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Press Release –
Joseph A. Padilla is running for School Board in Zone 4. He proudly served this great nation for 20 years in the Marine Corps and would like to serve this community with the same Honor, Courage, and Commitment. Here are his ideas on how to make Wilson County Schools great.
Priorities for Students
1. Wilson County Schools must be SAFE and have an atmosphere conducive to learning.
2. ALL students must be challenged to reach his/her full potential in today’s ever-changing world.
3. College-path students must be academically challenged and prepared to succeed at the college level.
4. Students who do not plan to go to college are valuable resources. Plans must be implemented to encourage and guide them toward vocational or technical training to equip them to become successful, productive members of the workforce and of our community.
Priorities for Teachers
1. Every effort must be exhausted to ensure WCS Teachers are adequately compensated.
2. Each teacher will be able to provide feedback on curriculum, to prevent the loss of time and tangible results
3. Any additional task that takes away a teacher’s ability to provide quality education should be reviewed, and cut, if it doesn’t meet educational expectations that teachers are held to.
4. I will recruit new teachers to ease the burden that shortages cause. I spent over 15 years recruiting Marines and I look forward to finding Wilson County’s next group of quality teachers.
Priorities for Parents
1. Wilson County Schools will meet your educational expectations for your child regardless of the learning environment.
2. No medical mandates will be passed on from the health department, or any other government agency, unless there have been extensive studies on long term effects of those forced medical procedures on children.
3. Your input on curriculum, library books and other educational programs will be prioritized BEFORE they are allowed to be accessed by children. If a program is not originally reviewed, there will be an option to suspend it until a proper examination can be conducted.
4. School Board meetings will be revamped to be more conducive to discussing the policies at the right time and not at the beginning. Citizen input is important, but it is rendered meaningless when a citizen gives their thoughts, and the issue is discussed thirty minutes later by the board and director.
Priorities for Residents
1. Every tax dollar spent by the WCS District will be accounted for and there will be a quarterly budget report prepared and distributed to all Wilson County Residents.
2. Every request for tax dollars will need to have justification along with expected results. These requests must be included in the quarterly budget report.
3. Any redundant programs within the WCS District need to be reported on and purged to save for future programs.
4. Wilson County Residents should be able to hire an auditor of their choosing to audit the yearly budget.
For more information visit or call 615-237-8297.
One Response
You should be dead and off the face of the planet for making it a worse place for others.