Image Credit: Trump White House Archived / Public Domain
By Steve Abramowicz [article originally published in The Flame – republished here by submission from author]
In June of this year, during a House select committee meeting, Dr. Deborah Birx testified that radiologist Dr. Scott Atlas pushed former President Trump to enact ‘dangerous’ pandemic policies, but it is Dr. Birx that has now admitted to it in her 521 page (zero citations) confessional book ‘Silent Invasion: The Untold Story of the Trump Administration, Covid-19, and Preventing the Next Pandemic Before It’s Too Late’, out now from Harpers. Add lying to Congress to her list of felonies.
As the far left wing magazine The Atlantic describes it “the most revealing pandemic book yet,” only likely not in the way they think. In fact, it is a treasure trove of forensic evidence of fraud, criminal activity and treason. As Dr. Atlas said to Good Morning San Diego in January of this year “I am uncertain why Dr. Fauci & Dr. Birx are still allowed to work in the White House”.
The Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines were granted emergency use authorization in late 2020 to prevent symptomatic COVID-19, and were promoted by many health officials, including Dr. Deborah Birx, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under Trump.
“This is one of the most highly-effective vaccines we have in our infection disease arsenal. And so that’s why I’m very enthusiastic about the vaccine,” Birx said on an ABC podcast at the time. She made no mention of concerns the vaccines might not protect against infection.
Are you old enough to remember the lockdowns, mask mandates, tanked economy, elderly dying alone, the loss of jobs over vaccine mandates, schools closed, proms, football games, weddings, Thanksgiving and graduations cancelled, SADS, cancer, suicide and myocarditis rates exploding in young people and a stolen mail in ballot election?
You now know who is responsible for all of it now in her own words. From the “15 days to stop the spread” lie to fighting for total human isolation, she led the Coronavirus Task Force to the 50 states courtesy of Vice President Mike Pence.
The Fully Vaccinated are now up to 3.2x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated.
Her book admits that it was a two-level lie from the beginning totally destroying faith in medical scientific “experts”.
“We had to make these palatable to the administration by avoiding the obvious appearance of a full Italian lockdown,” she writes. “At the same time, we needed the measures to be effective at slowing the spread, which meant matching as closely as possible what Italy had done—a tall order. We were playing a game of chess in which the success of each move was predicated on the one before it.”
“At this point, I wasn’t about to use the words lockdown or shutdown. If I had uttered either of those in early March, after being at the White House only one week, the political, nonmedical members of the task force would have dismissed me as too alarmist, too doom-and-gloom, too reliant on feelings and not facts. They would have campaigned to lock me down and shut me up.”
In other words, she knew for sure that two weeks was not the real plan. “I left the rest unstated: that this was just a starting point.”
“No sooner had we convinced the Trump administration to implement our version of a two-week shutdown than I was trying to figure out how to extend it,” she admits.
“Fifteen Days to Slow the Spread was a start, but I knew it would be just that. I didn’t have the numbers in front of me yet to make the case for extending it longer, but I had two weeks to get them. However hard it had been to get the fifteen-day shutdown approved, getting another one would be more difficult by many orders of magnitude. In the meantime, I waited for the blowback, for someone from the economic team to call me to the principal’s office or confront me at a task force meeting. None of this happened.”
It was a solution in search of evidence she did not have. She told Trump that the evidence was there anyway. She actually tricked him into believing that locking down a whole population of people was somehow magically going to make a virus to which everyone would inevitably be exposed somehow vanish as a threat. At the time Scott Atlas send a note to Dr B. Birx admonishing her for being “incurious about how lockdowns impact health, economy, kids, and society”… “In any health crisis, it is crucial to work at the personal behavior level,” she says with the presumption that avoidance at all costs was the only goal.
“With HIV/AIDS, this meant convincing asymptomatic people to get tested, to seek treatment if they were HIV-positive, and to take preventative measures, including wearing condoms; or to employ other pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) if they were negative.”
She immediately likens it to Covid. “I knew the government agencies would need to do the same thing to have a similar effect on the spread of this novel coronavirus. The most obvious parallel with the HIV/AIDS example was the message of wearing masks.” Masks = condoms.
While Dr. Fauci held court daily his constant presence mischaracterized his role as the one in charge. It was Dr. Birx, an unelected, unaccountable bureaucrat, heading the task force to state Governors, that wanted total isolation lockdowns.
“The real problem with this fifty-versus-ten distinction, for me, was that it revealed that the CDC simply didn’t believe to the degree that I did that SARS-CoV-2 was being spread through the air silently and undetected from symptomless individuals. The numbers really did matter. As the years since have confirmed, in times of active viral community spread, as many as fifty people gathered together indoors (unmasked at this point, of course) was way too high a number. It increased the chances of someone among that number being infected exponentially. I had settled on ten knowing that even that was too many, but I figured that ten would at least be palatable for most Americans—high enough to allow for most gatherings of immediate family but not enough for large dinner parties and, critically, large weddings, birthday parties, and other mass social events.“
She emphasized: “if I pushed for zero (which was actually what I wanted and what was required), this would have been interpreted as a ‘lockdown’—the perception we were all working so hard to avoid.”
Scott Atlas came on in August to introduce some good sense to dial back the CDC’s fanatical attachment to universal and constant testing. Atlas knew that “track, trace, and isolate” was both a fantasy and a massive invasion of people’s liberties that would yield no positive public-health outcome. He put together a new recommendation that was only for those who were sick to test.
