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The Tennessee Conservative [By Rebecca Scott] –
The After School Satan Club (ASSC) and the Satanic Temple continue to set their sights on Chimneyrock Elementary School and Memphis-Shelby County Schools (MSCS).
On March 19, 2024 a lawsuit was filed on behalf of the Satanic Temple against MSCS which alleges that “MSCS is unlawfully discriminating against the Satanic Temple by charging it excessive rental rates, charging unexpected and exorbitant security fees that MSCS has not charged to other similarly situated organizations, and by attempting to block and hinder the Satanic Temple’s ASSC meetings.”
According to the lawsuit, the Satanic Temple says that other clubs like the Good News Club sponsored by Child Evangelism Fellowship, are charged significantly less money to hold its club at Chimneyrock Elementary.
The Satanic Temple maintains that this is a first amendment issue and that the treatment they are receiving is both “illegal” and “discriminatory.”
The lawsuit alleges that the treatment is “motivated by the MSCS officials’ and community members’ overt hostility toward and disdain for the Satanic Temple and the ASSC.”
In January of 2024, community members gathered outside of Chimneyrock Elementary School in Cordova, Tennessee, to protest during a meeting of the Satanic Temple’s After School Satan Club.
While the campaign director for the Satanic Temple’s ASSC, June Everett, previously told The Tennessee Conservative that the club “only goes where it has been invited” and that the ASSC was actually requested by a Chimneyrock parent, other parents express serious concerns regarding the presence of the ASSC at their school.
The flyer originally used to invite students to participate in the club claimed that the club is not an attempt to convert children but is instead meant to help children think for themselves through a “scientific, rationalist, non-superstitious world view.” The flyer also stated that the Satanic Temple “is a non-theistic religion that views Satan as a literary figure who represents a metaphorical construct of rejecting tyranny and championing the human mind and spirit.”
However, some parents are understandably concerned that this is an attempt at indoctrinating children and infiltrating schools in ways that are not acceptable to many families.
The policy of Memphis-Shelby County Schools is to withhold comment while litigation is pending.
View the lawsuit HERE.
Rebecca Scott is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative.
You can reach Rebecca at
6 Responses
Never let you children associate with kids who go to the After School Satan Club.
Call on your Lord and Master. Maybe he will provide funds for you to carry out his work. Up to me, you wouldn’t make a pimple on a good man’s butt
This pure trash needs to be stopped in their tracks. Their already on the path to Hell and wanting to take everybody else with them.
I went to the Los Angeles City Schools during the late 60s & early 70s. The only time U saw or heard of anything related to Satanic Practices was when they were trying to lure children & teens into a sexual predatory situation. Anyone parent in Cordova or anywhere else this group shows their predatory head should understand U are leading your child into Satanic Pornography & Sexual Abuse.
If this TST association is allowed in this Memphis school, it will quickly spread like wildfire throughout TN. With our country and the globe losing its mind on morality, we must take an unwavering stand against this type of organization. While they SAY it isn’t to convert children, it WILL harm children subtly just as the school curriculums are doing throughout our country. TST has already claimed not to be a religious association….well they shouldn’t be protected at all. They are ANTI-religion. Can’t have it both ways.
It ‘ s good to see activity against such a overt Satanic Organization . Now what about the COVERT Satanic associations , just about every church you can think of ….. contaminated by Freemasons , BAPTIST , LUTHERAN , JW , MORMON , etc… a i understand even now the Catholic Church allowing Freemasons ( appears to be True ) .
Freemasons have an ADVERSE AGENDA , and do not uphold Biblical Principles ; with their OATHS to protect each other from accountability to the Law . ” oh we don’t do that ” they might say , but they are all about deceit , in saying such . IT IS ALL SECRECY
You have Preachers and deacons that are Freemasons , and many others in the church , as if it just a harmless social forum …… maybe like a 10 y/ o Boys Club ? FAR FROM IT .
It is ORGANIZED crime williamfdraper at skiff dot com
‘ Brothers of the Bell ‘ gives you a little idea of Freemasons way of operation , but its even much more COVERT and sinister . ROMANS 1: 30 , 2 Thessalonians 2 : 3,4
Christians must speak out against this 2 Corinthians 10 : 3 , 4
FREEMASONS MANAGE THE BLACKLIST Innocent US CITIZENS being targeted now under the guise of the PATRIOT ACT ( College Students , House wives with children , young girls , very young boys , retired individuals ) , most being associated with Freemason ; will follow these people on the Black list for some form of harassment on a daily basis now ; a personal vendetta , just pissing somebody off , etc … can find your name on the Blacklist