Defending Faith, Family & Freedom: Tennessee House District 27 Candidate Michele Reneau Interview On Heartland Journal

Defending Faith, Family & Freedom: Tennessee House District 27 Candidate Michele Reneau Interview On Heartland Journal

Joining Steve Abramowicz and the Heartland Journal Podcast is Michele Reneau, who is running for Tennessee State Representative for District 27, which includes part of Hamilton County.

Michele is committed to Defending Faith, Family, and Freedom as core values that have shaped the foundation of our state.

As a constitutional conservative, Michele will support policies that strengthen families and uphold individual freedoms. This includes making Tennessee uncomfortable for illegal immigration, preserving the right to bear arms and ensuring policies that affirm parents have the freedom to make decisions that best serve the welfare and future of their children.

Michele will advocate for the principles that have made Tennessee exceptional, securing a brighter future for generations to come.

For more info visit her website HERE.

Check out the interview below:

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