Tennessee Bill Requiring Parental Consent For Minors On Social Media Passes House

Tennessee Bill Requiring Parental Consent For Minors On Social Media Passes House

Tennessee Bill Requiring Parental Consent For Minors On Social Media Passes House

Image: Representative Jake McCalmon (R-Franklin-District 63) present HB1891 on House Floor for bill sponsor Representative William Lamberth (R-Portland-District 44). Image Credit: capitol.tn.gov

The Tennessee Conservative Staff –

A bill that would require social media platforms to use age verification and obtain parental consent for minors passed in the Tennessee House.

House Bill 1891 (HB1891) would create the “Protecting Children from Social Media Act”. The legislation is sponsored by Representative William Lamberth (R-Portland-District 44).

The legislation was presented by Representative Jake McCalmon (R-Franklin-District 63). An amendment was proposed to rewrite the bill; that amendment was passed.

McCalmon explained that the bill would require social media platforms to gain parental consent in order to allow minors to access those platforms. He clarified that it would not include “commerce platforms” such as Ebay, Amazon, and other similar sites.

“It is simply putting the choice in the hands of the parents as to whether they want their kids on social media or not,” McCalmon said.

Representative Justin Pearson (D-Memphis-District 86) asked how the legislation would be enforced.

McCalmon stated that the bill would leave it up to companies to put a plan into place but that they must show a “reasonable effort” in restricting minors without parental consent. He noted that the Attorney General would not be involved unless the parents of a minor wanted to bring suit against a company for failure to comply.

With 88 votes in favor of the legislation, the bill passed. Representatives Aftyn Behn (D-Nashville-District 51) and Vincent Dixie (D-Nashville-District 54) voted against the legislation. Five other Democratic representatives were marked as present but not voting.

The companion Senate Bill 2097 (SB2097), sponsored by Senator Jack Johnson (R-Franklin-District 27), has been referred to the Senate Calendar Committee but has not yet been scheduled.

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