“A Broken Democracy,” Tennessee Political Action Group To Fund Moderate Candidates From Both Sides Of The Aisle

Launched In April Of This Year, “Nonpartisan” Group The Best Of Tennessee, Is Knoxville-Area Attorney Chloe Akers’ Second Attempt At Forming A Political Group To Back Moderate Political Candidates In Tennessee Elections.

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Governor Lee Signs Law Preventing Red Flag Gun Laws In Tennessee

Governor Bill Lee Signed A New Law On Tuesday That Prevents Cities And Municipalities In Tennessee From Creating Or Enforcing Red Flag Gun Laws.

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Becky Massey Running For Reelection: A Look At Her Voting Record

Self-Proclaimed Conservative Republican, Senator Becky Massey (R-Knoxville-District 6), Is Running For Reelection In 2024 But Her Voting Record Is Not Winning Her Very Many Points Amongst Conservatives As She Faces Opposition By Way Of Conservative Candidate Monica Irvine In The Upcoming Election.

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Sen. Massey’s Voting Record Called Into Question As She Faces A Conservative Rival In Upcoming Election

In October, Sen. Becky Duncan Massey From Knoxville Announced Her Run For Re-Election To The Tennessee Senate, But Her Voting Record Is Not Winning Her Very Many Points Amongst Conservatives As She Faces Opposition By Way Of Conservative Candidate Monica Irvine In This Upcoming Election.

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Tennessee Legislature Opens With New House Gallery Policy Restricting Access

The Tennessee House Of Representatives Is Operating With New Access Rules That Restrict The Public’s Entrance Into Upstairs Galleries As The Legislature Opens The 2024 Session, Even As It Is Set To Take Up Several Critical Bills Such As The Governor’s School Voucher “Scholarships” Plan.

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Tennessee General Assembly Set To Reconvene Next Week

With Lots Of Work To Be Done, Tennessee’s 2024 General Session Begins At Noon On Tuesday, January 9th. Representative Scott Cepicky Didn’t Mince Words When He Said He Anticipates The Coming Session To Be “Contentious.”

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