Governor Lee Should Convene A Special Investigative Grand Jury – 3 “GOP” Should Be Recalled From Rutherford School Board

Governor Lee Should Convene A Special Investigative Grand Jury - 3 “GOP” Should Be Recalled From Rutherford School Board

Governor Lee Should Convene A Special Investigative Grand Jury – 3 “GOP” Should Be Recalled From Rutherford School Board

Image Credit: Gov. Bill Lee / Facebook

Submitted by Thomas Budds –

Special Investigative Grand Juries are authorized by state law and empowered to look-into the procurement and distribution of certain materials to minors as well as misconduct by public employees, and elected officials; we need one convened now concerning school libraries statewide. School Board decisions are inconsistent, undermining the law and statewide efforts to abate child access to sexually explicit books. We need to determine if continuing procurement and access issues are “systemic”, or intentional acts by people to violate state law; an investigative Grand Jury can make correction recommendations as well as indict wrongdoers.  

Last week, Rutherford County “GOP” School Board members Stan Vaught and Butch Vaughn joined with Chairwoman Claire Maxwell voting to make books with sexually explicit language available to minors. What constitutes explicit sexual language was openly discussed, with examples given, in committee hearings in the capitol when writing this law; the law is clear, but these school board members’ moral clarity is not. Adults can go to to see what some GOP “leaders” think is ok for our kids, or go to YouTube about last Thursday’s hearing, September 19th.

These three “GOP Elitists” were elected to apply moral values on our behalf when making decisions concerning our kids, but instead of helping our community flush the “cultural toilet”, they voted to add more crap to the bowl! 

Stan Vaught put on the “good-old-southern-boy” act as he proposed making ALL the sexually explicit material available to minors in a “special reading area” missing the moral point altogether.  Frustrated, he said, I thought I was going to be dealing with “building” things, not this kind of stuff. Smells like the board’s code of ethics regarding construction may need public reviewing for the newly elected members. We wouldn’t want the same misunderstanding concerning “building things” as we witnessed concerning sexually explicit books.

Butch Vaughn comported himself much like the democrat’s presidential candidate with confused mumbling word salads, appearing to often look across the horseshoe arranged tables for a nod or a wink from Mr. Vaught for guidance on how to vote, as Vaughn demonstrated moral chaos.

Chairwoman Claire Maxwell outraged many in attendance as she voted to furnish, ALL the sexually explicit books to our minor school children. She absolutely “STUNNED” most attendees when, in her prepared closing statement she said, “I prayed a lot about this decision” “suggesting” God had influenced her to conclude that ALL the sexually explicit books be made available to minors. Some gasped out loud, what “god” was she praying to, blasphemy?

Governor Lee should petition the TN Attorney General to convene a “Special Investigative Grand Jury”, forthwith, to examine the schoolbook procurement and distribution process so they can “INDICT” those continuing to violate state law including those hiding behind an “elected” status; no one is above the law.

All three GOP should be recalled and never again be allowed to run on the Republican ticket. Their culturally “leftist votes” constitutes moral malfeasance, separation from the GOP platform, and a stab in the back of our children.

I suggest the adult readers of this article go to to see exactly how you and our children were betrayed; form your own opinion then demand a recall and Grand Jury! 

About the Author: Thomas Budds is a Tennessee resident that writes from Murfreesboro. He is a Retired Major Crime/Homicide Investigator – Transnational, Organized Crime, & Threat Assessment

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2 Responses

  1. Great article. A lot of Libs pretend to be Republicans so they can get elected to the School Board.
    The solution is to get the Rutherford GOP involved and to “out” the Libs, as you are doing.
    In Williamson, until 2 years ago 10 of the 12 school board members were Libs. Now only about 3.
    And the TN GOP deserves some of the blame – a well-known Leftist ran as a Republican against a true conservative and got the Dems to vote for him and won the primary by a small number of votes. The True Conservative filed a complaint and the TN GOP refused to do anything because he had paid his $35 and voted in the Repub primaries as a lot of Libs do.
    The TN GOP needs to let the County GOP determine who is a conservative and who isn’t. If someone votes for CRT, Porn Books and all the things Libs want, they are a Lib, not a conservative.
    The TN GOP needs to be ridiculed when they are stupid.

  2. Austin Maxwell is head of the RINO RUCO GOP, yes Claire Maxwell’s husband. He ran Vaught and Vaughn campaigns from their respective basements to secure the chair for Claire. His reasoning was that we would have an all Republican board. Does it look like an all Republican board?

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