Tennessee Teacher Decorates Classroom With Communist Propaganda Posters Featuring His Face

Image Credit: Tennessee Conservative Source

The Tennessee Conservative [By Adelia Kirchner] –

As schools throughout the state settle into the ’23-’24 school year, one teacher in Baxter, Tennessee has taken it upon himself to decorate his classroom with what look to be Communism-inspired posters featuring his face. 

According to our source, a distressed 7th grader was recently physically removed from this teacher’s classroom by her mother, which led to the discovery of this questionable classroom décor. 


The teacher in question, Caleb Robert Bates, put up posters of himself and allegedly told students that he wanted them to put their hands together, as if they were praying, and do a dance weaving back and forth, in worship of his image on said posters. 

A simple google search of Communist and Marxist imagery displays the connection between the two ideologies and the imagery which Bates has chosen to present to his middle school aged students.

One poster reads “BATES IS LOVE” and depicts people in Communist China, gathered around a Chinese Communist soldier, but Bates’ face is photoshopped onto the soldier’s body.

Another reads “TRANSCEND THE WEAKNESS OF YOUR BLADDER. STAY IN CLASS!” and depicts two students looking up at a red flag with Bates’ face on it in a yellow circle.

Yet another poster reads “NOBLE LEADER” and displays Bates as the “leader” above a crowd of people carrying red flags and throwing their fists in the air.

Swap out Bates’ face with that of the former Chinese Communist Party Leader, Mao Zedong, and the pieces fall right into place. 

“It’s frightening,” said a concerned Tennessean, “to think how much teachers have become proponents of Marxism/Communism.”

Bates also allegedly told these young students that it was okay to curse in his class, specifically regarding a written essay assignment. 

Our source stated that Bates told students “every great writer puts curse words in their writing” so it was okay for them to do so as well. 

2023 Annual Campaign

This follows an incident that took place back in May of this year, when an online video went viral and Bates made news headlines after getting pepper sprayed by a student while teaching at Antioch High School. 

According to Bates, he had asked students to put away their phones during his English class. When one of them refused, he took her phone away.

Bates stated that the student proceeded to lunge at him before exiting the room, knocking on the classroom door, and pepper spraying him three different times. 

The English teacher pressed charges against the student who was then issued a misdemeanor assault charge in juvenile court. 

After the incident, Bates chose to leave Antioch High School. While he has only recently begun teaching in Baxter, his classroom environment is already being described as both loud and disruptive. 

About the Author: Adelia Kirchner is a Tennessee resident and reporter for the Tennessee Conservative. Currently the host of Subtle Rampage Podcast, she has also worked for the South Dakota State Legislature and interned for Senator Bill Hagerty’s Office in Nashville, Tennessee. You can reach Adelia at adelia@tennesseeconservativenews.com.

34 thoughts on “Tennessee Teacher Decorates Classroom With Communist Propaganda Posters Featuring His Face

  • September 1, 2023 at 4:22 pm

    This clown has no business teaching in any tax payer funded public school. If not fired ASAP the school administrator needs to be fired also . Question? What entity actually conducts a proper public integrity background investigation of faculty and staff. I’d did PIBI’s for years for positions not as sensitive as a faculty/staff member of a public school.

    • September 6, 2023 at 11:25 pm

      If you do not learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it!

      My son is in Mr. Bate’s class, I have met him and spoke to at length on back to school night, I was quite impressed with him. As part of the 7th grade curriculum, the are reading the book, “The Red Scarf Girl”. I have had two other children who have attended the same school and had to read the book, as part of the curriculum; it is not a book that Mr. Bate chose to teach, but is required to teach. The book was written to warn against the evil’s of communism, not promote or indoctrinate communism . According to what my son told us, Mr. Bate’s made it clear that the posters were to illustrate the propaganda that was distributed/displayed during the time period the book is covering, to illustrate what types of things the government was promoting, as a way to brainwash it’s citizens. In much the same way in which many communist and socialist governments have done throughout history. By providing an example, it allows children to have a reference point, so that if they see this type of propaganda being put out in the future (by foreign government’s or our own) did they stop and think about the reasoning behind such things rather than blindly following the message propaganda hopes to promote.

      As someone who’s had multiple great teachers in the past, I find it’s the ones that find creative ways to pull children into the lessons, that had the greatest impact. Also, as a military spouse who has lived all over the country and had children in various school districts across the country (including California) with teachers who did try to indoctrinate them, I find that that is very far from the case in Baxter/Putnam county. Part of the reason we chose to set up here, is the fact that it was so conservative and still promoted the values that I was brought up with as a kid.

