Despite Concerns From Voter Integrity Grassroots, Williamson County Elections Will Meet With County Commission To Approve Funds To Purchase Voting Machines When Hand-Marked Paper Ballots Are More Accurate And Cost Effective.
Image Credit: Matt Blaze / CC
The Tennessee Conservative [By Kelly M. Jackson] –
Next week, the Williamson County Election Commission will attend the monthly meeting of the Williamson County Commission and request the necessary funds for the purchase of voting machines that voter integrity grassroots groups describe as “vulnerable” to corruption and mechanical mishap, sacrificing the integrity of election outcomes.
Because of this occasion, voter integrity grassroots group, Tennessee Voters For Election Integrity is issuing a call to action, asking Williamson County Residents to attend the meeting on Monday night, May 8th, at 7:00 pm to let the County Commission know that they don’t want the county to continue to utilize and be dependent on voting machines.
As previously reported, these voting machines are vulnerable to corruption, attacks, and are exponentially more expensive for the taxpayers than hand-marked paper ballots with a hand-count system would be.
Tennessee Voters for Election Integrity’s Call to Action includes the following:
Say No to purchase ES&S Election Machines.
Support Election Integrity and Transparency by attending the meeting and asking our County Commissioners to vote NO for budget allocation to buy ES&S Election Voting Machines.
County Commissioners need to hear their constituents voice to say “No” because:
1. Machines are more expensive – Just bought machines in 2019, which have the same flaws and vulnerabilities as proposed ES&S machines.
2. Touch screens breakdown often w/ long lines – confirmed by Poll Workers and Poll Watchers.
3. Machine system is lacking in transparency – Only provide mixed precinct poll tapes and totals.
4. Machines are certified from 2005 standards – Susceptible to error and hacking. Both Parties have agreed they are hackable.
5. No Voter Intent with QR codes or Bar Codes.
We Want Hand Marked Paper Ballots Certified by Hand Count at every Precinct:
This model (1) provides Voter Intent, (2) is cheaper, (3) is way more transparent, and (4) a more reliable and efficient voting system:
1. Return to local precincts for free & equal access to polls,
2. Hand-marked paper ballots w/ unique precinct randomized ballot control numbers,
3. Use precinct hand count to validate scanners and to certify the election. * The largest voter turnout in Williamson County Nov 2020 election had an average of only 3,200 voters per precinct. Therefore, easy to hand count ballots.
The meeting will be held at Williamson County Administrative Complex1320 West Main Street, Franklin, TN 37064, located on 1 st floor in the back right corner of the Administrative Complex.
It is imperative that citizens show up to the meeting and show support for the changes that are needed to protect the integrity of every vote cast in Williamson County. There is nothing more important or more sacred than our vote. Please call and email the County Commission and express your support for voter integrity and fiscal responsibility.
First District:
Ricky D. Jones; 615-308-8381, Ricky.Jones@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Lisa Hayes Lenox; 615-736-4244, Lisa.Hayes@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Second District:
Betsy Hester; 615-790-3089, Betsy.Hester@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Judy Herbert; 615-368-7720, Judy.Herbert@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Third District:
Jennifer Mason; 615-934-2356, Jennifer.Mason@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Jeff Graves: 615-972-5250, Jeff.Graves@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Fourth District:
Gregg Lawrence; 615-202-7990, Gregg.Lawrence@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Pete Stresser; 615-861-9967, Pete.Stresser@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Fifth District:
Greg Sanford; 615-489-2895, Greg.Sanford@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Mary Smith; 615-640-1273, Mary.Smith@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Sixth District:
Erin Nations; 615-429-8616, Erin.Nations@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Paul Webb; 615-479-2057, Paul.Webb@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Seventh District:
Christopher Richards; 629-259 7423,
Tom Tunnicliffe; 615-594-1000, Tom.Tunnicliffe@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Eighth District:
Barb Sturgeon; 615-605-6140, Barb.Sturgeon@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Drew Torres; 615-210-0800, Drew.Torres@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Ninth District:
Chas Morton; 615-790-2444, Chas.Morton@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Matt Williams; 615-218-3548, Matt.Williams@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Tenth District:
Meghan Guffee; 615-513-5136, Meghan.Guffee@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
David Landrum; 615-351-2224, David.Landrum@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Eleventh District:
Brian Beathard; 615-656-8988, Brian.Beathard@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Sean R. Aiello; (615) 550-2803, Sean.Aiello@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Twelfth District:
Steve Smith; 615-794-9515, Steve.Smith@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov
Brian Clifford; 615-212-8929, Brian.Clifford@WilliamsonCounty-TN.Gov

About the Author: Kelly Jackson is a recent escapee from corporate America, and a California refugee to Tennessee. Christ follower, Wife and Mom of three amazing teenagers. She has a BA in Comm from Point Loma Nazarene University, and has a background in law enforcement and human resources. Since the summer of 2020, she has spent any and all free time in the trenches with local grassroots orgs, including Mom’s for Liberty Williamson County and Tennessee Stands as a core member. Outspoken advocate for parents rights, medical freedom, and individual liberty. Kelly can be reached at
3 Responses
Interesting how the wishes of the voters carry no weight with these folks. Might be a good idea to check their bank balances, look for hidden accounts or unexplained goodies at home.
Voting machines can be and are hacked. Period. We’ll never fix the problem with elections while we’re using them. I don’t care how much support Trump gets, he’ll lose again because the Dems know they can get away with it. They don’t even care to hide it anymore.
Lucifer’s people running “elections”.