Conservative Lawmaker Files Bill To Make Geoengineering A Class A Misdemeanor In Tennessee

Conservative Lawmaker Files Bill To Make Geoengineering A Class A Misdemeanor In Tennessee

Conservative Lawmaker Files Bill To Make Geoengineering A Class A Misdemeanor In Tennessee

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The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –

A conservative lawmaker has filed a bill to make any kind of geoengineering or weather modification a Class A misdemeanor in Tennessee.

Representative Monty Fritts (R-Kingston-District 32), who sponsored a bill prohibiting such activity within the borders of the state last year, is sponsoring House Bill 1112 (HB1112) with the companion Senate Bill 1033 (SB1033) being run by Senator Janice Bowling (R-Tullahoma-District 16).

While last year’s legislation prohibited “the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight,” the new law included no enforcement mechanism to ensure compliance.

HB1112/SB1033 would allow the state Attorney General, along with local district attorneys to investigate violations of the law. If a report is found to be credible, offending parties would face a fine of $100,000 per violation.

Anyone found supplying or “otherwise providing” chemicals or substances for purposes of weather modification would likewise be subject to the same penalty.

Fritts’ bill is one of two bills this legislative session to be introduced that seeks to provide a means of enforcement of existing state law.

Representative Chris Todd (R-Madison County-District 73) and Senator Adam Lowe (R-Calhoun-District 1) are running legislation that would make weather modification activities a violation of the Tennessee Consumer Protection Act of 1977.

Todd’s bill would allow the Tennessee Division of Consumer Affairs and the Tennessee Attorney General’s office to investigate potential violations and issue penalties for noncompliance. It would also give Tennesseans the right to seek damages.

About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at

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11 Responses

  1. Articulating a conservative point of view is one thing, but buying into nutty conspiracy theories like “chemtrails” is beyond the pale. Sure, conspiracy theories are a dime-a-dozen in this day and age. Thanks to social media, a growing number of people actually think that the Earth is FLAT! But seriously, jet contrails are only going to disappear if you simply get rid of commercial air travel. Good luck with THAT.

    Jet contrails (short for condensation trails) are caused by the exhaust from aircraft engines mixing with cold air at high altitudes. The primary factors behind their formation include:

    Water Vapor Emission – Jet engines burn fuel, producing water vapor as a byproduct. This vapor is expelled into the cold upper atmosphere.

    Cold Temperatures – At high altitudes (above 26,000 feet), the air is very cold (often below -40°F or -40°C). When the hot exhaust gases mix with this cold air, the water vapor rapidly condenses into tiny ice crystals.

    Humidity Levels – If the upper atmosphere has sufficient moisture, the condensed water droplets quickly freeze, forming visible ice-crystal trails. In drier conditions, contrails may dissipate quickly.

    Aerosol Particles – Exhaust emissions also contain tiny solid particles (like soot), which act as nuclei around which water vapor can condense and freeze.

    Types of Contrails:
    Short-lived contrails – Appear briefly and disappear quickly if the surrounding air is dry.
    Persistent contrails – Stay visible for long periods and can spread out, forming cirrus-like clouds.
    Persistent spreading contrails – These expand significantly, sometimes influencing local weather by reflecting sunlight or trapping heat.

    Contrails contribute to climate effects by influencing cloud cover and the Earth’s radiation balance, a phenomenon studied in climate science. But this isn’t some deliberate, sinister plot to “modify” the weather.

    1. You are really misinformed about chemtrails. Which are real. Persistent contrails – Stay visible for long periods and can spread out, forming cirrus-like clouds. Exactly what chemtails do.
      Persistent spreading contrails – These expand significantly, sometimes [influencing local weather by reflecting sunlight or trapping heat]. Exactly what chemtrails do.
      I don’t recall seeing this happening 20 or 30 years ago. I had a job where I worked outside everyday. Never seen what is happening in our skies like this. There is a lot more air traffic now but they follow prescribed air traffic routes. They don’t fly in criss-cross patterns like the chemtrail planes do. It’s funny how you can track commercial flights on flight tracker websites but aircraft that are spraying chemtrails. Their flight paths aren’t shown. Why is that? Have you ever heard of cloud seeding. Thats real. Our government was doing this back in the 60″s. They did this in Vietnam to flood out the VC in their tunnels. My father served two tours in Vietnam. He told me our government was constantly spraying and it rained a lot. And they also sprayed Agent Orange. Which my father was exposed to and developed health problems. I guess that wasn’t real either. I like how you try to explain it away with your last statement. [Contrails contribute to climate effects by influencing cloud cover and the Earth’s radiation balance, a phenomenon studied in climate science. But this isn’t some deliberate, sinister plot to “modify” the weather.] You contradict yourself it is called chemtrails and it is about weather modification. It is done in the name of climate change. Contrails aren’t persistent never have been chemtrails are and they are real. Do a deep dive on this subject and you will learn the truth. Get your head out if the sand.
      Question why do you troll on a conservative site and spew the lefts talking points constantly. Like your statements above. The climate has been changing since God created the world. They called Noah a conspiracy theorist until it rained.
      John 8:32 NIV
      32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
      In God we trust not government or man.
      Have a blessed day.

