2 Tennessee Reps Vote To Table Revote On Effort To Kill Warrantless Search & Seizure Bill

2 Tennessee Reps Vote To Table Revote On Effort To Kill Warrantless Search & Seizure Bill

2 Tennessee Reps Vote To Table Revote On Effort To Kill Warrantless Search & Seizure Bill

Image Credit: @RepChuck / X & Congress.gov

Submitted Kat Stansell (Independent Journalist and Earnest Patriot) –

Yesterday, The US House voted again, to try to kill the FISA bill, Sec, 702, which would allow warrantless searches and seizures.  America’s enemies, including two from Tennessee, voted to table that “re-vote”. 

“Only” 117 supposed “R”‘s voted with the “D”‘s against America this time, but TN still had two of our elected enemies show up proudly on the list:  Fleischmann and now GREEN.  These two told us that The FBI, in full assault gear,  banging on your door in the middle of the night, breaking and entering, even shooting and killing, was OK WITH THEM.

Kustoff and Rose apparently got the message.  Their names did NOT appear on the list of traitors THIS TIME.  Their first vote to allow police state activities – against us AND our candidates – told us all we need to know about them. Votes are windows to the soul.

Mark Green, along with Fleischmann, Kustoff and Rose, is also up for reelection in 2025.  Please take note.  We now must work to get ALL FOUR out of DC.  They do NOT represent us.  Changing your mind because you got caught does NOT count as supporting our Constitutional law.  

I’ve talked to hundreds of people in TN about this, and never met one that thought the feds should arrest anyone, anytime with no reason from the courts.  That is what it amounts to.  This bill authorizes the Police State, which has developed in America since 2001, to grow without resistance. 

Among those I’ve talked with are many of the county sheriffs of TN.  The ones who believe in upholding their oath of office – to the US and TN constitutions – are highly opposed to what is happening in DC – AND with those US Reps from TN.

Remember, every elected official takes that same oath:  “to protect and defend the Constitution” of the USA and their state. 

Fleischmann, Green, Kustoff and Rose have violated that oath, and, obviously do NOT believe in a free America.  No excuses.  We all KNOW that it was never about “national security”. Remember, their votes are the windows to their soul.

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8 Responses

  1. Thanks for your reporting on this….as a long time supporter and campaign event for Mark Green, a heretofore solid conservative, his votes on FISA are NOT what a good, conservative representative supports! Despite his service to America, he has OBVIOUSLY changed, been bought out or worse just trading our freedoms for his riches (He was one of the highest ROI Wall Street ‘investors’ of Congress in 2023 – SAD!) He is no longer worthy of a ‘conservative’ label!

  2. I called his DC office, asked WHY he voted this way. Doubt getting an answer. Seems lucifer’s guiding him now.

  3. This is especially egregious given that 9-11was an inside job. The people who want to ignore the constitution want to be free of it as well.

  4. Any Representative who voted for this bill should be voted out at their next election. I agree that the ones who voted for the 1st time and against the 2nd time are just as guilty. It looks like to me they had an agreement between the 4 of them in Tennessee.
    I will do all I can to see that John Rose doesn’t get the honor to represent us again in Tennessee.

  5. Warrant-less Searches and Civil Forfeiture are not Constitutional,nor fair nor right,unless you are a autocrat. IMO.

  6. This FISA is illegal and against the CONSTITUTION. All those involved need to be JAILED for crimes against U.S. Citizens.

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