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Submitted by Milton Huddleston –
A great thing about TN Conservative News is that readers can post comments. If you have any ideas or comments, please add them below. If you like this idea, you can use it without crediting me – I don’t claim a copyright or ownership. I’m just writing this as a good deed.
I intend to submit this to Governor Lee and hope he has interest in TN being the first state to do this. If he doesn’t, I’ll contact the Republican Governor’s Association, other Republican governors, and maybe President Trump’s staff.
I’m a conservative and trained in project and program analysis. That’s why I’m interested in this. I’m not a politician and don’t work for government.
With any project, you want to start with what’s most important and then do what is most efficient. It’s very important to get off to a good, successful start to build momentum, confidence and enthusiasm. Try to avoid disasters, big setbacks, and stupid mistakes. Don’t underestimate your opponents (in this case the Dems).
Deporting 10 million illegals is a massive project and we can expect the Libs and the Dem mayors and Dem states to file lawsuits to try to slow it up and to whine and try to portray ICE and President Trump as evil.
What and Why > The approach described here would be efficient, effective, and an easy, successful way to start. It would identify the cities and states that want help from ICE (“Safe Cities”) and those that don’t. It would result in illegals voluntarily leaving “Safe Cities” and migrating to cities that don’t identify as “Safe Cities” (which will mostly be Dem-controlled cities). It would be good for Republicans and expose Libs, Dems and RINO’s who don’t care if dangerous illegals are in their cities, and bring increasing public pressure on them.
There would be 3 categories of cities >
– “Safe Cities” who officially ask for ICE help (those cities would have to take an official action).
– Official “Sanctuary Cities” who refuse ICE help
– Cities that don’t ask for ICE help would not be “Safe Cities” and can be assumed to be sanctuary cities even if they aren’t officially “Sanctuary Cities”
Top Priority > Obviously, ICE’s first priority will be to identify and deport criminals and people who are a threat to the U.S.
Cut Off the Fed Money for Illegals > The first thing President Trump would do is cut off Fed money that cities are using to subsidize illegals. Cut that off to ALL cities – that will scare them and send a message. Cities that want illegals need to pay for them (they are mostly Dem cities). I recommend that all Fed money for Mass Transit is also cut off. That would put pressure on cities that are housing illegals. For example, NY City projected they would spend about $4 billion in 2025 on illegals and voters are turning against the Mayor of Chicago. Those cities are having to raise taxes and cut services to tax-paying residents. If for some reason the money can’t be “cut off”, “review” it and write new bureaucratic rules that slow it up (that’s the approach the Dems have used).
My recommendation is > States or the Feds should start a program called the “Safe Cities Program”. For example, TN could initiate a Safe Cities Program and I think President Trump and ICE would cooperate because it would make ICE’s job easier. Start with the objective of identifying and deporting criminals and terrorists – most Americans agree with that.
How to Be a Safe City > Cities that want ICE’s help in deporting dangerous illegals would pass an Official Resolution that they want to be a Safe City and that they will cooperate with and assist ICE, and then notify ICE (or their Governor, who would notify ICE). States can assist and encourage the cities.
This is an efficient and effective approach that would have these benefits >
1. To start, it’s smart to focus on dangerous illegals and not getting bogged down by trying to deport all illegals at once. It makes sense that getting rid of the criminals and terrorists is the top priority.
2. It is efficient and would let ICE remove the most criminals in the least time because they would have the support and help of the Safe Cities.
3. ICE would know the path of least resistance and will be able to get the fastest results (i.e., they would know the cities that will cooperate and those that won’t cooperate and would start with the cities that want help and will cooperate). That would build momentum, confidence and enthusiasm.
4. ICE would start off with success, and that’s always important.
5. It avoids the negative emotional news coverage that would come from trying to force it down a city’s throat (it doesn’t give the Dems and the Dem Press an emotional issue).
6. ICE would start out as the “Good Guys”, not the “Bad Guys”.
7. It will prove that ICE can successfully work with cities to make cities safer.
8. It will put pressure on the cities that aren’t Safe Cities to become Safe Cities, especially when they realize that the Dangerous Illegals will voluntarily move from the Safe Cities to the official and unofficial Sanctuary Cities. Hopefully, residents of a city will ask “Are we a Safe City?” and if a city isn’t a “Safe City”, their Dem leaders will have to try to explain why they want dangerous illegal criminals and terrorists.
9. It’s a Low Risk – High Reward way to start that achieves the top priority in the fastest time.
What will happen is this >
# 1 – The dangerous illegals (and illegals in general) will move from the Safe Cities to the official and unofficial Sanctuary Cities, which will be every city that isn’t a “Safe City”. That will cause problems in those cities and their citizens will complain, like is happening in Chicago, and their political leaders will lose support, like is happening in Chicago.
# 2 – It will identify which cities want help from ICE to deport criminals and which ones don’t. My guess is that Nashville and Memphis will refuse to be “Safe Cities” but it will be fun to watch them argue.The Libs will show how dumb they are and their popularity will decrease. Every time an illegal commits a crime, it can be publicized. It will be easy to say “They chose to not be a Safe City.” It will also identify the RINO’s, who can then be targeted for defeat. Over time, I think additional cities will choose to become Safe Cities because of pressure from their citizens.
Then What’s Next? Once the dangerous illegals are removed from the Safe Cities, then ICE can decide what to do next. My guess is that it could take at least 6 months to remove the dangerous illegals are from the Safe Cities. Take it one step at a time.
Why it’s Best at the Start to Avoid a Big Fight > Some people might say “Start by Arresting the Mayors of Sanctuary Cities”. I agree that would be fun but that can come later. A lot of the big-talking Mayors will fold. The Dems are already worried by the size of Trump’s victory. At the start, it will be more productive to deport the maximum number of dangerous illegals as quickly as possible, and avoid big fights until later. If you give them a chance, some of the Dems might try to pick fights because that will slow everything down and they like being martyrs.
If you have any ideas, please comment below. If you know anyone in government who might be interested, please send them a link to this.
If you like this idea, you can use it without crediting me – I don’t claim a copyright or ownership. I’m just writing this as a good deed.
2 Responses
Fully agree, Milton.
We need a petition here for this.
Hi Dwayne. Good idea. I contacted Gov. Lee’s office and they’re going to call me.
I think if ICE starts with cities that want their help, they will be able to deport twice as many in 6 months. If ICE starts with the cities that don’t want them, it will be slow going and the ACLU has already said they will sue. I saw the ACLU say that on Fox tonight.
Help the good guys first.