Don’t Fall For The Left’s Tricks: Woke Billionaires, Friends Of Soros, Sending Mailers To Vote NO On TRUE CONSERVATIVE Frank Niceley

Don’t Fall For The Left’s Tricks: Woke Billionaires, Friends Of Soros, Sending Mailers To Vote NO On TRUE CONSERVATIVE Frank Niceley

BEFORE YOU EARLY VOTE or VOTE AUGUST 1, Know how you’ve been lied to.

Image Credit: Empowered Sevier, Senator Frank Niceley & Canva

by Kelli O’Connor [Empowered Sevier] –

If you are a Republican in Tennessee, you’ve most likely received numerous mailers sharing lies about several conservative candidates for House and Senate.

These mailers have originated from Team Kid PAC, Tennesseans for Student Success, and American Federation for Children, but who are these shadowy organizations?

Team Kid PAC is the campaign financing arm of Tennesseans for Student Success. This organization, along with American Federation for Children, Students First/50CAN, and Stand for Children, form a group known as the Tennessee Coalition for Students.

In a document from 2016 obtained by Phil Williams with WTVF News Channel 5 (Nashville), you can see that not only are these organizations in lock-step with each other but have petitioned for money from the Walton Family Foundation, and received millions over the last 8 years for their cause. (See Grant Request for Coalition Effort Here)

The document clearly explains that these four organizations work together for a common goal: “Tennessee’s coalition for students includes Tennesseans for Student Success, StudentsFirst, Stand for Children, and the American Federation for Children. Together, these organizations work to defend key elements of the state’s student-centered reform and advance new reforms. Individually, they focus on specific elements of our joint mission or take leadership of a policy focus area. Regular coordination of these organizations has resulted in a comprehensive, layered approach to advocacy and campaign work ensuring all relevant stakeholders are engaged.”

These groups primarily are focused on so-called “school choice,” which is part of a nationwide push by the United Nations and other liberal funded groups to give parents government funding to send their child to private schools or to homeschool.

Conservative grassroots have pushed back on this legislation due to the threat of increased regulations for any private schools and/or families that accept the money. If the government funds something, the government will surely be running it as well.

They help campaign for TENNESSEE DEMOCRATS too like Dasha Lundy (Knox county), Harold Love, and Raumesh Akbari. 

The Walton Family Foundation spends most of its annual philanthropic dollars on educational causes. Carrie Walton Penner is the Education Committee and is a known DEMOCRAT, along with her brother and other staff members at the Walton Family Foundation. Carrie is also on the Board of Trustees for the Aspen Institute, a liberal think-tank organization funded by Bill Gates and George Soros, among many other wealthy liberals. 

The point is: Citizens like YOU are being lied to by billion dollar donors and nonprofits that support a network of organizations in a coordinated effort to manipulate Tennessee elections.

Frank Niceley’s record is clear: he supports President Trump currently and supported him previously. (Whereas opponent Jessie Seal gave money to President Trump’s opponent, Ron DeSantis).

Senator Niceley was even appointed by President Trump to the President’s Agriculture Advisory Committee during President Trump’s first term in office. He has fought the globalist agenda right here on Tennessee soil, especially when it comes to the globalist land grab and Big Pharma infringing on your medical freedoms.

Your support at the polls for this 2024 primary is critical to put Frank Niceley back in Nashville and fighting to stop the woke, globalist agenda on our Tennessee soil. If the democrats want him out of office that bad, he must be doing right! 




Senator Niceley was Recently Voted TOP 5 MOST CONSERVATIVE TENNESSEE SENATORS By The Tennessee Conservative

Here is another news source with more details on this issue: Tennessee voucher groups’ coordination scrutinized – Nashville Banner


Please share this email with EVERYONE YOU KNOW in Tennessee so they can be sure they aren’t also being lied to! 

