Student Network Training Kids As Young As 13 On How To Protest

Student Network Training Kids As Young As 13 On How To Protest

Student Network Training Kids As Young As 13 On How To Protest

Image Credit: TikTok @vicenews

The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –

The Tennessee Student Solidarity Network, a group that organized around protesting gun violence in the wake of The Covenant School shooting in Nashville, is hosting trainings for students, as young as 13, on how to protest as they build “student power” throughout the state.

The group hosted its first training at the Parthenon in Centennial Park on April 11th where students practiced drills aimed to protect them from pepper spray, tear gas, or beatings from police officers.

Leading the training was Reverend Osagyefo Sekou who taught the students principles of “militant non-violent civil disobedience” and who was involved in protests in Ferguson, MO, in 2014. Sekou, a democratic socialist, who has trained thousands of students across the U.S. is shown in a video running drills with students in Nashville.

Following protests over guns at the Tennessee State Capitol in which Democratic lawmakers Justin Jones and Justin Pearson participated, the group is also interested in “fighting for trans rights.”

Image Credit: Tennessee Student Solidarity Network

The network plans to host more trainings in upcoming months across the state and is calling for “student leaders” at the High School, college or university level.

About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at

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9 Responses

  1. This is disgusting and an attempt to destroy the founding principles of this country.

  2. Great idea, militarize the kids under the thinking the police will be unable to harm them. You think these protests are the way to go, here’s a thought. Counter protests grow from such nonsense and they often turn violent, then you cry the police were useless. You as a group are terrorists in your own right and legends in your own minds.

  3. Disgusting. The are training the kids to be radical revolutionaries and redefining riots and illegal activities as “protests”. Need to do like they did in Montana and arrest them. At the TN Capitol, 3 men linked arms and formed a barrier to prevent legislators from leaving the restroom – they should have been arrested.

    Thanks to Speaker Cam Sexton for being tough even though the Leftists and Leftist media personally attacked him. Rep. Whitson is a softy who the Dems will walk over.

  4. The Bible tells in the end times that good is evil and evil is good. Well we can see this happening right before eyes. This is another form of indoctrination of America’s youth. This statement says it all. “Following protests over guns at the Tennessee State Capitol in which Democratic lawmakers Justin Jones and Justin Pearson participated, the group is also interested in “fighting for trans rights.” It’s a shame when a person confused about their gender goes and kills six innocent people and society is indifferent to three CHILDREN and three adults being murdered. But yet every left leaning liberturd is saying this mentally confused person is the victim. If this were done by a conservative christian they would have been labeled a white supremacist, domestic terrorist, transphobic and whatever other name the left can think of. But yet these TRUE domestic terrorist teach this crap to America’s youth in our federal funded schools. Makes one think “what is going on here?”
    Luke 21:36 NIV
    “Be always on the watch, and that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”
    In God we trust not government or man.
    Have a blessed day.

  5. Shame on parents of the high school students for allowing them to participate in brainwashing your child…these people are nothing short of trouble makers… they say they want equity, love and peace… but if you dare disagree with them they just as to soon to spit in your face…

  6. Apathy by most parents and citizens, producing multiple generations of a flawed public education system, led to this one and the mess the country is in now! Only God can fix this mess and save TN and our country!

  7. Who is paying for this training in insurrection GARBAGE??? They should be charged for Child abuse and jailed.

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