Blackburn Heavy Favorite, Matchups Set For Nov. 5 Election In Tennessee

Blackburn Heavy Favorite, Matchups Set For Nov. 5 Election In Tennessee

Blackburn Heavy Favorite, Matchups Set For Nov. 5 Election In Tennessee

Image Credit: Senator Marsha Blackburn

The Center Square [By Jon Styf] –

Sen. Marsha Blackburn held a 20-percentage point lead in a July Beacon poll against Democrat Gloria Johnson, who will now be her opponent.

That race is one of many – including the presidential race expected to be between former president Donald Trump, Vice President Kamala Harris and Robert F. Kennedy – on the Nov. 5 ballot in Tennessee.

Those in Nashville will also be voting on a referendum for a 0.5% sales tax increase to pay for transit improvements.

The state’s U.S. House races will include incumbent Republican Rep. Diana Harshbarger and Democrat Kevin Jenkins in District 1, incumbent Republican Tim Burchett and Democrat Jane George in District 2, incumbent Republican Chuck Fleischmann and Democrat Jack Allen in District 3 and incumbent Republican Scott DesJarlais against Democrat Victoria Isabel Broderick in District 4.

Each of those seats featured significantly more Republican votes in the primary than Democrats.

The same applies in District 5, where incumbent Republican Andy Ogles will face Democrat Maryam Abolfazli after he held off challenger Courtney Johnston in the primary.

District 6 features incumbent Republican John Rose against Democrat Lore Bergman, District 7 will be incumbent Republican Mark Green facing Democrat and former Nashville Mayor Megan Barry, District 8 features incumbent Republican David Kustoff against Democrat Sarah Freeman while District 9 will feature incumbent Democrat Steve Cohen against Charlotte Bergmann in a Memphis-area district that was the state’s only U.S. House district with significantly more Democrat voters than Republican.

The most competitive general election races could be near Davidson County, where the lines were re-drawn following Democrat Jim Cooper’s District 5 run in the seat, which previously covered all of Nashville.

Ogles now holds that seat while District 7 could be the most competitive seat after Green initially announced he would not run for reelection but ultimately chose to attempt to hold onto the seat for the Republicans.

About the Author: Jon Styf, The Center Square Staff Reporter – Jon Styf is an award-winning editor and reporter who has worked in Illinois, Texas, Wisconsin, Florida and Michigan in local newsrooms over the past 20 years, working for Shaw Media, Hearst and several other companies. Follow Jon on Twitter @JonStyf.

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11 Responses

  1. We’re not fans of Marsha Blackburn after she betrayed President Trump in 2020 by not taking the time to vet the Electoral.

  2. Did you know that your senator, Marsha Blackburn, helped lead the secretive effort that weakened the pro-life language in the Republican Party’s platform?

    For decades, the Republican Party platform has included strong language defending the right to life. But the 2024 platform omits important protections for the unborn and fails to make clear that the 14th Amendment applies to the unborn.

    Senator Blackburn also helped lead the effort to weaken the platform’s standing on marriage, reduce God to an adjective, weaken support for Israel, and back away from your Second Amendment rights.

    From the Family Research Council

    1. Marsha has a sold lifetime conservative Heritage score of 86% while Gloria Johnson is a leftist loon. I don’t think this presents a head-scratcher for conservative voters.

    2. Marsha has a solid lifetime conservative Heritage score of 86% while Gloria Johnson is a leftist loon. I don’t think this presents a head-scratcher for conservative voters.

  3. The fact that this Senator has not had any town-hall meetings or other give-and-take sessions with her constituents should say plenty about this individual. The fact that she has even gotten away with making DEATH threats against her opponents as early as twenty-four years ago when the Legislature was voting on the state income tax bill without facing felony charges or jail time for threatening others’ lives should tell you about her “qualifications” to represent our state. I would hope the people of Tennessee would have enough sense and decency to reject the incumbent Senator this November. She is not fit to represent Tennessee, nor to even call herself a Tennessean. Wake up, Tennessee, and reject this right-wing Nazi-loving fanatic!

    1. Gee William, I hate to see you get yourself all worked up over such a hopeless cause because Marsha will be our U.S. Senator for just as long as she wants to be. She is a solidly conservative senator representing a solidly conservative state. Tennessee is perfectly awake, but never woke. Life is good.

      BTW, I think it would be better if you didn’t go around calling people “Nazis” like some left-wing nut case.

      1. It’s projection. The nazis were left wing socialists, the left around the world actually follows nazi doctrine much closer than marxist doctrine. The differences between the two are largely irrelevant in any case.

    2. Actually Blackburn does scheduled townhalls by district and via phone.
      I’ve bn part of a couple
      U can access these on her website
      Also she holds monthly sessions with the county sheriff’s statewide
      Only thing she needs to improve is her conservative rating to above 95%
      Re abortion and such on the rnc platform, abortion has bn corrected and returned to the states, where it should hv always bn.
      It is not a constitutional matter. Abortion became legislative bc of a lawsuit not political referendum
      The purpose of a political parties platform is bring in new voters.

      1. WELL SAID MOLLY! And if the Republicans included the language the Right-to-Lifers want they will net lose voters without accomplishing anything. That’s dumb and our great senior Senator didn’t become our Senator for as long as she wants to by being dumb.

  4. If she and her fellow Tennessee Republicans had a genuine mandate in this state, they would not have to resort to voter suppression, voter intimidation, gerrymandering, making access to voting booths hard for working people, young people, and low-income people to access. Nor would we have laws that forbid people who have COMPLETED their prison time to immediately regain their voting rights. Also, Marsha would not feel the need to hide from voters instead of having frequent town-meetings.

    She is like the antebellum slave-owners who deluded themselves into thinking that their slaves wanted to remain slaves instead of asserting for equal rights. And yet, these same slave-owners felt the need to arm themselves to the teeth due to fear of insurrections, the need to censor and prohibit meaningful debate on slavery, and to inflict brutal punishments and torture on any slave who showed even the SLIGHTEST sign of discontent.

    This is really an admission that neither were antebellum slaves content with their lot and that the Tennessee conservatives have far less of a mandate than they claim to. Otherwise, the conservatives (or should I say right-wing extremists) would not feel the need to brutally suppress the voting rights of those Tennesseans who don’t share their views. No political party in a state with such a pathetically low voter turnout as Tennessee does cannot truly claim to have a mandate in this state.

    Marsha is no different than that FEMALE PIMP, Gabrielle Hanson, who did prison time for grooming girls for prostitution, before she lost her election last fall to the incumbent Williamson County mayor. Nor is she any different from the thugs like the Proud Boys and Moms For Liberty who surrounded her candidacy.

  5. Personally I don’t recall Blackburn threatening anyone specifically during the income tax debate
    However she did encourage individuals to come to the statehouse that day, phone calls would hv bn enough.
    Hundreds did so
    That rino guv’r and his ilk did hide in chamber.
    Property damage did occur
    This is why I do hope this is her last term. She failed us and the country by not keeping her word re J-6
    “Hypocrite” comes to mind everytime I think about it

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