vouchers upon religious and private institutions confirm this analysis. In a Freedom Project Media article written by Alex Newman Nov. 15, 2018, he reported that “authorities in Canada’s Alberta province gave Christian schools a choice: Quit being Christian and teaching the truth of God’s Word or be suspended and potentially even shut down. And because the Canadian schools all take government funding at this point, odds are good that the totalitarian gender ideologues running the education bureaucracy will get their wish, absent a massive public outcry.” This is exactly where “public education” is heading in America, too.”

Taking what is privately funded and making it publicly funded while saying the private owner gets to retain control isn’t only seen in education.

 It is seen all across these 17 Sustainable Development Goals. And it is concerning because it goes against private property rights. We fought back against Conservation easements last legislative session and we know some version of them will be back this session. The altruistic government, seeing that they are taxing you out of your land, comes in to say, you can keep your land, we will publicly fund it, you will become a “servient owner” of your own land. We should start telling private schools they will be “servient owners” of the schools and see how well school choice gets swallowed then. That was the concept behind conservation easements, the government will own your land and you will be a servient owner. Slavish and absurd!!!

Grassroots knew better and we blew the whistle. We knew it was a part of Biden’s 30 x 30 agenda. Taking 30% of land by 2030 in the name of conservation. Drive up inflation to the point people can’t afford their property then pay them for it and they no longer control it. 

We are seeing the same thing from carbon sequestration schemes. The government saying they will pay you as long as your soil sequesters carbon. You can read about that here. 

A hallmark of communism is taking land from landowners. “You will own nothing and be happy.” Except the “be happy” part isn’t something communists have ever delivered. Somehow though, the globalists think they have solved this part. 

Now we have the Sustains Act, Gates Act and Implementation Act to keep an eye on. “The USDA is using all available tools to support climate-smart practices and working lands conservation.The Sustains Act also signed into law as a part of the Consolidated Appropriations act of 2023 grants USDA the authority to accept private funds to conservation.. Leverage the Sustains Act through new conservation public-private partnerships.”

So the government which looks to be infiltrated by the UN will control your land, your food, your education, your cities, your everything so that you have no ability to live outside of their systems of indoctrination and control. For your own good of course.

Humanists will bioengineer you, your food and geoengineer your weather, while they suppress God’s creation and what is natural and organic and better for the environment and replace it with their creation, something synthetic and lab-made.

Man said to God, “I can create man.” God said, “ok let’s see.”  Man bends down to pick up clay. God says, “No I made that.” 

How can the created ever out create their Creator? 

Alduous wrote about the flaws of such thinking. In “Brave New World” the highly technologically advanced society, they bioengineer humans to serve in special jobs for the state. They give them mood stabilizing drugs to keep them suppressed and distract them through empty, fleeting pleasures. But when the protagonists start to seek higher purpose and question the society, it collapses into dystopia. 

A lot of dystopian novels are similar. In the novel and movie “The Giver” they erase the knowledge of the past and create a society that is devoid of pain, but also devoid of joy. Again they are on mood stabilizing drugs. One citizen is specially selected to be the receiver of knowledge of the past. He stops taking the drugs and starts to see the truth around them. The society does not have family, it has birthing people. That is their job. The family unit is assigned. But again, the highest purpose they serve is the state. They have eugenics programs and have situational ethics. Once they start to seek higher purpose the society collapses. I used to be on pharmaceuticals but it wasn’t until I got off everything to get pregnant, and I started turning to God on behalf of my children, that I began to see the truth.

It is something I don’t think any globalist or person has been able to solve. People will seek out higher purpose, and how can the created ever offer purpose greater than the Creator? 

Man can’t become God even with advanced technology. They may offer AI as the solution to this but it will result in dystopia just as “Brave New World” did.

 They can interfere in complex dynamic systems and create imbalance. Steal rain from here, make drought here. They can trade self-limiting illness for chronic disease. They can trade healthy food for printed lab made meat.  But they can’t escape human nature no matter how hard they try and educate it out of us. People are at their best when they serve God and give Him the Glory. Jonah warned Nineveh that the city would burn. They repented and God spared them.

There are two types of people right now. John 8:32 people who know the truth and it is setting them free, and 2 Thessalonians people who refuse the truth and are sent a delusion. God’s way is the truth and we know this because we see evidence of it. The fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom. The fear of man is the beginning of all tyranny. And humanists only have the latter to offer.

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”


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