      1. AMEN!! Was in USAF ’72-’76, no “persistent” contrails then. Oft you san see the stuff rolling out of the chemtrails. NOT “nutty conspiracy theories” but a denial of reality by the uninformed/misinformed.

  2. PolishBear, thanks for this input and your scientific clarifications and definitions. But, to my knowledge no one has ever questioned ‘contrails’. It is as you probably know, the controversial ‘chem-trails’ for which there is a GREAT DEAL of information, some of which, like anything one has to use judgement. Many studies have been done in regard to fallout chemical levels which are not natural at these levels. In my humble opinion, is not good judgement to ‘trust and obey’ anyone, and especially not our state and federal governments when they have everything to gain by proving climate change. After all, climate change threats are NOT scientific at all, but are purposefully used by the U.S. government as a political power tool (i.e., Algore). I think this legislation is greatly needed, if for no other reason, just to give these federal government engineers and leftist politicians that want to control what we eat, drink and do, just another reason to think twice. Even if it is as you say, not a “deliberate, sinister plot to modify the weather”, which again, ‘climate scientist’ and our federal government, have everything to gain by ‘proving’ by using whatever means necessary. If it is as you say, a nothing burger, what is the harm of some ‘simpleton’ legislation to say it is against the law? It can’t be of any bigger waste of time than some of the legislation passed our state and federal governments!

    1. Sadly, nutty conspiracy theories like this are a dime-a-dozen in the Age of Social Media. I mean, look how many people have actually become convinced that Earth is FLAT!

      1. Keep drinking the kool-aid. You don’t explain any of the issues that are brought up. You just keep spewing your talking points. Like I said before educate yourself. Don’t be blind and deaf open your eyes and ears. “All the opponents of this bill need to do is get a meteorologist to sit down and clearly explain what causes jet contrails, and why some persist while others vanish. It’s not rocket science.” From the people who constantly claim climate change. They blame humanity for climate change but the major eruption of one volcano can change the climate of the whole earth. Let’s stop volcanoes from erupting. Yea that sounds like a good idea.
        John 8:32 NIV
        32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
        In God we trust not government or man.
        Have a blessed day.

  3. Class ‘A’ misdemeanor? Get serious. If someone is intentionally poisoning your soil and water supply with aluminum and other metals, what is a reasonable charge? How about fomenting a severe weather event that results in property damage and death? And then the killers try to blame the victim, while robbing them of their wages to fund the criminal activity.

    Every one of these contractors need to be prohibited from Tennessee airspace. The contracts exist. You know who the criminals are. Confiscate aircraft.

    1. All the opponents of this bill need to do is get a meteorologist to sit down and clearly explain what causes jet contrails, and why some persist while others vanish. It’s not rocket science.

      1. Troll. Don’t be ignorant. There have been pilots that have admitted to spraying chemicals. Same old talking points. It’s not just the state of Tennessee doing this. There are many others states as well. I guess because the left says it’s a conspiracy theory it is true. Because they use that term for everything they try to cover up. We know how you guys play the game. Deny all and call it a conspiracy. Remember you breathe the same air, eat the same food, and drink the same water. Like I said before, you can track commercial flights on flighttracker but not planes spraying chemtrails. I tried before watching them and looking at my computer at the same time. That plane just doesn’t show up but other planes do. Both commercial and private because it gives you all the flight data. Try it some time. And get right with God before it’s too late. Remember Noah!
        Matthew 24:36-42 NIV
        36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. 42 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.

        In God we trust not government.
        Have a blessed day.

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