After a week-long media frenzy, the regulations flipped in the other direction. Birx reveals that it was her doing:
“This wasn’t the only bit of subterfuge I had to engage in. Immediately after the Atlas-influenced revised CDC testing guidance went up in late August, I contacted Bob Redfield…. Less than a week later, Bob [Redfield] and I had finished our rewrite of the guidance and surreptitiously posted it. We had restored the emphasis on testing to detect areas where silent spread was occurring. It was a risky move, and we hoped everyone in the White House would be too busy campaigning to realize what Bob and I had done. We weren’t being transparent with the powers that be in the White House…“
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One might ask how she got away with this. She explains:
“[T]he guidance gambit was only the tip of the iceberg of my transgressions in my effort to subvert Scott Atlas’s dangerous positions. Ever since Vice President Pence told me to do what I needed to do, I’d engaged in very blunt conversations with the governors. I spoke the truth that some White House senior advisors weren’t willing to acknowledge. Censoring my reports and putting up guidance that negated the known solutions was only going to perpetuate Covid-19’s vicious circle. What I couldn’t sneak past the gatekeepers in my reports, I said in person.“
It’s very clear that Birx had almost no contact with any serious scientist who disputed her draconian response, not even John Iaonnidis who explained as early as March 17, 2020, that this approach was madness. But she didn’t care: she was convinced that she was in the right, or, at least, was acting on behalf of people and interests who would keep her safe from persecution or prosecution.
For those interested, Chapter 8 provides a weird look into her first real scientific challenge: the seroprevalence study by Jayanta Bhattacharya published April 22, 2020.
It demonstrated that the infection fatality rate – because infections and recovery was far more prevalent than Birx and Fauci were saying – was more in line with what one might expect from a severe flu but with a much more focused demographic impact. Bhattacharya’s paper revealed that the pathogen eluded all controls and would likely become endemic as every respiratory virus before. She took one look and concluded that the study had unnamed “fundamental flaws in logic and methodology” and “damaged the cause of public health at this crucial moment in the pandemic.”
And that’s it: No citation of any “flaws”. That’s Birx grappling with science.
Meanwhile, Bhattacharya’s article was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology and has over 700 citations.
The most dramatic section deals with the fake video out of Wuhan China that she claims was the “moment she knew Covid was serious”. Remember the one of the doctors slumped in their chairs? She based her fears on a debunked, doctored piece of China propaganda, known fake for two years before her book was published spring 2022…or did she? It was in December of 2019 when she said Covid was “out of the box” and “either abnormal out of nature or out of a lab leak.” “it happens, labs aren’t perfect” she said at the time. She knew from the beginning.
Recently she was back on tv selling her book, “Well, if you’re across the South, and you’re in the middle of this wave, what’s going to save you right now is Paxlovid,” she said. “But once we get through this wave, during that lull, you should get vaccinated and boosted because we do believe it will protect you, particularly if you’re over 70. I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines. And it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization. It will, but let’s be very clear — 50% of the people who died from the Omicron surge were older, vaccinated.”
“So, that’s why I’m saying, even if you’re vaccinated and boosted if you’re unvaccinated, right now, the key is testing and Paxlovid,” Birx continued. “It’s effective. It’s a great antiviral. And, really, that is what’s going to save your lives right now if you’re over 70, which, if you look at the hospitalizations, hospitalizations are rising steadily, with new admissions, particularly in those over 70. And so, if you live in the South — I know people keep talking about the fall. I’m worried about the South. I’m worried about rural America and our tribal nations that just don’t have access to testing and a primary physician like the president does. And I hope, coming out of COVID, we will address these rural counties.” – Dr. Deborah Birx, Your World with Neil Cavuto FNC July 2022.
Knowing all this from her own words and her now positivity are you excited and confident to try Paxlovid now? If so, seek a medical professional.
The plotters usually admit it in the end, taking credit, like criminals who cannot resist returning to the scene of the crime. This is what Dr. Birx has done in her book. But there are clearly limits to her transparency. She never explains the real reason for her resignation – even though it is known the world over – pretending like the entire Thanksgiving fiasco never happened and thus attempting to write it out of the history book that she wrote.
And it nowhere offers an honest reckoning for what her influence over the White House and the states foisted on this country and on the world. People were banned for life on Twitter and Facebook, jailed, slandered as anti-Asian, medical licenses revoked, vaccine mandated and worse for differing opinions from Dr. Birx. All deserve justice for the crimes she now freely admits.
3 Responses
She makes me sick, but not sicker than those criminals that have not prosecuted her. Shameful, all of them.
Back in the day, when everyone in the USA got their news from tv and radio, Huntley-Brinkley and Walter Cronkite, Dan frikkin Rather, Peters Sellers, et al, from the Gulf of Tonkin to 9/11, et al, the duplicity, deception and outright evil were accepted as truth from our government, the last great hope, because there was no alternative. Now, the internet exposes the lies, and HALF THE COUNTRY STILL VOTES FOR THESE DEMONS and trusts those they appoint. The entire country was shut down by a handfull of unelected bureaucrats and no one said BOO. they all will face judgement.
Even so, come Lord Jesus. Rev 22:20
More fraud from the fraud in chief