Border Experts Say Biden’s Plan Will Bring Another 2 Million Illegals Into Country A Year

Image: U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) joined Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas), John Cornyn (R-Texas), and several of their GOP colleagues in a press conference to discuss President Biden’s deceptive executive order on immigration and his administration’s refusal to enforce the law. (Blackburn’s comments at bottom of article.) Image Credit: Senator Blackburn Press Office

By Bethany Blankely [The Center Square contributor] –

Former Border security leaders serving under multiple presidents and whose careers span decades in law enforcement say President Joe Biden’s “border security” announcement Tuesday won’t secure the border but instead will facilitate more illegal immigration, bringing in another two million people into the country illegally a year.

“The border will never be ‘shut down’ under this executive action but rather serve to legalize an unjustified level of open borders that will further perpetuate the chaos and lawlessness we’ve experienced during the entirety of the Biden Administration,” former U.S. Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan told The Center Square. “The proposed action will, at a minimum, allow more than one million illegal aliens to be released into the county annually, along with another one million inadmissible aliens being allowed to fly into interior airports within the U.S.,” referring to the CBP One app that allows migrants to apply for entry remotely.

Biden said that through his executive action, “Migrants will be restricted from receiving asylum unless they seek it through an established lawful process, making an appointment through a port of entry,” he said, referring to the CBP One app.

Multiple attorneys general have sued to stop the app from being used, arguing it bypasses laws established by Congress and creates an “illegal visa” program.

The president’s executive action doesn’t secure the border in any way, Morgan said. “It doesn’t end catch and release; it doesn’t end the unlawful use of parole; it doesn’t increase interior enforcement; it doesn’t end the significant loopholes being exploited by the cartels, and it doesn’t provide additional resources to U.S. Customs and Border Protection to secure, defend and protect our nation’s borders.”

Morgan has been sounding the alarm about known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) coming through the southwest and northern borders, something Biden’s executive action doesn’t address.

Biden’s action applies only to the southwest border, not the northern border, which is experiencing record illegal entries and the greatest number of KSTs being apprehended in the country, The Center Square reported.

Asylum restrictions kick in when “high levels of encounters at the Southern Border exceed our ability to deliver timely consequences,” Biden’s plan states.

The number of KSTs apprehended at the northern border continue to outpace those apprehended at the southwest border and record numbers of illegal border crossers continue to be reported entering the northern border, The Center Square reported.

Morgan has been sounding the alarm about known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) coming through the southwest and northern borders, something Biden’s executive action doesn’t address.

Biden’s action applies only to the southwest border, not the northern border, which is experiencing record illegal entries and the greatest number of KSTs being apprehended in the country, The Center Square reported.

Asylum restrictions kick in when “high levels of encounters at the Southern Border exceed our ability to deliver timely consequences,” Biden’s plan states.

The number of KSTs apprehended at the northern border continue to outpace those apprehended at the southwest border and record numbers of illegal border crossers continue to be reported entering the northern border, The Center Square reported.

But the president and his administration, “they want open borders,” he said, reiterating what he’s said before: President Biden is the only president in U.S. history to “unsecure the border on purpose. … and has created the greatest national security crisis since 9/11.”

The record number of KSTs coming through the border, cartel and gang crime flooding U.S. cities, “this is all by design,” Homan said. “This administration isn’t fooling anyone. Everyone on the Hill knows it but the Democrats play along with the lie. This is a shameful political move just before an election.”

Former U.S. Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott also took issue with a claim that Biden’s plan reportedly limits illegal entries to 2,500 a day, calling it “political theater.”

“Immigration policies that allow the current lawlessness to continue are not going to discourage foreign nationals from attempting to illegally enter our country,” Scott said. “If we cannot control who and what enters our national home, any sense of safety is a façade.”

The Biden plan’s restrictions have exceptions as the daily limits in the Senate bill did. The Senate bill, which Biden claimed was the strongest in the country, failed to get a hearing in the Senate and went nowhere. Exceptions to immigration limits included families and unaccompanied minors who are not Canadian or Mexican citizens, meaning people from all over the world would be processed for entry, which is current policy, The Center Square reported.

“Anyone being remotely intellectually honest knows that, five months before the election, this is not a serious and meaningful action being taken by the president to secure our borders,” Morgan said. “It’s a political stunt.”

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) Press Conference Remarks

Under President Biden, Every Town is a Border Town:

“The American people are living the results of this open border. Every town is a border town. Every state is a border state, and it is all because Joe Biden’s border policy is an open border. And we have seen that from day one. Just look at the 94 executive actions that he took in his first 100 days – 94 that opened up the border and made legal immigration more difficult and opened the way for illegal immigration. Indeed, you could say that one of the focuses of this administration has been to make illegal legal.”

Biden is Helping Illegal Aliens Circumvent Rule of Law:

“We have an American President who is choosing to find ways to help people circumvent the rule of law. That is what this administration is doing, and you need look no further than Biden’s border policy by the numbers – the 94 executive actions, the 10 million illegal aliens that have crossed into this country… Start to add up these numbers. Look at what it gives you. It gives you the number one issue with the American people, which is the open southern border. It is the 108,000 drug deaths from last year – people that are dying of fentanyl. It is the gangs that are in our communities that have never seen a gang, the crime that is in our streets, the human trafficking, the sex trafficking.”

Biden Dismantled President Trump’s Secure Border:

“The numbers are adding up, and here you go with an election-year political gimmick to try to push this issue aside so that he can go to a debate and say, ‘Well, I did something…’ He did do something. He did it on day one by dismantling a secure border that President Trump had handed over to him and turning it into an open border where we do not know who is coming into the country or the reason they are coming into the country.”

About the Author: Bethany Blankley is a writer at the Center Square, Patheos/Hedgerow, political analyst and former press secretary at Capitol Hill / NY / WDC. Follow Bethany on Twitter@BethanyBlankley.

2 thoughts on “Border Experts Say Biden’s Plan Will Bring Another 2 Million Illegals Into Country A Year

  • June 6, 2024 at 1:45 am

    A hundred years ago citizens would have had Biden hung/shot for the things he has done since day 1 of his office.

    But you, the Citizens, have lost those things necessary, “Morals, Integrity, Honesty” to remain a “SELF GOVERN” Nation.

    When your character is as low as the “Devil’s Disciples”, there’s not enough differences between you to fight over,

    that old saying, “Evil prevails when Good men do nothing”, is not exactly right,

    “Good men” will do something, because their “Morals, Integrity, Honesty” won’t allow them to “DO NOTHING”.

    And when good is weighed and found wanting, God makes sure that nation doesn’t survive for very long.

    Many of this Nation may not like to hear the “TRUMP OF DONALD”,
    but it’s time for that “TRUMP Of GOD” to be heard,

    followed by a short 7 years of “GREAT TRIBULATIONS” which “NO FLESH” would survive except Jesus returned.

  • June 28, 2024 at 8:52 pm

    I have a very simple solution to unwanted immigrants: make their native countries livable once again and they will GLADLY return to their place. It was our misguided U.S. foreign policy going back over a century and a half that destabilized their countries thereby forcing them to migrate to our southern borders. Also, the desire by employers in this country to hire migrant workers to do jobs that native Americans refused to do is another factor. Tackle those two factors and problem solved without huge lavish law enforcement budgets or border vigilante thugs like I.C.E. and D.E.A.! Quit wasting taxpayer money on overpriced border patrols that simply terrorize other people!


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