Image: Matt Walsh offers testimony in favor of the passage of HB0001. Image Credit:
The Tennessee Conservative [By Kelly M. Jackson] –
Yesterday, February 8th, in a hearing room crowded with those who were gathered to argue their perspective on the issue of transgender medical treatment on children, the full House Health Committee heard testimony in preparation to vote to move the bill forward in the next step in the process for the bill to become law.
HB0001 – “As introduced, prohibits a healthcare provider from performing on a minor or administering to a minor a medical procedure if the performance or administration of the procedure is for the purpose of enabling a minor to identify with, or live as, a purported identity inconsistent with the minor’s sex. – Amends TCA Title 28; Title 29; Title 33; Title 34; Title 36; Title 37; Title 39; Title 40; Title 49; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71.”
The Senate companion bill SB0001 which mirrors the language in HB0001, was heard on February 1st in the Senate Health and Welfare Committee, and recommended for passage with the amendments that were added. Republican Senators Crowe, Haile, Hensley, Jackson, Massey, Reeves, Swann, Watson voting for, and Democrat Senator Yarbro voting against.
SB0001 was then heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee on February 7th and recommended for passage with Republican Senators Gardenhire, Lundberg, Roberts, Rose, Stevens, Taylor, White voting for and Democrat Senators Kyle and Lamar voting against. The bill has now been referred to the Senate Calendar Committee for scheduling to be heard on the Senate floor.
The most recent amendment removed the ability for the child to sue their parents for damages for the decisions they made on their behalf, decisions that perhaps altered their lives in a permanent and grossly detrimental way.
Gary Humble of Tennessee Stands, a grassroots organization who has been fighting for the passage of legislation that will thoroughly protect Tennessee children, supports the bill, but is critical of the removal of punitive consequences for parents who make these decisions. Humble explained that the prior amendment classified parental action of pursuing these procedures as “abusive”, and all that language has been removed.
Humble said “It’s an issue in that it (the legislation) doesn’t completely protect Tennessee children from insane parents…we are giving parents the right to abuse their children, apparently because, parental rights.”
In the hearing were some notable conservative activists who testified in support of the bill, which included Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire, and creator of the film, “What Is A Woman?”. Walsh brought the national spotlight on these types of procedures to Tennessee by highlighting the fact that Vanderbilt Medical Center had in operation the Vanderbilt Transgender Clinic.
In Walsh’s reporting, he revealed that the types of treatments that adults undergo to change their sex cosmetically and physically, were being performed on minors. These treatments entail extensive use of hormone blockers and synthetic hormones, as well as drastic surgeries.
In his testimony, Walsh stated “We cannot allow this wickedness to continue, we cannot tolerate it, we are decent an rational people in this state, we love our children, and we recognize basic truths, one of those basic truths is that a child who is confused about her identity, needs guidance and love, and clarity. She does not need hormone injections and scalpels. She needs and deserves to be protected from those child abusing quacks and soulless vultures who wish to exploit her confusion for their own gain.”
He continued, “that is why we need this law, our kids cannot protect themselves, but we can, and we must, and we are.”
Also present was Prisha Mosley, now 24, but was convinced to begin a transition from female to male when she was only 15. “As a detransitioned adult I recognize the importance that civil action laws like this would provide in holding the people accountable who did this to me as a child and preventing other children from being harmed.”
Watch the meeting of the House Health Committee HERE.
HB0001 now moves onto the House Civil Justice Committee, with the majority of the House Health Committee having voted in favor. All Representatives present voted in the affirmative with only Democrat Representatives Clemmons, Hakeem, Hemmer, Mitchell requesting to be recorded as voting “No”.
About the Author: Kelly Jackson is a recent escapee from corporate America, and a California refugee to Tennessee. Christ follower, Wife and Mom of three amazing teenagers. She has a BA in Comm from Point Loma Nazarene University, and has a background in law enforcement and human resources. Since the summer of 2020, she has spent any and all free time in the trenches with local grassroots orgs, including Mom’s for Liberty Williamson County and Tennessee Stands as a core member. Outspoken advocate for parents rights, medical freedom, and individual liberty.
4 Responses
There must be accountability for the crazy parent/ guardian that encourages degradation to minors.
There are laws that attempt to hold accountable those who purchase alcohol for minors
Without holding the guardian accountable, TN is saying mutilation is less than buying booze.
Minors that become entangled in abuse must have the civil and criminal courts at their side
If a minor is transported across state lines by anyone with criminal intent there are repercussions and accountability to be reconciled
Otherwise who,what are we?
The human brain takes 25 years to mature, mutilation must have a minimum age of 21, privately funded for the rest of that person’s life.
The citizens of any state are not responsible for the actions of those that perpetrate any crime
It amazes me that we even have discuss imposing a law like this.
God Help Us!!!!
I wholeheartedly agree. Our children need to be protected. Thank our God that we have some with common sense.
Sad state of the country that even al law like this has to be brought up to protect children from being destroyed for life because of liberal unfit parents who don’t deserve children.