Photo Credit: Family Research Council / Facebook
The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –
A Tennessee bill that would guarantee acceptance of healthcare workers’ religious or medical exemptions is on the Commerce Committee’s calendar for tomorrow.
House Bill 1867 (HB1867), sponsored by Representative Jason Zachary (R-Knoxville-District 14) and companion Senate bill (SB1823), sponsored by Jack Johnson (R-Franklin-District 23) originally sought to require all employers with a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy to grant an exemption to the policy to anyone who provided a medical reason supported by a statement from a licensed healthcare practitioner or a religious reason.
On Wednesday, the bill was amended to cover only healthcare workers if a CMS mandate is in effect that requires them to be vaccinated for COVID-19.
During that meeting, Zachary noted that legislation passed last year through the omnibus bill prohibits private businesses from taking any adverse action against unvaccinated employees nor can they compel an employee to show proof of vaccination. An adverse action can include requiring only unvaccinated employees to wear masks or to test for COVID-19, increasing the cost of employee’s healthcare insurance if they are unvaccinated, or firing employees for refusing to get vaccinated.
While some companies have decided to move ahead with mandatory vaccination policies despite Tennessee law, Zachary said that Tennesseans at risk of losing their jobs for non-compliance have a right under Title 14 to sue and they should consult with a lawyer.
As originally written, the bill would make any violations punishable by a civil penalty of $10,000.
The bill also specifies that a healthcare practitioner that provides a signed statement supporting an exemption is acting within their scope of practice and will be protected from disciplinary action by health-related boards.
HB1867 is on the calendar of the House Commerce Committee and scheduled to be reviewed tomorrow, February 15th.
The companion Senate Bill (SB1823) has been placed on the calendar of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee and is also scheduled to be reviewed tomorrow.
If you support this bill, contact the Committee members in advance of their meetings. The contact information for the Republican members (who hold the super-majority vote) can be found below.
House Commerce Committee:
Kevin Vaughn (Chair) – – (615) 741-1866
Rush Bricken (Vice-Chair) – – (615) 741-7448
Rebecca Alexander – – (615) 741-2251
Clark Boyd – – (615) 741-7086
Kent Calfee – – (615) 741-7658
Jeremy Faison – – (615) 741-6871
Kirk Haston – – (615) 741-0750
Patsy Hazlewood – – (615) 741-2746
John Holsclaw Jr. – – (615) 741-7450
Curtis Johnson – – (615) 741- 4341
Susan Lynn – – (615) 741-7462
Eddie Mannis – – (615) 741-2287
Jerome Moon – – (615) 741-5481
Dennis Powers – – (615) 741-3335
Mike Sparks – – (615) 741-6829
Greg Vital – – (615) 741-3025
Jason Zachary – – (615) 741-2264
Senate Commerce & Labor Committee:
Paul Bailey (Chair) – – (615) 741-3978
Art Swann (1st Vice-Chair) – – (615) 741-0981
Frank Niceley (2nd Vice-Chair) – – (615) 741-2061
Jack Johnson – – (615) 741-2495
Shane Reeves – – (615) 741-1066
Steve Southerland – – (615) 741-3851
Bo Watson – – (615) 741-3227
Ken Yager – – (615) 741-1449
About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at
2 Responses
Isn’t it interesting that the room full of lawyers will not place a fine on companies who violate the law but tell people to spend $10,000 to sue the company. We are talking about the front desk person at the doctor’s office who earns $20,000 a year. Thanks Rep Zachery and all of the rest of our reps.
How does this protect healthcare workers that work for institutions that accept medicare?