      Perhaps, the journalist who wrote the story, should’ve taken the time to interview Mr. Bates or school administrators, to find out why the book was being taught and what he hoped to convey by making the posters, rather than jumping to conclusions and demanding he be fired.

    • February 21, 2024 at 2:57 pm

      American school children are so completely brain dead. It’s on the parents. I can’t believe you have children assaulting teachers, shooting up schools, needing cops on premises 24/7. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

      Homeschool the little monsters yourselves. This is YOUR. FAULT. I grew up in Australia. Nobody would even raise their voice to my teachers because we had respect. I’m not old, either. I graduated in 2010. You’re all disgusting.

      Land of the free? Land of the freedom from brain cells, more like it. I’d be deeply humiliated if I were any of you.

  • September 1, 2023 at 4:35 pm

    They have become so emboldened, they aren’t hiding their true agenda anymore. Get your children out of these indoctrination camps ASAP and expose them!

    • September 1, 2023 at 6:03 pm

      The leadership of our education system must be held accountable. However, as it goes in Washington, so it goes locally 😠

      • September 2, 2023 at 1:39 am

        Big talk coming from someone who looks like a warden of a gulag. Y’all bing bongs really do be out here typing up the most thoughtless, uneducated and fear-mongering “news” “articles” and comments. Notice how there is zero context in this post about why these were put up in the room. The teacher was presenting to the class the mandated book Red Scarf Girl which is an anti-communism book. Bates was trying to make the book fun for the class to read. I could go on further but I won’t waste my time. It takes almost no effort these days to search for context but y’all would rather be out here huffing and puffing about nonexistent problems and giving Karens a platform. Couldn’t be me. But I will leave you with some advice. If you click the button on the side of your phone, lay it on a counter, stand up out of your chair, go outside and touch some grass, things will get easier for you. Much love. ❤️

        • September 6, 2023 at 1:36 pm

          Do you know him personally? So what do you know about his thought process and what his intentions were? Are you a co-worker of his? Answer these questions and maybe your statement will take on some credibility. Another question how do you know he was trying to make the class fun? just asking. Much love to you too.
          Have a blessed day.

    • September 6, 2023 at 10:45 pm

      Why he’s just trying to remindd students while being funny but not mean about it I am one of his current students and you shouldn’t believe what they say the student who moved out his class I don’t know why but probably because other kids wouldn’t hush up and she would keep goofing around with other students. I could talk some more but im not cause I actually research things and trying to do my homework but i couldn’t let your rant go unnoticed without actually giving context. I hope you have a blessed day goodbye

      • September 9, 2023 at 4:18 pm

        It wasn’t a rant as you say. I was asking legitimate questions. But maybe one day you will understand. I know you are only a 7th grader and you have a lot to learn about life. A question for you, what was he trying to remind the students of? You never finished your statement and you didn’t give it any context. I really feel bad for your generation. The education system is doing such harm to todays youth by teaching nothing that will benefit them in the real world. Read the Bible. You will learn more from it than any teacher or any present day education system. I will be praying for you.
        Have a blessed day also.

        • March 5, 2024 at 3:46 am

          Heh, of course you don’t believe us because we’re “young.”Well are you in his class, did you know what he was teaching? Ask yourself this and realize this article sounds more like a parent who didn’t get their way. I would know this because we students learned about a book to tell about the EVILS of communism called “Red Scarf Girl” yet the article maker went in without context to try and get a GREAT teacher fired. The posters were made to have a funny way of telling to use the bathroom before class and who’s in charge. I hope next time you can identify something like this, and have a great day.

  • September 1, 2023 at 5:48 pm

    Parents demand this man be fired immediately! How did this man ever become a teacher in the USA much less TN!
    Sounds like Castro’s Cuba.

  • September 1, 2023 at 5:56 pm

    Actually, I think this is funny. This teacher was using a creative and tongue-in-cheek way to say that when in class, HE is in charge. Of course, it’s outrageous – that was his point! He was trying to get his student’s attention. Note that he was teaching 7th grade, one of the MOST difficult age groups to manage. The fact that a 7th grade girl pepper sprayed him for taking away her cell phone should tell you what he is dealing with. I come from a family of teachers – it is the most thankless job in the world. Try to have a sense of humor folks. I think I would have enjoyed having this guy as a teacher.

    • September 1, 2023 at 11:26 pm

      “Caleb Robert Bates, put up posters of himself and allegedly told students that he wanted them to put their hands together, as if they were praying, and do a dance weaving back and forth, in worship of his image on said posters.”
      Some people are SO narcissistic it is beyond measure….this dude is one of them.
      I’m am betting you don’t know the half of what he is indoctrinating those kids with.
      He should NOT be a teacher…maybe in CA they LOVE Communism there.

