Image Credit: Canva
Submitted by Thomas Antkow –
If you take the time to examine human life, it’s quite uncomplicated. Examine the basics. Most creatures desire food, water and shelter. Usually learning to communicate with others through some type of sound, gesture, action or interaction. A means of artistry evolves into a form of pictures and symbols thus developing into writing, reading and counting. For the most part earth’s creatures possess five senses. Sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.
“Group think” is instinctive regardless of what modern sociologists lead us to believe. Birds of a feather do like to flock together. Solitaries, however, find contentment in their own group. Finding pleasure, security and the personal peace that solitude offers.
To intermingle or become accepted into another group that differs from their own, some humans must learn to interpret the other group’s language, ideals and culture. An individual who learns how to exploit that knowledge successfully is called a “leader”. The phrases “When in Rome, do what the Romans do” and “Wolves in sheep clothing” come to mind.
Using knowledge selfishly by an individual whose goal is to control the other group for personal gain or aggrandizement by disguising their own ideals and beliefs and pretending to possess the same traits as the other is called a hypocrite.
Groups that utilize these tactics are called politicians.
An individual who becomes adept at controlling a human’s five senses through emotion is often crowned a Master, King, Queen, President or even a Dictator.
In today’s age tools are being used to control our five senses, reading, writing, and even doing math through sounds, gestures, actions or interactions. These tools are called social and mass media. There are scores of humans who just wish to be left alone. Just to enjoy their own “fiefdom” and freedom. Participate in their own life and carry on their daily routines. They couldn’t care less about “leaders”. These folks don’t really want to take sides. However, when the same individuals’ sense that their “fiefdom” or country is under siege, they will rise to protect and defend it. They are called “patriots”.
Our Country revolves around a system that requires everyone who has a voice in their own destiny to use that voice against those whose goal is to control them. They became Patriots for ALL! PLEASE VOTE!
THOMAS ANTKOW is currently a freelance writer and produced and hosted his own daily radio show on KCSF AM 1300 and co-hosted talk shows for KVOR AM 740 for Cumulus Broadcasting in Colorado Springs. He can be reached at You can subscribe to Tom’s FREE newsletter at: