Highly Irregular Resolution Process Of Williamson County Commission Receives Scrutiny, Questions After Williamson Inc Debacle

After A Review Of The Rules Governing How And In What Cadence Resolutions Are Brought To The Williamson County Commission, D7 Commissioner Chris Richards Is On A Mission To Ensure That The Process Is Done According To Those Rules And In A Way That Promotes Transparency And Accountability.

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Williamson County Commission Fails To Hold Williamson Inc Accountable For Breaches of Expired Contract; Issue Possibly To Be Revisited Due To Miscalculation From Vacated Seat

This Week, The Williamson County Commission Revived An Issue That Was Addressed And Not Concluded At Last Month’s Meeting: Whether To Renew A Contract With Williamson Inc For Economic Development Services.

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Williamson County Board Of Education Leveraging Teacher Raises To Compel County Commission To Raise Property Taxes

This Month At The Williamson County Commissioners Meeting, All Items In The County Budget Were Appropriated With The Exception Of The General-Purpose Budget For Williamson County Schools.

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Williamson County Mayor Paid Chamber Of Commerce Affiliated Organization Hundreds Of Thousands In Taxpayer Dollars Under Expired Contract Without County Commission Approval

Williamson County Mayor, Rogers Anderson, Has Been Paying Williamson Inc., A Chamber Of Commerce Affiliated Organization On A $400,000 Contract That Had Apparently Lapsed, Without Anyone Noticing. The Contract Was Renewed In May Of 2022, And Expired On June 30th, 2023.

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Williamson County Commission Rules Committee To Reconsider Resolution Limiting Rights Of County Commissioners

The Same Mayor Rogers Anderson, Who Mandated Masks And Business Restrictions In Williamson County And Participated In Skyrocketing County Debt To $1.2 Billion, Along With The Attorneys That Have Long Provided Legal Advice On Such Related Topics, Appear To Be Possibly Involved With Engaging In Activities To Restrict Commissioners’ And Citizen Civic Engagement Via Resolution 9-23-46, Which Has Language That Appears To Limit Individual County Commissioners From Calling Or Scheduling Town Hall Meetings In Their Capacity As Elected County Commissioners.

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Resolution Introduced To Limit Williamson County Commissioner Rights After Town Hall Meeting (Op-Ed)

County Legal Counsel Robert Cook Introduced A Resolution Amending The Rules, Regulations And Procedures For Williamson County Board Of Commissioners Concerning Calling Town Hall Meetings. The Resolution Appeared To Be Primarily In Response To County Commissioner Christopher Richards’ Town Hall Meeting Last March, Where Many In Attendance Expressed Concerns About Election Integrity In Williamson County.

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Vote Centers: The Scourge That Will Prevent Hand-Marked Paper Ballots From Being Added To A County’s Vote System Without Also Adding More Untrustworthy Voting Machines

If We Moved Back To Safer, More Secure Precinct Voting, We Could Easily Add Hand-Marked Paper Ballots As An Option With Each Precinct Likely Having Only One Ballot. Plus, Voter Wait Time Is Reduced As Only A Limited Number Of Voters Can Vote At A Precinct And More Voters Can Skip Over Time-Consuming BMDS And Mark Their Paper Ballots With A Pen In Far More Privacy Booths. No Need For Ballot-On-Demand Printers.

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Williamson County To Purchase Voting Machines Despite Public Outcry

The Williamson County Commission Voted Monday Night To Fund The Purchase Of ES&S Electronic Voting Machines, A Purchase They Previously Voted Down After Public Outcry.

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“Fake Felony” Charge Used To Disqualify Conservative Judge Candidate Overturned For Client

Connie Reguli Told The Tennessee Conservative That Her Conviction Was A “Fake” Felony Because Judge Joseph A. Woodruff Had Changed The Law To Secure The Conviction Against Her. None Of The Other News Outlets Touched This Subject. Reguli Believed That This Fake Conviction Would Be Overturned On Appeal, But Of Course, It Would Be Well Past The Election Which Was Set Two Weeks Away On May 3. And Now It Looks Like Reguli Was Right.

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Resolution To Fund Additional Voting Machines In Williamson County Fails In County Commission By One Vote

This Week, The Williamson County Commission Voted On A Resolution Requesting The Remainder Of The Funds That The Williamson County Elections Commission Were Short On To Purchase New Voting Machines Before The Upcoming Election Year. The Resolution Failed.

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