      • September 7, 2023 at 12:08 am

        If you do not learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it!

        My son is in Mr. Bate’s class, I have met him and spoke to at length on back to school night, I was quite impressed with him.
        As part of the 7th grade curriculum, the are reading the book,
        “The Red Scarf Girl”. I have had two other children who have attended the same school and had to read the book, as part of the curriculum; it is not a book that Mr. Bate chose to teach, but is required to teach. The book was written to warn against the evil’s of communism, not promote or indoctrinate communism.
        According to what my son told us, Mr. Bate’s made it clear that the posters were to illustrate the propaganda that was distributed/displayed during the time period the book is covering, to illustrate what types of things the government was promoting, as a way to brainwash it’s citizens. In much the same way in which many communist and socialist governments have done throughout history. By providing an example, it allows children to have a reference point, so that if they see this type of propaganda being put out in the future (by foreign government’s or our own) did they stop and think about the reasoning behind such things rather than blindly following the message propaganda hopes to promote.

        As someone who’s had multiple great teachers in the past, I find it’s the ones that find creative ways to pull children into the lessons, that had the greatest impact. Also, as a military spouse who has lived all over the country and had children in various school districts across the country (including California) with teachers who did try to indoctrinate them, I find that that is very far from the case in Baxter/Putnam county. Part of the reason we chose to move here, is the fact that it was so conservative and still promoted the values that I was brought up with as a kid.

        Perhaps, the journalist who wrote the story, should’ve taken the time to interview Mr. Bates or school administrators, to find out why the book was being taught and what he hoped to convey by making the posters, rather than jumping to conclusions and demanding he be fired.

  • September 1, 2023 at 6:53 pm

    Just saw this video from James O’Keefe, it’s VERY revealing on what is going on with these schools. I will paste the link but in case that doesn’t work, go to OMG ( O’Keefe Media Group ) and watch these commie jerks, including the cop, defend their behavior and calling anyone who doesn’t agree with their narrative as threatening, comparing folks like us to ANTIFA and “Looking Trumpish.” It’s just unbelievable! We the people are being highly discriminated against for our political views. This is absolute BS and needs to keep being exposed. 😡

    • September 6, 2023 at 9:24 pm

      Lmao, you rednecks are so funny *obvious sarcasm*

  • September 1, 2023 at 8:24 pm

    Who hired him??

    • September 6, 2023 at 8:27 pm

      ur mom did🤞💕

  • September 1, 2023 at 9:07 pm

    This is funny and creative. It sounds like a parent didn’t get their way. Use common sense.

  • September 1, 2023 at 11:28 pm

    “Caleb Robert Bates, put up posters of himself and allegedly told students that he wanted them to put their hands together, as if they were praying, and do a dance weaving back and forth, in worship of his image on said posters.”
    Communism & idol worship is funny & creative.

    • September 6, 2023 at 9:29 pm

      First of all, this isn’t Communism and idol worship, it’s something for his students to get involved into the book we’re reading, he’s just trying to help us learn, nothing wrong, btw the book is called, “Red Scarf Girl.” An anti communist book ♥

  • September 2, 2023 at 7:01 pm

    This is the intended goal of the creation of the Dept of Education.
    To Communize America.

  • September 6, 2023 at 9:16 pm

    This article is quite sad to be frank, I don’t mean to pop the author’s bubble, but if you weren’t aware, we are studying a book called, “Red Scarf Girl”, which is an ANTI-COMMUNIST book, so he just wanted to be interactive and fun, which apparently angers people? I don’t get it, but I hope someone learns from this and realizes, “Hey, maybe this fella isn’t that bad.” But still, good day ladies and gentlemen.

  • September 6, 2023 at 9:47 pm


    • September 6, 2023 at 9:58 pm


  • September 6, 2023 at 10:34 pm

    First up its called a joke second you have no context about why thats there so you can’t say that he’s bad without context thirdly the posters actually remind students to grab their books and go to the bathroom so next time think about how this might go and lastly if he were bad posting it is just giving him fame and antagonizing him that’s all I have to say good day

  • September 7, 2023 at 12:55 pm

    #save Mr. bates

  • September 7, 2023 at 12:57 pm


  • September 8, 2023 at 8:48 pm

    Bro y’all are gay he is just trying to make the book fun

  • September 10, 2023 at 4:40 am

    Maybe if he invited in a defector from Red China to tell how bad things are there on the mainland in spite of the leftist media in the United States.


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