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11 Responses

  1. Another fake media outlet created by conservatives looking to widen the gap between the parties. No credibility or transparency on how you get stories. Zero corroboration to show sources. Probably all written by AI with no fact checking.

    Score 1 for the people who want to kill the freedom of the press. If you can’t prove it or show facts don’t post it.

    1. Christopher, Your comment has no substance and doesn’t even make sense. I don’t know the author of Nicely but there ARE details in the article. I think your post is a Dem-type of attack.

    2. Hey Christopher Gray, you’re a moron. Tennessee Conservative is the only legitimate news outlet in Tennessee that only publishes the truth.
      So we know the truth about you. Either a RHINO or Democrat. Too ignorant or stupid to look into anything that differs from your indoctrination. So a moron.

    3. If you don’t like articles on the site, you are welcome to go elsewhere.

  2. Christopher, I personally know the author, she is not AI, she is genuine intelligence! I personally have done my own fact checking. I’m telling you, it’s a tedious, time consuming endeavor. There is no single source or sources. One has to read through a bunch of BS, find a person or organization, then track that down. It is a very time consuming process for which I give kudos to the author. In any case, I can assure you that not only what she wrote is absolutely true, what she presents here is barely scratching the surface.

    And, how is she killing the freedom of the press with this article????
    And, she is showing facts as she sees them. Footnotes documenting those facts would be longer than the article!! Maybe you should try following the rabbit trail yourself.

  3. I do not see my County/district listed. Does this mean there are no races happening this cycle or are we just Too Republican! (not a bad thing just wondering) I am a devout Republican, voting red straight down the line. Our County is a 2nd amendment sanctuary county thanks to our Awesome County Mayor Allen Foster!! How Red is that?

  4. Actually, Christopher, having been involved in several stories covered by The Tennessee Conservative I can vouch for the depth to which they go when covering their stories. Just compare some of their coverage against the Tennessean or other mainstream media on the same issue. Much more factually based and balanced. Obviously, you are a member or supporter of one of these leftist organizations — or a Democrat — and hate it when good journalists do their jobs. I know we’ve not seen much of that in the mainstream media over the last decade or so.

  5. “School Choice” sounds good but about 10 years ago I researched it and the main beneficiary was the Muslim “schools”. They would bring in “teachers” from the Middle East and, of course, all the students were Muslims, so instead of assimilating into America, they were able to be isolated and who knows what they were taught – probably not taught to be a good “American”. As I think about what I just wrote, I suppose I’m opposed to tax dollars funding that. No doubt “School Choice” would reduce TN funding of public schools.

  6. Christopher Gray wow! Tennessee Conservative works hard to get the truth out to Tennesseans! I know exactly what they are talking about with this story. This is my district and I have done my research and Nicely is who I will be voting for. Not Jesse Seal. Your comment reeks of Democrat.

  7. You don’t really get to know a person until you have to good old fashion conversation sitting down on the front porch with your feet propped up on the Bannister, which I did with My Niceley.

    Being retired I have more time to research what I see/hear/read than most, And everything my GMother warned me about growing up is coming true today.

    The Love of money and the Courts decision in “Citizen vs. FEC” has opened the purse of corporations until an “honest and free election” BY PEOPLE is on it death bed.

    Guns can’t recover America, only a people returning to “GOD” can save it, but like Israel,
    we need “GODLY LEADERS”,


    Not only for us but also our “CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN”,

    But we need leaders who share the same ideas for the future as we do and “WILL VOTE” for those ideas, not “SELL US OUT”.

    That’s where “Mr FRANK NICELEY” enters.

    As I said, those front porch conservation can give you a “Spiritual sense” of the real person you talking with and being elected as one of the top five conservatives in all of Tennessee Government confirms the “two witnesses” principle to establish the matter for me.

    Our Future depends on the “Leaders “WE ELECT” today”, and only leaders with the “MORALS AND INTEGRITY” shown by Mr Frank Niceley will make God smile on us.

    Guess who I’m voting for.

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