Image Credit: @RepChuck / X / @RepDavidKustoff / X / @RepJohnRose / X & Canva (background)
Submitted Kat Stansell (Independent Journalist and Earnest Patriot) –
Friday, April 12, 2024, three TN US Reps, FLEISCHMANN, KUSTOFF AND ROSE voted in favor of the Feds’ conducting warrantless searches and seizures of innocent Americans.
In addition to approving the violation of OUR rights, they accepted the generous “carve-out” in the bill, which protects them and their fellow (fill-in-the-blanks) should their names ever come up in a federal investigation.
By this, they would be notified AND MUST GIVE THEIR CONSENT before any investigation of them might violate their privacy. (Sure, they’d say “no problem, come at me”. No, they reserve that kind of unlawful attack for us.)
REALLY?!? Let that sink in.
Not only do these three think WE should be attacked by our government without cause, but they believe they are special. They believe that the new unconstitutional “rules” of the unelected Junta in DC do not apply to them. This is the purest and simplest definition of government NOT by OR FOR the people.
At the same time as our Constitution is further shredded, the thugs in DC are making sure that nothing will ever happen to them.
What MUST happen is that they be removed from office. This issue alone shows that they do not represent us.
Fleischmann has been in office for 11 years, voting with the Democrats 44% of the time; Kustoff, 5 years and 41%; and Rose, 3 years and 17%. They NEED TO GO.
Their voting record – ESPECIALLY THIS TIME – is the window to their souls. Spitting on our Constitution and on us, shows the blue-blackness that is inside of them.
If you love your freedoms, you will actively assist in their removal from office.
Here’s how to contact each in their DC offices:
Fleischmann: 202-225-3271
Kustoff: 202 225-4714
Rose: 202-225-4231
If you want to email them, search their name, then prove you live in their districts. If you don’t, they do not want to hear from you.
When we begin to raise statewide noise, however, they will get the message from out-of-district as well as in. Influencers are not restricted to Congressional boundaries.
Call after hours and leave a brief but clear message – why you are calling and what you think about their vote/the issue.
This kind of contact – along with Tweets if you use social media – are the best ways to reach them. Emails and letters are next. They seldom answer back, so don’t be surprised, but their office will record your position. In this, the year before they are each up for reelection, this is important to them.
These three disgust me purely and completely, and I believe that most of Tennessee would agree. That should include those who vote “R”, “D”, OR “I”. All are losing their freedoms, when our federal swamp is stocked with this kind of blowfish.
The Constitution once protected all. Today, I fear our founding documents are being shredded and discarded.
“Representatives” like these are assisting with the process.
Congress may be getting a second-chance vote on the FISA bill today, 4/15.
Anna Paulina Luna (FL) has mounted the effort. We’ll see.
Even if our TN men get the chance to change their tune today, we’ll always know them for their first thoughts. Would take a lot of ‘splainin’ to change colors, at this point.
5 Responses
Well said. Thank you Kat for this article. I have been very disappointed in my representative Kustoff for a while now. He seems to be either be bought off, compromised or just weak, as I just can’t explain his voting record. I sent a message to his congressional website today to vote No on this FISA bill today. I also included a link to this article.
Thanx for shining the good light on lucifer’s RINOS.
Thank you, Kat, for the information. I will contact Rose office and share with his constituents on social media.
I may have been mislead but I thought Mark Green also voted to the wrong way on this one! Somebody help me out here….I’ve been hammering his poor, young ‘aides’ since last week! Help!
The elections are in 2024. 1 Aug for the primaries and 5 Nov for the general.